A portal was opened yesterday - did you feel it?
Apr 06, 2020
A portal was opened yesterday - did you feel it? Do you feel it still open now? The energy, clear, acutely platinum light - the portal of light - different to a ‘normal portal of light’ it has a different feeling, colour - energy can you feel this? It is still very present right now?
We woke up last night at 3am - wide awake, like we’d had enough sleep and totally awake - clear, concise and deeply present energy. A portal is still open - can you feel it? Did you wake? Do you feel the presence of a Divine Being around you - or many of them?
Are you scared of this portal?
I feel deeply this is the energy of the ‘Invisible Dimension’ - of the 5D Dimension opening.
You know how I always talk about the Heaven on Earth, of the Mayans ‘disappearing without a trace’ they didn’t really disappear - just ascended to another dimension - have you seen or read ‘The Celestine Prophecy’?
The 9th Prophecy - is that we live it - we are in this vibration - so interesting, that I teach about the 9 Chakras - the 8, including the Ears and then there is an Integration - where it is all of them - where the 9th - is the living of all the integration of all of them.
Last night - the Christ Consciousness beamed through my crown and travelled down my spine as I was going to sleep. I must’ve gasped/moved as Lucas asked me what was that and I told him as I was being shown the full Moon Ceremony portal and then Easter coming up - this Divine Christ consciousness Light is strongly being activated right now - can you guys feel it?
Merlin has been sooo strong for me this past 48 hours, just… here with me. SO much streaming through for me right now!
What energy have you been feeling?
There has also been a lot of people private messaging me about the Psychic Attack, Psychic Abuse, Curses, Hexes and Spells and whilst I have informative videos I have done in the past about this - I am being called to do a livestream in the coming days on this topic - have you been experiencing things like this? Let me know and I shall speak more on this topic that I feel so strongly about blasting the truth of the reality of what REALLY goes on when you experience these things
I am also being shown there are like two layers to Earth at the moment - the ‘Light’ if you may and the ‘Dark’ - but.. it is more like - the 3D and the 5D - and maybe - you can see all the layers - and them all co-existing at the same time - does anyone else see this on our Earth right now?
It almost feels like all these global activations and meditations that leaders and leaders alike have been doing this last week - are shifting and activating this in a big, big way.
I always remember in ‘Life on The Other Side’, by Silvia Browne (awesome book btw for anyone wanting to know about Mediumship and what really happens when we die on the Other Side and the transition process, this has deep Soul Resonance with me) - She speaks of this ‘pristine beautiful world’ where there is no pollution, where everyone lives in harmony, where surfers surf all day, where everyone just does their thing in complete unison and harmony’ and ‘that’ is Life on the Other Side when we die (there is more to this in other dimensions) but - the piece is that she explains that this is not separate to Earth - this is not ‘somewhere we go’ - but it is actually here on our Earth Plane.
And this to me - is you know when we feel the veils thin at times and we also sense in certain areas, the energy like pristine clarity and like crystalline energy pouring through - I feel that this is like the veil to the other side - to this dimensional portal opening - like through the Mists of Avalon in a way - that only certain individuals can pass through the Mists and arrive on the other side, without getting lost in translation in the Mists and never returning. There is a certain frequency of person, a certain consciousness of person, who can be in these dimensions and be present at the same time with our 3D Earth plane - is that you?
I feel this multi-dimensional portals of reality existing more clearly than ever right now. Perhaps it is this, this is what ‘Ascension Process’ is… we don’t ‘go anywhere’ - we are here - embodying and anchoring these other dimensions on our Earth (I’ve always spoken about this!) But this - is way more tangible right now and perhaps this is what we are feeling right now. Well, it deeply feels like.
Do you ‘walk in between worlds’? Are you that, multi-dimensional being? (This IS the training I teach in Trust Your Intuition! So I know some of you are totally here with me with this!)
After feeling like I ‘wasn’t getting any information’ and on Friday asking Spirit - what do you want me to do to support Humanity - gosh, the floodgates are open now! Some incredible activations I have been guided to channel for you on our Easter Weekend of Christ Consciousness Light - that is just sooo strong and I wonder how strong will continue over this upcoming week with our Super Full Moon amplifying even more things for us all. I feel it will only get stronger… the Light, the Polarity of the ALL has arisen, has been activated has been AWAKENED - BE the Light, HOLD the Light, AMPLIFY the LIGHT - you ARE the LIGHT and all in between, be The Divine Balance that enables all - to see all parts of themselves, reflected in the Divine Being that YOU are.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. For a limited time, deep 1:1 Support to birth what it is you are here to do in this cocoon - so many are in a portal of Light right now, that might feel like ultimate darkness, confusion and wondering what next - the 30 Day Reality Shifter is where you can get your questions answered, Psychic Senses sharpened and come out the other side with clarity, the abundance you know at your core AND live what you are here to do at the same time, with full freedom and expression of self. Click here for all the details, this is only available for a limited time: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program
P.P.S. Our divine Full Moon Ceremony this week - can you feel the energy portal already from this? Join us live, or catch the replay for this powerful Super Full Moon this week, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions on how to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony