🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 17th August 2021
Aug 17, 2021🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 17th August 2021
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Fairies for you today 🧚🏻♀️🧚🏻
Our current 3D world, is governed by the polarising forces - however, at anytime, we can integrate and break away from 3D energetics and step into the 5D and higher frequencies to play in the realm outside 3D laws - whilst still functioning, being a part of and thriving here.
Are you ready to come on a journey that transforms your entire 3D reality just by allowing forces to disintegrate, dissolve and rapidly shift as your consciousness thrives to accelerate the reason you are here?
Click here for all the details, our journey commences soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Autumn. “In the fall season, everything together and you reap wonderful harvests of abundance.”
Letting Go. The Autumn card is a deep symbolism and what I heard so strongly with this card today is ‘This is so much bigger than you’. I feel that what you are working through right now - is releasing and shifting generational ties, webs, realities and you are clearing the slate for generations to come from what you are working on. I am sensing that you know this, however, it is a strong message here for you today. I am sensing too, that the feminine healing is a big piece in this as well. This - is allowing you to step into your own sense of being, rather than creating a life unconsciously of everything that is not the true version of who you really are. I am also getting too that through all of this - something is wanting to birth through you - you can feel that too right? With all the releasing, letting go and shifting, you are clearing the slate - so that this thing, that has been on your mind, can birth through you yes? I am sensing that this has been on your mind for quite some time and yet, there has not only been a divine timing about it all, but I feel that you’ve needed to be ready and to have walked through certain influences and come out the other side - before you can do this particular thing. So, stop beating yourself up for any of it, and trust in Divine Timing, your intuition and what you know to be true, rather than thinking on what currently isn’t. And just on that, has there been a piece where you have let yourself think that what you have been doing is wrong? Or have you come out of a situation recently where you have always felt that inside you? Almost like whatever you thought you were going to do or tried to do - just was met with negativity? If you have been feeling ‘slow to start’ recently - this, is what you have also been letting go of out of your system as well. Right now for you, is a huge recalibration into finding out who you truly are - releasing anything that is not that and coming into a space within you that you haven’t truly lived before, but always dreamt that ‘that is who you are’ and who you see yourself to be, but you just haven’t been that, allowed that, or lived that completely - yet. However, everything you are doing right now, is preparing you to step into that version of yourself… and that - is coming close ‘any moment now’. I feel this card for you is deep confirmation of what you are doing, where your Heart is leading you to and what you know you need to do for yourself and your Life Purpose in your life - away from all the noise, away from everyone telling you this and that and all the things - you’re doing you now, listening to you now and ‘coming into’ a deeper self love, a time for you - and the world.. needs more of that. Be inspired and inspire. Love more and cherish who you are - which again, I feel is confirmation for you. Do more of this. You’re definitely on the right path. You’re safe as you break away from the pack. Love xxx Our current 3D world, is governed by the polarising forces - however, at anytime, we can integrate and break away from 3D energetics and step into the 5D and higher frequencies to play in the realm outside 3D laws - whilst still functioning, being a part of and thriving here. Are you ready to come on a journey that transforms your entire 3D reality just by allowing forces to disintegrate, dissolve and rapidly shift as your consciousness thrives to accelerate the reason you are here? Click here for all the details, our journey commences soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels
Card #2: Business Venture. “Trust and follow through on a new business idea or career opportunity.”
What was the first thing, the first aspect of your new plan/idea that came to mind as you read that first message of the card? For some reason it is sooo strong - don’t delay making it a priority every day - or every week. Sometimes it is easier and better to structure your time, around doing a dedicated day or hours per week on that topic, project or task - to allow more time during the week for not only other activities, but it creates a momentum of the current idea you’re working on. I am sensing that this new idea is birthing something a lot bigger than what you are aware of right now and even thought this new idea feels exciting, I wonder if a part of you is like, mmmm yeah and I have a lot of other things to do too. Outsourcing help is required here, as is also making sure that this idea is grounded and brought to fruition, as mentioned, it is a lot bigger project/foundational source for what is about to come for you. I am also getting the message about balance for you - as is with stillness. Have you been craving stillness, or quietness? Have you felt like your senses are on overload? Have you still been ‘busy’ but also craving something different - just… the you time perhaps? I am also getting the message about the ‘balance’ - that - do you believe that you are worthy of having time out for yourself? Or do you feel you still need to achieve something ‘before’ you can? As I am sensing that this message comes for you to be okay with taking time out for you. It is almost like - you do it, but a part of you isn’t fully receiving those moments, because underneath you’re still on edge, because you have’t done this thing or this. Thing or you still have xyz on your mind and that project isn’t finished. The thing is - is that when you have your own business - nothing is ever finished. There is always some new idea, something else to get done, some other project to start or just - always something. The key here with the ‘balance’ for you, is about actually giving yourself permission to just be 100% present with what you are doing. If you are working = you’re 100% present. If you are with your family or taking time out - let yourself be 100% okay with doing that. The work projects? You ALWAYS get them done - even if it is at last minute (Last minute Queen here!) And yet - are you sitting there thinking there is anything wrong with that? As this - is just how you work and you’re damn good at it too. So understand that this is your talent, this is your gift and this is actually how you’ve always made things work too. Society conditioning controls us when we think we should be doing something other than the way WORKS for our Soul and our Life. So release that conditioning now and amplify your skills, your talents and the way you have always made success consistent in your life. I am also getting the message about not doubting your ideas or your work. Just because someone may be judging you for what you are doing, don’t let their own closed minded judgements stop you from doing what your Life Purpose is calling of you. They will see one day ‘why you do what you do’. Right now, you don’t need to prove anything, but let them leave, let them stew and get on with your work. People getting triggered means you’re doing something right. Keep going. Love xxx Our current 3D world, is governed by the polarising forces - however, at anytime, we can integrate and break away from 3D energetics and step into the 5D and higher frequencies to play in the realm outside 3D laws - whilst still functioning, being a part of and thriving here. Are you ready to come on a journey that transforms your entire 3D reality just by allowing forces to disintegrate, dissolve and rapidly shift as your consciousness thrives to accelerate the reason you are here? Click here for all the details, our journey commences soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels
Card #3: Dietary Change. “Improve your diet and your life will also improve.”
Hmmm, if you haven’t already begun - you’ve been getting the message commencing a detox right? And yet, I feel it is deeper than this. I feel you’ve been preparing for, if you haven’t already commenced, you’ve been preparing for not just a detox - but an entire lifestyle change right? The adrenaline, the change - have you been feeling like a huge life change is upon you soon? Or maybe you consciously know and have been planning for that with a change in home life/work life perhaps - but I also wonder if you can feel something coming that you are not sure what that is? When we feel this, it is usually a big life change that is overdue and it feels like a natural disaster or something coming. It is a big as a tsunami - because it truly is, what the next phase of our life about to ‘land on the shore’ and for that - all the old needs to be washed away. So, if you’re feeling this, it is just big change coming to your life that is all. If you’ve been getting the diet change/detox message this is obviously a time to heed that message and that call but also - this could be the big change coming, as you’ve specifically chosen this card today. What you eat - becomes a part of you. You know that saying, ‘You are what you eat’? That. What you eat becomes your cells, your blood, your bones. And so - you become what you eat. Think about what you’ve eaten in this last week, this last month - all that stores in your cells, blood, bones, brain - let alone what you are ‘eating through your screen’ - what are you watching, consuming and being pulled into? Therefore what reality are you choosing you to live? You might think, ‘Yeah, Hannah, I watch that stuff, but I don’t let it affect me.’ Well, your subconscious is absorbing it all, therefore you’re living it even subconsciously and this is a ‘food’ source for you. It is something that your Soul, your Psyche is absorbing and that triggers certain neural pathways to fire, let alone release certain chemicals in your brain and body. For example, if you grew up around abuse as normal, but you are ‘trying to and do live a peaceful life’ - but you are absorbing social media world stuff or god forbid even the news - you are living it honey. Don’t tell me it’s because you are keeping an eye on what is going on. You will always get shown what is going on in the world if someone randomly stops you on the street or beach and starts talking to you about it - don’t worry, you’ll be shown. And yet, I am getting this particular strong message here for you - ‘Improve your diet and your life will also improve.’ - that abusive negative cycle? Is stuck in your cells - from what you eat honey. And THAT is why you sense such a big change coming - because, it is. You won’t be drawn into that stuff so much because like a magnet right now in your cells, comfortable, used to that vibration in your life - not going to be a match anymore. You can now embody the peaceful life - you’ve been craving, desiring… and have ‘tried living’ for so long and ‘done so much inner work’ - it’s now time for body cleansing. For… lifestyle change. And that? Enables you to birth - who YOU are. And that? Is what you’ve longing for ALL along. TO find the other half of you.. to find ‘home’ - that… is YOU right? You’re about to birth. Let yourself come out of the closet and show the world… and yourself who you really are. You thought you were already living? Life is about to get 10 times better baby…. Receive and FLY precious one. You deserve this after all you’ve been through. Love xxx Our current 3D world, is governed by the polarising forces - however, at anytime, we can integrate and break away from 3D energetics and step into the 5D and higher frequencies to play in the realm outside 3D laws - whilst still functioning, being a part of and thriving here. Are you ready to come on a journey that transforms your entire 3D reality just by allowing forces to disintegrate, dissolve and rapidly shift as your consciousness thrives to accelerate the reason you are here? Click here for all the details, our journey commences soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels
Card #4: Winter. ‘The answers to your prayers and affirmations are fully realised in the winter months.’
If you’ve been wondering ‘when’ in answer to your question - the answer is Winter. Is this about a house? Or house move, or something to do with your home? And I wonder if the ‘house’ part is about your body? Our physical body is the Source of ‘home’ for our Soul. Also - are you born in Winter? What does Winter mean to you? It is a place of hibernation of finding who you are on the inside and coming back into the light in the spring time, birthing a new you. No matter what season it actually is for you where you are right now, I am sensing that right now is like a Winter for you and you are finding who you are, shifting a lot of internal crap and stuck stuff and even birthing new projects in this dawning phase. I am getting the message that the Spring energy is near for you, physically or metaphorically and this ‘dark phase’ of your life is almost over so, ‘hang in there’ and know that you’re about to shift into a light, bright and super happy space of your life, very soon. It feels significant for you, that you are coming into this next phase of your life - it feels like you’ve - been waiting your entire life for this moment in time and I keep getting the message that ‘You’re safe now. It is okay to be yourself, it is okay to make choices on your own. You can do this. Your Soul has always known what to do. Are you releasing grief out of your lungs, or tears out of your eyes right now? I am also getting the sense that you have been brushing off the reality of wanting a ‘partner in crime’ to do life with. Either a friendship or a lover and I feel you want it, but then brush it off for whatever reason or excuse comes through your mind/awareness/energy but at it’s core? You want someone to walk this life with but not just anyone. Someone who is as deep as you, someone who gets you, loves you accepts you as you. I am getting the message that this ‘hibernation’ - when you truly come out into the world, when you come through this ‘Winter’ phase right now? You’re about to step into completely being you - in such a different and big way… into a way and being of you that you maybe ‘forgot’ who you were because you… well you had to re-write things in your reality, you had to change things and do things. You had to come into ALIGNMENT. And I am sensing the ‘spring’ in your life is almost here. And with this ALIGNMENT? Is everything you’ve ever dreamed of and so much more. Of course, you still need to take the intuitive action that you do… however, things are going to get easier after this ‘Winter’ phase - so hang in there! And… celebrate how close you truly are. Perhaps you have even had signs of the ‘flowers starting to sprout’ - of signs through people, events and situations coming into your life - that were never there before. These signs are real. Keep going it feels like you’re so close now. Keep noticing the signs - you’re definitely on the right path and Winter is nearly over. Love xxx Our current 3D world, is governed by the polarising forces - however, at anytime, we can integrate and break away from 3D energetics and step into the 5D and higher frequencies to play in the realm outside 3D laws - whilst still functioning, being a part of and thriving here. Are you ready to come on a journey that transforms your entire 3D reality just by allowing forces to disintegrate, dissolve and rapidly shift as your consciousness thrives to accelerate the reason you are here? Click here for all the details, our journey commences soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels
Card #5: Admit Your True Feelings To Yourself. “Be honest with yourself. Only you know what your heart truly desires.”
Ah, is there someone around you - that, hmmm, isn’t necessarily bringing you down, but they kind of are, because they are ‘taking you of purpose’. Tricky to describe. It is like you have a focus, a passion, a purpose. And they haven’t quite found theirs yet. No right or wrong, however, the sense that I am getting here is that the constantly influx of information about what they are sharing is distracting you from doing what you are meant to be doing. It feels like you are needing to set some boundaries and maybe this is your big learning curve right now? It is hardest to set boundaries with those we are closest to. However, if we can’t learn to do it with these people - we won’t be able to do it with any other people int he world either and the world (and your life!) Needs you to be strong energetically, physically, psychically, emotionally, mentally and all the things - for you to get done what you know you need to get done on a Soul level and stop going to bed not being able to sleep or waking up thinking about all the things you should be doing and not getting done - because of the distractions pulling you away. From your Purpose the only reason you won’t be able to sleep is because you are not. Listening to your intuition in some way, shape or form. I am sensing right now it is so important that you take the time to - no - MAKE the time to work on those things your Soul is calling you to do. Whether that is leave that toxic relationship, set boundaries around your time and energy, create space for health and detoxing your body, get more sunlight and nature time, adjust your sleeping cycle so you have more energy to do the things your Soul nourishment requires or whatever it is that your Soul is calling forth IS the reason you are not sleeping at night - oh, is that what it is for you? I am wondering if you have been extremely tired and ‘not with it’ (in a way) during the day, then it gets to night time and you feel ‘awake’ and normal again? This is a sign of obvious body clock out of sync with nature, but also adrenal exhaustion and fatigue. The fastest way to heal it? Start taking immediate action on what your intuition is guiding you to take. Sometimes we are so far away from hearing our intuition, because we keep ignoring it so it gets softer and softer and ‘fades’ away… and yet, it can come back super fast and loud, by simply starting to acknowledge and action what it is guiding you to take. What is the first action step that comes to mind as you read this? That - that is where you start. It might seem illogical but your intuition is not logical and it will all make sense if you just start to follow it - from now. Oh, and you’ll be able to sleep better when you do :) Also, something about a friend. Is there a friend you need to catch up with? Or find new friends? Something to do with a friend, some sort of friendship healing. Perhaps it is about releasing an old friendship so new ones can come in? Either way - be honest with what you deserve about the friendship - because your intuition is already speaking the truth to you - now time for you to accept and follow it - and aligned, soulmate friendships, turn up on that path. Alignment always wins. Are you ready to follow that? Love xxx Our current 3D world, is governed by the polarising forces - however, at anytime, we can integrate and break away from 3D energetics and step into the 5D and higher frequencies to play in the realm outside 3D laws - whilst still functioning, being a part of and thriving here. Are you ready to come on a journey that transforms your entire 3D reality just by allowing forces to disintegrate, dissolve and rapidly shift as your consciousness thrives to accelerate the reason you are here? Click here for all the details, our journey commences soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels
Card #6: Travel. “An upcoming trip proves to be life-changing in positive ways.”
Your Soul is requiring more fun, aliveness and needs to shift the energy right now. What can you plan in, in the next few weeks to a month that is going to bring your Soul alive? Don’t change what is working in your life - but we can itch and want to change everything - because our Soul is needing movement and not just physical exercise (because I feel you have been doing this) but actually a change of scenery, fresh energy, fresh air, movement and just the new energy. I feel this is opening up a part of your Soul you have long forgotten about and is what is required right now, to start - LIVING right? I feel you are remembering this about yourself and have been ‘trying to find your feet’ - actually, you’ve been doing really well at that, not ‘trying’ about it right? And now, you can start venturing out as I feel the foundations have been deeply rooted and embodied and embedded now and this next phase, is you ‘coming back to life’ it feels like. I am also sensing that you are almost putting a block on ‘Travel’ because of the current world events, and yes, sure there are limitations in certain places right now because of your values (and I totally get it!) However, this message for you is to think outside the box, because I am getting the message for you that there is so much more for you to do in your ‘own backyard’ that you haven’t yet explored or seen and have always thought about it and just haven’t done it right? You are only trapped if you think that - truly. If you start thinking how free you are - your whole reality will shift - even if you don’t ‘go anywhere’ - it is a feeling INSIDE of you - and THAT changes everything. Where are you putting limitations on yourself because of outside influences? Because THAT is the piece that needs and gets to change now. You have available to you everything you need and this is a gold ticket to remembering that you have the power to create whichever reality you decide on - right now. Radical Responsibility is required right now, I am feeling that a fire is being lit again and that is ‘what you’ve been waiting for’ - but you had it inside of you - all along right? Now… what Travel - is calling you - right now? It ushers in new energy, new life and… new love for life and that? That brings about all the things that make you feel more love and that? Attracts more love - all the things that make you feel love, receive love… be love. More love please? Think outside the box - better still - LIVE outside of it. Love xxx Our current 3D world, is governed by the polarising forces - however, at anytime, we can integrate and break away from 3D energetics and step into the 5D and higher frequencies to play in the realm outside 3D laws - whilst still functioning, being a part of and thriving here. Are you ready to come on a journey that transforms your entire 3D reality just by allowing forces to disintegrate, dissolve and rapidly shift as your consciousness thrives to accelerate the reason you are here? Click here for all the details, our journey commences soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/shadow-of-the-archangels