Don't get put off when people put you down..
Aug 31, 2022Don’t get put off when people put you down because you know you’re going to change the world and they tell you otherwise, scoff at you, unfriend you and walk away…
Don’t get discouraged when what is sooo important to you is laughed at by others, mocked even and thrown back in your face when you ‘fail’… but you just haven’t figured it out yet but you
You KNOW you’re here to change the god damn world.
Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that DO.
You’re not here to play a small game.
You’re not here to shine your light only in the dim corners of the globe.
You’re not here to dismay and disarray you’re here to shine your light on the whole god damn universe!
Others will mock you, judge you, laugh at you and walk away…
Others will flock to you, understand you, laugh WITH you and be by your side.
There will always be haters and that… shows you you are on the right path.
If everyone loves you, something is wrong..
You’re here to shake up the world.
You’re here to dismantle and build new structures.
That WILL cause a ruckus.
And then they will be flooding into the building to get their piece because…. NOW they understand…
And will be the ones in line telling everyone how they know you.
Don’t be dismayed….
You are here to do big things… you wouldn’t have that in your Soul if that wasn’t meant for you.
And that… is all you need to listen to.
So you can… do what you came here to do - change the god damn mother fucking world.
So own it.
Big time.
Remember who the fuck you are.
And some.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. I have opened up spaces for my 1:1 mentoring in my most famous and highly sort after 21 Day Shifter Program.
This tap, tap tapping on the shoulder has been strong as the deepest Soul core evolution of self is arising out of the dark cave she has been locked away in.
No longer will you tolerate people who hate on you.
No longer will you let yourself be trampled on.
No longer will you let people mock you.
No longer will you tip toe around in case you ‘hurt’ people.
Because you’re over doing everything for everyone else and it is time for YOU and only YOU to own and rock this god damn world because if you aren’t going to own your own life like you were born for this…
Well, you’re just tired of being trampled on - no god damn more!!
Click here for all the details, my 21 Day Shifter Program is now open:
P.P.S. Did you see??? Reality Awareness Haven is OPEN!! Finally.. a safe space... to heal... to truly.. heal, click here for all the details: