A personal share… ✨
Dec 28, 2024A personal share… ✨
I have been receiving many messages asking about my relationship with Shane and so I thought I’d post and share that we are no longer together.
I made the decision to end it about six weeks or so ago. I chose to follow my heart, I chose to trust my intuition - again ✨
Everything can be fine, dandy even, kind, loving and supportive and then something can change and just not feel right anymore.
Trusting your intuition isn’t just about when things are positive and good and not just about when things are bad either. Trusting and following your intuition is a moment by moment life choice.
Then it’s deciphering whether it’s your intuition speaking or a wounded part of yourself or a shadow part playing out sabotaging your hopes, goals, dreams and wishes.
Trusting your intuition requires you to trust so ever deeply that when something that once felt so right, doesn’t anymore and you’re intuition is telling you to leave, that this is no longer the path - do you have the courage to trust it and action it, at that moment it shows up?
I do. And I did.
Trust that what once felt right and then changed and doesn’t anymore, give yourself the courage to follow your intuition even when it doesn’t make logical sense, even when the great shiny thing in front of you or someone trying to tell you it’s right, when something isn’t right in your own heart, trust your own heart anyway.
Narcissistic & toxic relationships ONLY occur because someone or both parties did not listen to their intuition when it told them it wasn’t right anymore and instead of listening to their intuition to leave they stayed and went unconscious instead, leading to all sorts of pain and misery.
Choosing to trust your intuition and actioning it will save you years of heart ache, wrong paths and detrimental lifestyles.
Your intuition always knows and the key to living your best life - in joy and happiness (not pain, trauma and narcissism) - is having the courage to follow the path of your Soul and your intuition is the communication device to hear that path.
I am so grateful for Shane showing up in my life when he did and experiencing what I did with him. He showed me life is here to be lived, he pulled me back into deep alignment with my Purpose and for that I am eternally grateful. He showed me that true love and kindness does exist. He showed me that conscious relationships are available and very real. He also showed me that my intuition and the life I have built for myself are my valuable tools for staying on the path my soul is calling forth for me and this is what I follow and choose.
Thank you Shane ✨
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Doors open 11th January 💛 Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition