Do you know what is exhausting? Do you know what is draining?
Aug 26, 2020
Do you know what is exhausting? Do you know what is draining?
'Yelling and screaming' around at people trying to convince the sleeping of what their reality is and that they've been brainwashed in the reality that.... is their reality.
You believing their reality is wrong and knowing that they have been brainwashed, because you simply want them to wake up because you KNOW there is a better life awaiting them on the other side of unconsciousness, screaming at them about how wrong their current reality is and telling them everything they have ever known is a lie, is wrong, is why don't you wake up already?! - is simply invalidating what they live and breathe in their heart every single day.
You are invalidating them.
Making them feel like something is wrong with them.
Making them feel like they are less than.
You are making them feel worse about their reality than perhaps they already are.
When you were, unconscious.... before you 'woke up'... when someone would tell you how you should live your life because they believe it is better (I bet there is people who still tell you that today - do you listen to them? No. You simply stay in your bubble because you honestly can't believe they are trying to tell you how your reality should be right?)
So, do you see that 'yelling and screaming' at someone/the world - the UNCONSCIOUS UNWOKE peeps are - do you truly believe that is going to wake them up?
Do you remember... how you 'woke up'?
It was a personal experience, something close to your heart, that woke you up right? (Usually something that broke your heart in two and you thought you would never recover from)
Something that hit in CORE into your being that... shifted you.
SPIRIT shifted you.
SOUL shifted you.
Something OPENED you.
NOT someone yelling and screaming at you at how wrong it is of the way you are living your life, that you are actually quite at peace with (in a way), that someone, yelling and screaming at you... well, you screw your nose up and perhaps gossip to others how they need help right?
We don't shift the world with hate.
We don't shift someone into consciousness, by telling (yelling) at them everything that is wrong with the way they are currently living.
We shift people... by LIVING WHAT WE VALUE.
We shift people... by lifting them UP - not degrading them, not telling them everything is wrong. Not, by telling them how everything is BAD about what they are sharing.
Let alone that...
Remember, how draining and tiring it is trying to talk your truth to a narcissist for example?
Remember, how draining and tiring it is... talking to a brick wall?
Now, that may sound harsh.
But you powerful Lightworkers, you powerful Ancient Blooded Healers - your purpose is to help wake people up -
That means - not telling people how WRONG they are.
Share from your personal experience.
Share what you have done to SHIFT from fear to love.
Share what you have done to share your gift with them, to help them with what they are worried about - how to release anxiety, fear, doubt, isolation solutions for example.
Yelling at them about all the propaganda and all the things they are doing wrong in their reality... only shuts them down further.
Not wakes them up.
Remember, what you do when someone points the finger and tells you how it SHOULD be in YOUR reality?
You put a wall up and walk away, distance yourself from that person.
Don't speak to the sleeping.
Don't you trust their Soul's Journey enough - to know, that just like you woke at the EXACT right moment for your Life Purpose, for your Spiritual Awakening - that...
That anger of yours for them not waking up and seeing the truth - is best channelled into CREATING content that WAKES UP PEOPLE'S CONSCIOUSNESS...
Like what?
What DOES wake people up?
How do you, nurture someone into waking into more awareness of themselves, their reality?
You love into their Heart.
You ask them questions about their reality - you OPEN them this way...
You touch them deep into their SOUL in this way.
Yelling and screaming at them, is a just a hot potato of energy you haven't transformed from others yelling at others.
Channel that into the solution.
YOU are the solution, that's why you're the woke one in this 'global crisis'.
If you're angry and agitated and damn right exhausted because people aren't getting it yet - you know how when we are 'heading in the wrong direction' in life and everything blocks us? It is also damn well draining...
Try... focusing on your HEART and what brings you alive.
Because that illogical thing that you are getting the message to focus on IS the solution and YOU channeling your energy int your creative seemingly illogical projects... is creating the change we wish to see in the world.
By divine solution, by divine timing... God/Universe/Spirit has devised a plan greater than the human mind can construct...
Don't you believe the everyone has a divine timing of spiritual awakening along their life path?
Just... like you did?
Don't you... believe in everyones Soul choices and divine life purpose learnings for their own evolution?
Don't you... trust in HUMANITIES HEART?
We are ALL starting to FEEL right now... and God knows he is counting on YOU dear Lightworker to get to work on your mission your PURPOSE - NOT get drained by 'fighting' those sleeping who are simply not ready for what you are living...
But are WAITING for you to channel your creative genius your SOUL WORK - because... that... is what you were born for.
Before I found my outlet online... I would tell ANYONE who crossed my path and especially in the early stages of my awakening - about how they can fix their life problems with this tool and this tool, oh and do this too.... and do you know what? I lost a lot of people back then, because I did that.
They didn't even see what I saw in their life as problems. That was just their reality and more simply - there was nothing wrong with it - but MY judgement of their reality. (I think.. that is how wars are created right? 🤔)
I wondered why people left my life... I would get so angry when someone wouldn't change their life with the information I gave them when clearly they weren't happy or doing something about it. I would get so angry when someone would treat a child wrong or something else in the world.
Then.. I found my outlet in my Purpose online with what you see today.. and you have seen.. how much content I have right? (Thats not even all of it on my website!) (for example), well, I had a lot to say - to EVERYONE in the world.
But for so long.. I was speaking to the wrong people.
I was speaking to the people who simply weren't ready for this level of consciousness. Just like, one day in my past, I wasn't either. And I was content living my reality I had been 'brainwashed' into since birth. I think they call that... the journey to awakening...
Just like my process to 'yelling and screaming' at everyone on the street to change their life with these tools because it worked for me.
When I began, CREATING SOLUTIONS not just yelling at people about how wrong they are for doing something because there is a better way that I know, my life changed.
I had energy again. I had friends again. I surrounded myself (still today) with people who are also creating solutions in the world and teaching... others to do so.. I feel... at Peace. I... live an incredible life of freedom today because of it.
Because I had found my outlet... and my purpose was being fulfilled... IS being fulfilled.
Yelling and screaming at people who are not ready to wake... is draining, exhausting and you are lowering your vibration to allow for entities to take over that drain you and... keeping you 'yelling', cause God knows they love that energy... it feeds them.
It keeps you up at night. You are in fear most of the time. Your anxiety and stress levels are through the roof.
It is also, a distraction to the REAL work.
Your PURPOSE work.
That course you haven't finished.
That book you haven't written.
That life purpose intuitive business you haven't put energy into that is just sitting there.
You know, the real work.
The one... YOU ARE BORN FOR.
What do you want?
Draining, angry, frustrated, exhausted life?
Or content, fulfilling and energy life?
I know what I choose.. and continue to.
Isn't it, time?
This is the time you chose to be woke for... if you were meant to fight... you would... still be asleep. #saidwithlove.
Refocus, channel and THRIVE 🕊
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Now is the time dear Lightworker, now is the TIME.
After coming off 5 months on the road, all Spirit was showing me to deeply focus 99% of my energy into my Inner Circle clients.
The ones ready to face the fears and do it anyway.
The ones ready to walk away from ANYTHING that is draining them, holding them back and pulling them away from their Life Purpose.
The ones ready to do what ever it takes for AS LONG as it takes to BIRTH their Life Purpose.
The ones that KNOW this is what they were born for.
The ones ready to rapidly advance their Psychic Abilities and fly to the next level.
The ones, ready to serve Humanity at greater heights than ever before.
The ones ready to SHIFT their life and the world and rise into the Purpose they chose for this life time, for the World's incredible awakening during this time of history making as we speak.
Life Purpose Accelerator has been revamped, rejuvenated and DEEPLY activated to levels that I have never given before due to what happened between me and Spirit out there, under these zillion stars.
This is truly, the next level.
Click here for all the details or send me a message, we start on September 7th: