2025 Personal Psychic Forecast

Let me be your Intuitive Guide through 2025, to support you to Light your Fire and do what you were born to do 🔥


Let 2025 be the year you ignite your fire through each month, guiding you deeply on track with the fruition of your Life Purpose aka the reason you were born to embody your LIGHT and change the entire world by shining soooo bright! 🌟

You're tired of getting hit, wave after wave and just want some Peace, grounding and movement next year right? 

You seem like you're just moving forward and then something else happens right? 

You know that 'this is life' and what seems to happen, is the more sensitive, intuitive and aware you become yes, but some warning would be brilliant and helpful at times, yes?

Don't despair, with your 2025 Personal Forecast, this is your saviour to guide you over these waves, so you are not dumped and washed up on the shore with sand in your cracks, but riding those waves in like a pro and gaining the trophy and prizes at the end 🏆

Your 2025 Personal Forecast is a audio recorded and emailed to you, alongside an image of the cards that are pulled for each month for you. You are also given reference for particular months that it would be helpful to re-listen and revisit your 2025 Personal Psychic Forecast. 


A Card will be drawn for each month over your 2025, so you can visually see what month is what as I tune in for the energies for your Personal 2025 to support you with this huge energetic shift we are all collectively experiencing.


Create Your Freedom! It is time to be empowered by your Light, rather than floored by the darkness and step into the cycles of JOY. It is time to RISE in 2025 🔥


It's time to take back your power and create the life YOU want in 2025

No! It's not all about doom and gloom! It's time to transform the shit, straighten your Crown and step into your Priestess & Wizard power in the way you - are long overdue for! 

The purpose of your 2025 Personal Forecast, is so you can know when the waves will hit at the most pivotal times, so you can prepare and choose something different, rather than being wiped time and time again. 

This is your guiding Light, having that support to take you into our Light Bearing years of 2025 and beyond.

Your future is created by the actions and choices you make today, your 2025 Personal Forecast, helps you make the highest choices that are in alignment with your Soul's Life Purpose in this lifetime. 

This is a gift to yourself, to be prepared for your Personal Energy Waves over 2025. 


What is the Investment?

**Investment increasing to $177 on the 1st November**




2025 Personal Psychic Forecast

Audio Recorded & Emailed to you

Photo of the Cards for your 12 Months Plus a Visual Reference Timeline to refer back to over 2025

Delivery before end of October 2024


"I don’t think I could have survived 2020 the way I did without Hannah’s forecast and I intend to make it a yearly essential ritual as part of my non-negotiables ! It’s much more than a forecast... it’s a road map and a companion! It’s also not just a one time shot thing...because you listen to it throughout the year again and every time you ear it differently as your year unfolds and as you need to. It’s also amazing to listen to it and see how accurate everything that was said matches what actually happended in ways that we sometimes don’t even see and the interpretation of it is just sooooo interesting! And it’s not about knowing the future...but supporting your soul journey. It’s a great toolbox to enter a new year... a bit more prepared, a bit more supported with a lot of insights to help you navigate in this amazing time on earth. We all need this forecast to welcome 2021, Hannah’s totally got it and the feeling of being in the right hands is priceless! Thank you Hannah for your clarity, and authentic sense of service...and for making me feel always so safe and heard and guided exactly in the way it’s needed. "

Charlotte Valentine
The Divine Experience Coach

"I value Hannah's guidance and clarity when it comes to tuning into energy. I have been utilising her meditations and guidance for a good few years now. I purchased a yearly forecast for the year 2020 and have found Hannah is able to provide high-vibrational awareness of the energies I am experiencing from month to month. As Hannah explains "Nothing is set in stone" - but the forecast allowed me the opportunity to have a "higher awareness" throughout the year so that I am in a greater position to take complete responsibility in my life in all areas. Taking responsibility in all areas of my life feels expansive, is empowering and is also joy and freedom. Thank you deeply Hannah."

Anita Walker
Anita's Tarot Readings

"Wow. I looked back on my 2020 forecast reading Hannah did for me and it was wildly on point! It's great to have this to look back on because it is a lot of information and it really resonated with my path and all the changes that have been shifting. This year isn't even over yet and I'm already satisfied with all the changes I've been making, keeping this reading in mind (what to focus on/what might surface etc.) Thank you so much Hannah!"

Marina Tezak
Collective Connections

Ready for Your 2025 Personal Psychic Forecast

2025 is your year to EMBODY your LIGHT & JOY 🌟


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