Aug 15, 2023
Under all the pain, under all the trauma, under all the hurt, under all the abandonment, all we are all craving, wanting, desiring… Is the very nature for what we are here for - to feel loved. To feel cared for. To feel like we MATTER. To feel, understood. To feel like… we have a place in the world. To feel like… we belong. To feel like… our Heart Matters!
When we share our Heart with someone, we want to feel accepted, appreciated, heard, and LOVED FOR WHO WE ARE. When we don’t receive this from another person, we not only close down our Heart, but we feel there is something wrong with us. This usually stems from childhood, but can carry over from previous lives obviously.
However, the thing here with our Heart? Is that, just because we didn’t receive the validation we needed when we said the thing = just sharing our heart - what we actually feel instead? Is their judgement. And that get’s energetically stuck in our energy field (how many times do I consistently remind you to clear your energy DAILY?!?!).
When someone else’s thought is stuck in your aura, in your Heart field, you not only carry their energy, but you make their judgement of you (which is just their point of view) - it feels wrong, right? It makes you feel like you've done something wrong.
And when you carry this wrongness - oooohhhh, that is heavy and hurts and…. well, we just step into a place where we can’t do anything right, right? No matter what I do or say - it is just wrong.. so I won’t share my heart anymore.. and so we close down.
And that thing that we just wanted to feel under all of it? Maybe it was validation… Maybe it was acceptance… Maybe it was to be heard… But ultimately what we are wanting with another human being?? What our HEART deeply craves? What we WANT? What we DESIRE? Underneath EVERYTHING? Under… it ALL?
Is CONNECTION. We just want connection. Our HEART craves CONNECTION with another human being. To feel connected. To feel like we belong. We just want to CONNECT.
Think about it…. A child is whiny and won’t leave you alone… but give them 20 Minutes Special/Present Time and they are content. You are texting and scrolling, because you just want to connect… To feel that connection with something or someone that resonates… To FEEL CONNECTED. When we deeply connect to our OWN HEART, through AUTHENTICALLY feeling ALL our feelings - do you know what this does? It allows us to BE COMFORTABLE with feeling full stop.
And then? THEN We can get comfortable connecting with someone else.
We may crave connection with another person - but until you know how to comfortably be with all of your own emotions or accept and love who you are completely and fully - you probably will find that others won’t be able to be with you either. You'll be attracting people who mirror what you believe, feel and think about yourself and validate the old outdated childhood wounding beliefs that is creating your reality. Gah. Time to shift it right?
They might accept you, for a little bit… However, if someone ever tells you are too much, too emotional, too sensitive, too - anything = what this is? Is just the reflection in your life.
That you still have a bit of self-loving to do (or a lot!), to be 100% comfortable with the depths of YOUR OWN HEART.
They are reflecting to you - the bits of you, that you haven’t completely owned/felt/been present for in your own heart.
But… when you can be present with all of your own really uncomfortable feelings, your own really out there feelings, your own grief AND your own joy… What happens? Yes, you attract people around you who can be there with all your big feelings…
Yet - what actually happens? Is that you lose the LONGING and pining to be with another person…
The desire to want to be with someone is there - the connection with humans… of course.. because we are human, that is what we are here for…
Yet the NEED dissipates.. Because YOU have met your own needs of your Heart’s true feelings.
You don’t berate yourself for feeling. You just feel. You don’t judge yourself for feeling down, low, blue, black, depressed, sad, joyful, elated… you just… are present with the flow of the emotions. Your emotions don’t overtake you… But you also don’t disconnect from them… Because that? Would be disconnecting from your own HEART… And the core of what your HEART WANTS? CONNECTION. That’s all. So are you… CONNECTING to your own Heart? Because when you drop down under ANY SITUATION - ANY TRIGGER - ANY EMOTION - what is underneath ANY issue?
Is a desire to CONNECT. To consciously, reconnect back to… The deepest connection there is… That space that connects us all. Stay conscious to the connection of that place that connects us all.
Some call it love, some call it Source, Universe, Energy, Soul - whatever label you put on it - make THAT your ultimately priority…. And watch.. EVERYTHING work in your life. If something is ‘wrong’ or ‘not working’ or there is an ‘issue’ in any area of your life… The first thing to do? Is check your CONNECTION.
Because it is here, we find THE HEART OF THE MATTER. In ANY situation.
I guarantee it. We just want CONNECTION. That is all. Are you… CONNECTED to your OWN Heart? Without judgement? With just pure…. presence?
Connected to Self is always the first port of call to check in and repair with and then come back to the outside situation, because it is always a reflection of your own Heart and Soul connection and how you feel about yourself.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. At the Heart of the Matter - your home, your heart, your connection - the Source of ALL the things you're asking for, desiring, wanting, feeling, attracting and creating your reality with. Is your reality what you want it to be? Are you creating from fear or from trust? From resentment or from love? Heart Chakra Consciousness, our 12 Week Journey into the Heart reconnects you back to the true Heart Chakra of your Soul - the one who has all the answers, the love, the prosperity, the joy - all the things you seek, but are you allowing your Heart to run your life, or is your mind - still holding you back? Click here for all the details for Heart Chakra Consciousness, we start next week:
P.P.S. I am sooo excited to launch Intuitive Channel! Divinely channeled messages from me to you, daily via voice message on our exclusive members only Telegram Channel. This is my Heart and Soul and I LOVE serving you in this way. Daily Messages from your Angels, Guides, Conscious Spirit Heart and Soul - super divine to keep you aligned, on mission and connected to your Soul's Destiny, click here for all the details, doors are open now:
P.P.P.S. If you know your Magic Priestess has been calling her Heart out to you to take your spiritual business to the next level, Medicine Woman is for you, deeply calling your Soul back to the rhythm of your Heart, finding the business marketing strategy that is only aligned for you as a Witch in the Millions business, because you have a certain recipe that is your own Sorceress Heart leading the way, then Medicine Woman is for you, click here for all the details as doors are open now: