Crystal-clear clarity, unstoppable inspiration? Yes please!
Apr 15, 2024
Are you ready to experience crystal-clear clarity, unstoppable inspiration, and perfectly aligned actions that effortlessly attract your desires? Get ready to witness your dreams manifest faster than you can express gratitude? Then this is for you....
Your Sacral Chakra is associated with new beginnings. However, if you’re struggling to manifest your desires into reality, then this is why.
Negativity of your past blocks your intuition and stops manifestations from coming to reality. It is stored in your Sacral Chakra and you will experience gut issues, loud noisy bloated gut, constipation or other stomach/gut issues when you have this from your past lingering over your head - or hovering around your Sacral. It’s time to release the negativity of your past.
The sacral chakra, vibrant in orange (but if it is dull when you tune into it - pay attention). It is urging you to release negativity and past burdens. This release is crucial, as it is tied to deep, unconscious layers of our psyche, going back to generational, as the Sacral Chakra is where the Generational ties are stored, given, it is our womb, our sacred womb - even men have this, as they have a Sacral Chakra. It is where we birth babies or our Life Purpose and as I teach coming down from the Crown Chakra to the Base - after the gestation period in your Sacral whether baby or purpose project, we ‘birth’ it through our Base Chakra - which is the seat of our Life Purpose in action in reality.
Physical symptoms like constipation or the runs, or a noisy bloated gut signals that deep-seated buried grief and that lower vibrations are being purged or need to be. As we navigate this clearing, "confidence is your key to success," - you will get through this portal - you are birthing right now, birthing is never easy, but we do it! Whether birthing a new life, a new project or a literal baby, reality shifting deep transformational work is intense, but then becomes normal and easier. It becomes easier, because we master ‘how’ to do it, and once the huge chunk is cleared and healed, it isn’t so overwhelming, because the bigger part is done. This… of course, can take time. Working with a Healer like myself long term IS how you navigate it faster and without collapsing your entire life at the same or thinking something is wrong with you… no. You’re just healing. And manifesting your Unique Life Purpose.
When we are not truly authentically satisfied (Sacral Chakra) with our lives and feel like we are just turning cogs and that ‘empty unfulfilled’ undertone it is at our Sacral, that we need to tend to - to feel that deep, soul satisfying fulfilment in our lives. What is it that you love? What brings you joy? How are you being of service to the world? (Life Purpose/Base Chakra) What can you do that truly nourishes you? This is more than just bubble baths or getting your hair done. This is what is it, that you are creating in your life, to manifest your desires? (Sacral). When you follow this and action it daily or create space to regularly connect with this - your life will feel like it has meaning, you will sleep better at night, you will realise your dreams, you will feel - completely soul satiated in your life and addictions fall away. (Addictions live in the Sacral - covering up grief from the past and the emptiness that only your Soul can satisfy).
Satisfactory roles in your job/career/relationship or life - won’t lead to a soul fulfilment of your purpose. Dig deeper. You Soul will push you to step outside your comfort zone. Dreams are not found in comfort. They are found in the uncomfortableness of growing new territories or skin (like growing a baby, a pregnant mother is uncomfortable most of the time during pregnancy) - gestating your dream life and manifesting your purpose - will push you beyond your comfort zones 99.9% of the time.. until.. this becomes normal and a new way of life is born.
When we are stuck in negativity, running in circles and not ‘stopping to rest in the creation of gestation of your purpose’ to truly align with our Soul’s mission, we will project our shadows on to the very people and things, your Soul brought into your life to gestate (sacral) and manifest your life’s purpose (base chakra) in the first place. When you are feeling triggered or malnourished that only the deepest self love, integrity and following your Soul’s calling - this requires a deep inner reflection and shadow work to integrate the projections that are stopping you manifesting your mission. Being stuck - is you not voicing your Soul’s truth and instead burying it (swallowing your words/someone else’s words), going unconsciously dark and projecting your pain - this is all Throat Chakra - not voicing your needs/truth/feelings and stuck in the Throat, not able to come into your heart, to feel your soul, to align your mission (Solar Plexus) to gestate your purpose (sacral) and give birth to your true aligned dreams (base). You’ll be in a constant negative spin, covering up yourself with a shadow version of your mission, until you can truly integrate the light your Soul is trying to awaken you to. Who are the lightbearers and who you deem ‘more successful than you’ that are triggering you that your Soul pulled into alignment your path, so you could integrate the light parts?
They.. can seemingly ‘hurt’ you or you can feel abandoned because you are projecting and running around ‘out there’, instead of dropping deep into that soul satisfaction, that only your sacral can feel deeply nourished by your own mission - when you are truly integrating what your Soul has shown you in your heart of hearts you know is meant for you.. but to receive the gift your Soul wants you to birth of your own unique mission (base) you must confront the fear of the light.
Marianne Williamson - “It is not our darkness we are most afraid of, it is our light.”
The masculine and feminine energies within your sacral chakra are balancing, suggesting an alignment with your purpose. The masculine energy calls for action and fulfilling our life's lessons (base birthing), while the feminine might connect more with emotional and intuitive insights (healing from stored emotions in the gut/grief/buried pains of the past). .
As you heal and clean this up, the way for new beginnings is shown. The light in the darkness (Throat Chakra) becomes significantly clear and obvious. Obstacles that really agitated you in the past, you don’t have any reaction to anymore. That.. is a sign of #healed.
Step into your power, move beyond past limitations and pain, embracing your future with an open heart and a clear mind. Sacral and Third Eye/Crown very intimately connected for the Sacral and the Brain (Crown/Third Eye) even look the same… how you think, determines how you feel in your gut, how you feel in your gut, determines how you think in your brain. They are intamgely connected.
Tend to the grief stored in your gut, so you can not only go to the toilet without any issues… but you can feel clear, focused and on purpose like never before.
Nurture your sacral chakra by feeding your Soul and ignite the growth that awaits. ๐ฅ๐๐ซ
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐
P.S. Trust Your Intuition doors are about to open... keep your eyes peeled ๐
P.P.S. Your First Million begins in a few days! If you're ready to understand the stable foundations your Purpose Driven Business requires for your Soul to manifest it's desires into reality, whilst creating your best life ever - then this is something you won't want to miss! Click here to join us:
P.P.P.S. 3 Card Readings for $33 are open, click here to grab yours whilst they are available:
P.P.P.P.S. If you want to manifest your dreams to reality and live your life's purpose - Life Purpose Legacy is for you, click here for all the details: