Day #18: You Are The Colours Of The Rainbow
Aug 18, 2018Day #18: You Are The Colours Of The Rainbow
Did you know this?
That you are the colours of the Rainbow?
That those amazing Rainbows you see in the sky - you have every one of those colours in/as your Chakras and those Chakras/The Colours of the Rainbow - make up the full colour spectrum?
#sidenote - so when you disown a part of something in your life = you are closing a chakra down, for each chakra has it's own consciousness and affects your life deeply, it's what makes us - us.
Back on track...
This one, for Day #18 - this, is moving forward on the basis of Day #14: Seeing It As Clear, yet with this one, You Are The Colour Of The Rainbow - you have Chakras, like on this image - and you can:
~ activate them
~ switch them on
~ imagine them bright, light and beaming their colours out
Allow them to 'breathe' like your entire energy/atoms/self does, with every inhale you notice them expanding and getting brighter like the light and you notice every colour do so, from your Purple Crown, your Indigo Blue Third Eye, your Magenta Pink Ears, your Sky Blue Throat, your Emerald Green Heart, your Golden Yellow Solar Plexus, breathing deeply into your Orange Sacral, your Ruby Red Base Chakra, all of them inhaling and exhaling together, all expanding, all clear, all alive, all connected, all very, very aware.
You notice, your entire Aura, is actually completely full with your expanded Colours that you are - you notice, that your hands even emit a Rainbow frequency and you notice how amazing this feels, to be completely alive and lit up with the full frequency spectrum of the Rainbow, and you notice how aware you are, as you breathe and your entire, body, Aura, and energy, breathes with you, with every single inhale, and every single exhale. Breathing deeply.
Noticing, it all, all the way down to your feet on this Earth and how the connection to the Earth automatically activates your Crown. Breathing as this continual flow of all the Rainbow that you are, breathes deeply with you. Clear, awakened, and deeply, deeply aware.
Over this next 8 Days, I will be going through each colour here, in depth, on how to use this specific colour to clear energy and it's healing properties to help shift your life in simple, yet highly effective ways.
What is your favourite colour? Comment below and let me know?
Warmly, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you think this can help someone, please share it ❤️