The past 24 hours have been a energetic chaotic mess...
Aug 23, 2018
The past 24 hours have been a energetic chaotic mess... hugely intense emotions/feelings/energy and LOTS happening at once
If you've been feeling:
~ not yourself
~ confused when you don't usually get that way
~ over tired
~ under nourished
~ worn out
~ emotional
~ not being able to sleep
~ ready to take off in new directions and preparing for deep big change
~ elated beyond what you've felt before
~ going to new emotional/vibrational heights like you've never felt before
~ busy and have been for weeks through big changes
~ hearing unexpected 'out of the blue' changes that are going to affect what your future life looks like
~ that someone is leaving your life unexpectedly or you are leaving
It's collective - so take the pressure off yourself! Meaning - we don't 'blame' it on this BUT we take note and take extra care of ourselves...
That can look like:
~ logging off all technology
~ turning your phone over and off for a time
~ going to bed earlier
~ committing to deep self care practises and not letting anyone else stop them (even yourself! Time to put you first!)
~ eating healthier
~ walking with gentleness in every step you take
~ crying and being okay with that
On Tuesday morning (AEST) I felt a huge energetic shift, it was very noticeable and now - I know what these are for me - they are when something shifts, whether that be collective, planetary or more, I am not quite sure, all I know is that I feel it - and then I see a lot of people 'fall' or go through intensely energetic stuff - including myself.
And so, from now, I will pay more attention when I feel this sort of a shift, as it was very, very distinctive for me.
And then it is time to prepare when I feel these shifts - and will be more present here in sharing this for you - so you too - can prepare with the self care examples I just gave you and more...
We've also just stepped into the Full Moon 3 Day Window - Full Moon this Sunday night (AEST), so walk forward in gentleness, drink lots of water, be kind to yourself and know, there are big collective shifts going on.
I recived the message just before writing this, that it may seem:
~ quiet
~ that things are at a standstill
~ that there is so much energy around, but no 'movement' at the same time
The message here is how can you ground this energy down?
How can you prepare?
It's not 'here yet' - so what other preparation needs to take place?
And the message I received, was that by 3 weeks time - things will really be moving forward and 'well on their way'.
So, just breathe, stay grounded, take extra care of yourself, and finish your loose ends, and get ready.
It's not just you...
You're just deeply connected to flow...
Take care of you.. and everything else will take care of itself.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you want to come and ground this energy down with deep ceremonial intention, clearing, rebalancing and clear direct guidance for your unique life, Full Moon Ceremony, live online this weekend is a powerful space to do just this. All the details are here, or send me a message if you have any questions about it: