🌕 Blue Full Moon Next Week 🌕
Aug 25, 2023
Next week, is our Blue Full Moon - our second Full Moon in August and our 3 out of 4 Super Full Moons - no wonder the energies are high and intense right?!
For 7 years, I have been holding Full Moon Ceremonies. Every single month for 7 years.
On Solstice Ceremony in June, I received the intuitive message to stop holding Full Moon Ceremonies - WHAT??
As always, I trust what I am guided to do and even though I doubt, I still follow what my intuition is guiding me to do. 99% of the time, it never makes logical sense. But gosh, the things that have shifted and unfolded since I trusted my intuition instead? WOW. You wouldn't even begin to comprehend what is going on and I can't wait to share the inside story with you one day. I thought I had an idea why - yes, this 18 month project I have to - choosing - always mind of my words, choosing to do is 'why' and it is. But what the Universe has served up to me since!? 🤯 #okaythen (p.s. always trust especially when it doesn't make logical sense! You may just be shutting out your hearts true dreams if you don't!)
Next week, on our Blue Full Moon, will be the last Full Moon Ceremony I hold until/IF I ever get the nudge to do them again, comment MOON below and I will send you all the details, this is going to be one POTENT Full Moon Ceremony - finishing a 7 year cycle, a Blue Moon, the end of the two week spin that I shared on the 3 Part Livestream Series - this is going to be one to remember!
MOON 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑