Do you know why I am obsessed with this filter lately?

ancient blooded healer changing reality clearing negative energy crystal clear intuition energetic upgrades finding your life purpose how to find your life purpose Sep 02, 2020
Do you know why I am obsessed with this filter lately?
Because it describes my life right now - MAGICKAL SPARKLES EVERYWHERE.
The density is lifting.
The Heart is being felt.
The Truth is being seen.
The Magic is appearing out of nowhere.
The LIGHT is here.
The plummets of betrayal, of lies, of darkness that has surfaced - is because it is SHIFTING.
It doesn't appear otherwise.
Nothing becomes conscious and shifts without... it becoming conscious!
As hard as the last few.... MONTHS have been - there is LIGHT EVERYWHERE.
There is such a high frequency of energy and LIGHT EVERYWHERE you only need to tune into it to feel it.
If you can't feel it and it all feels too dense, consciously connect to the Light and ask for the density to be removed - but sit there long enough for it to shift.
I am not talking about sitting there not taking action, I am talking about sitting there in meditation for long enough that it shifts.
So often we get distracted right before the miracle occurs.
So often we get disheartened because it hasn't happened yet.
So often we are deeply confronted by uncomfortable truths, which lead to uncomfortable feelings and then we turn, we run the opposite way, we turn to our addiction of choice to numb those uncomfortable feelings.
However, if we hold it - hold our deep presence, our Soul presence, our grounded presence, still, deeply still, observing every single ounce of feeling, no matter how uncomfortable..... the other side breaks through.
"Not Broken Hearted, Broken Open." - Brett Darnesh.
This 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 wise mentor once said this to me and now I apply this philosophy to EVERYTHING.
"The crack is where the Light gets in." - Unknown.
"What if the stars you could see in the night sky, were actually a sky of breathing holes?" - Unknown.
What if, the uncomfortable truths were breaking through, cutting through the darkness, cutting through the unconsciousness, to allow the LIGHT TO SPARKLE EVERYWHERE?
I have been in a deep state of gratitude being where I am.
And yet, that has led me to be grateful for EVERYTHING IN MY PAST - because I would not be where I am today without it.
Gratitude holds a high vibration and allows more Magickal Sparkles to appear to be grateful for.
Right now we are in a pivotal time - for the next 10 years! This is a rapid ascensional crease in time, in our dimensional shift that is happening sooo fast, and yet, seems so slow in our '3D Gregorian Calendar' time.
And yet, everything is happening at the speed of Light.
"True Source cannot be captured in any way, shape or form... it can only be felt, it can only be experienced, for thus which we then hold the memory - everyone has this ability." - Morning Meditation Musings.
Do you notice the sparkles in your everyday reality?
Do you hold the vibration of gratitude?
Do you allow each 'drop' into the uncomfortableness of whatever you are confronting to show you... where the Magickal Sparkles are?
What, are you grateful for today? List 3 things below in the comments, to anchor more into your reality and let me know 🌟
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you're ready to take your life and business to the next level, or simply acutely amplify your intuition, activate your Soul Self Blueprint for your Life Purpose Birthing Plan, beyond, these lifetimes, my Inner Circle is where all of this occurs and more.
If you're wanting to be part of everything and have that deep 1:1 access to shift you to the next frequency without 'even doing a thing' - my Inner Circle is for you.
If you want to be a part of and experience the rapid frequency shifts, that accumulate your Light energy, through the Crystalline Chakra System, for each month over 12 Months, exclusively channeled only for my Inner Circle, are potent trainings, that you can access, without the 1:1 Support if you choose.
Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions, we start soon!