Call of the Goddess Dark Moon and New Moon January 2019
Jan 03, 2019
Call of the Goddess Dark Moon and New Moon January 2019
We are heading into our Dark Moon, the time of shedding, just like the Snakes shed their skin, we too, go through cycles, just like our Mother, the Sunrise, the Sunset, the Moonrise, the Moonset, the Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
It feels like a very cathartic Dark Moon, which peaks on Sunday at 11:28am. Even though we have stepped into a New Year and the energy is starting to shift as everyone goes back to work mode and preparing for the year ahead, rather than thinking about gatherings, the collective is moving forward again.
Yet, there is profound understanding of what lays ahead this year. It feels like you are super motivated to get organised and make 2019 the best year you’ve ever had, and perhaps you’ve already chosen that within you - now bring it OUT and make it happen.
Manifestation is a two-fold event, just as I say, there is only so much inner work you can do, you MUST take action on your intuition and make it happen, that is why you are given a body and hands to do things with. The most powerful action, is intuitive action.
Get ready for release, this Sunday is a powerful cathartic release on this peak Dark Moon, when the night is dark and the Wolves howl the Peace you feel from the roar within, takes your power beyond the Moon and into your Soul.
Are you heeding your call?
It feels like a powerful time for organisation, after the big clean outs and in this space, tune into your intuition and ask your Soul, ‘What is it, that you are wanting me to do, my Soul?’ Then, be mindful, not even what you start thinking about, but what you just start doing. You are THAT intuitive dear one, trust yourself, trust your Soul.
Clean out, organise and align, align, align.
How’s those New Year’s Resolutions going? Is it time to make a plan for them to happen? That, action thing?
Here’s to Intuitive Action.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Our Full Moon Ceremony on the 21st January is going to be one powerful Ceremony!
Back in August, we received the strong clear message that these next 6 months were going to be full of Soul alignment, and here we are, 6 Moons later, I am super intrigued at what is going to flow through for the First Full Moon of 2019 and see what energetic alignment and powerhouse energetic activations and geometric alignments are implanted this Ceremony.
We’ve had Dragons, Star Beings, Mermaids, Water Sprites along with of course, Grandmother Moon, I am intrigued what comes through this time.
This is also the last Full Moon Ceremony at $37. This will also be the last Full Moon Ceremony at $37USD. It will be increasing to $47USD from February Full Moon.
If you sign up for the Monthly Subscription this month, it means that you will receive the $37USD for as long as you stay on the monthly subscription, otherwise each Full Moon Ceremony you want to attend will be $47USD from February Full Moon Ceremony.
Click here for all the details, the subscription option is further down the page here:
See you in a few weeks for this powerful Call Of The Goddess Full Moon ✨🌕✨