#energyupdate This portal of energy coming up over these next few months is going to be super challenging and tricky.
Nov 02, 2019
#energyupdate This portal of energy coming up over these next few months is going to be super challenging and tricky. I feel we will have a 'breather' around early December, then we are diving in for challenging energy again.
HOWEVER - it will ONLY be challenging energy if you are NOT listening to your intuition and LIVING IN ACCORDANCE with your SOUL AND LIGHT.
I STRONGLY feel this. This is a strong intuition coming through about this.
What do you need to do to dismantle anything in your life that is making you unhappy?
What do you need to do, to step fully and completely into a freedom life where your SOUL can do what it wants when it wants?
Do you even believe that is possible?
THIS is the choice you get to CHOOSE over these next few months, for what you decide to do, choose and whether you give up and reside to the fact that it is all too hard, then you will continue to stay where you are.
If you CHOOSE to get through it no matter what Heaven on Earth awaits you.
These ARE the energies these next few months.
They will DEEPLY challenge you. But it will feel 50 million times harder, if you are not living in accordance with your intuition and soul's purpose.
The decade of Light IS about your Light Body, IS about your Soul's Life Purpose.
To LIVE that - do you know what you have to do?
Listen to your intuition. That's all.
Might sound simple enough.
But are you truly living in accordance with your Soul's 100% intuition?
In your lifestyle choices?
In the food you eat?
In the relationships you hang around?
In the environment you place yourself in?
Is that REALLY what your Soul is guiding you to do?
It will be hard and traumatic, if you are not listening/actioning to your intuition in every area of your life.
If living in the Light - truly means our Soul's living their Divine Purpose... then how can Heaven on Earth be created - if you are not solely functioning from your intuition?
How can you find the peaceful path - if you are not listening to what your intuition is guiding you to do?
To step up and be the leader your Soul is calling you to be?
To guide others through this rough time?
If you are:
⚔︎getting knocked back
⚔︎doors shut on your face
⚔︎constant issues in your relationships that you keep going back to and nothing changes and wonder why you went back again because you know your intuition told you not to
⚔︎nothing seems to be flowing and you are feeling frustrated
⚔︎impatience and frustration seem to always be in your day to day life
⚔︎headaches and illness are rife
Beautiful Soul - where are you not listening to your intuition?
The most frustrating part is that we know, deep down we aren't listening to our intuition when we feel like this.
It doesn't mean that it is easy and all joy and light when trusting and following your intuition - but what it DOES mean, is that things move faster and the energy of joy carries you underneath, not the questioning, doubting and feeling of doom and gloom - because you are on path, not, coming up to road blocks at every turn under the under current of the road you are currently walking.
When you listen to your intuition and ACTION it - ENERGY flows again - INSTANTLY.
These next few months will see soooo many decide it is too hard, it isn't working and give up.
Don't be that person.
Humanity needs you.
Your gift is needed.
Your LIGHT is needed.
Take this as a test right now... are you truly going to commit to your Soul's Purpose - that you've already started stepping into already? What did you begin in April 2018? Even, November 2017? Have you - even finished it? These will give you a clue onto 'what' you are meant to be doing.
Doubt, confusion, self doubt, doubt in your skills, in what you are meant to be doing, in even 'trying' - is collective energy right now.
Don't buy it.
Choose to continue and finish what you've started and know that anything else is a distraction.
You've travelled the dark portals before. You're skilled at this. Move forward anyway, the Light on the other side awaits you.
That IS the Heart based society after all. It IS what we are all craving, the deep connection to feel like we belong and have purpose - all of us.
This dark portal of the next few months - REMEMBER - it is the cocoon... and we are all about to fledge with new wings and new identities shortly.
This is preparation time.
This is activation time.
Of your Light body - in all areas of your life, body, mind and Spirit.
So are you?
Know how to ride these waves - you are the guiding Lightbearer after all.
You are the Lightworker.
The Light Being.
The Divine Soul Activator.
The Ancient Blooded Healer.
The Lumerian Kings and Queens 🧜🏻♂️🔱🧜🏻♀️
Be that guiding Light to others. Including yourself.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. I have been guided to take us through a Light Body Activation in our November Full Moon Ceremony Live Online!
I am sooo excited at what I have been shown about this upcoming Full Moon and leading off from our New Moon at the start of this week - phew! Some STRONG INTENSE energies around right?
However - when you know how to listen to your intuition and take radical action on that, no matter how much illogical sense that makes right now?
It just depends if you are listening to that?
Or are you still stuck in the dark, asleep, fearful grid on Earth right now?
Are you ready to activate your Light Body - so you are more easily, readily and connected to the Light Grids leading us on Earth?
Which one are you plugging into?
Click here to book your place in our Full Moon Ceremony, there are limited places for this one: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony
P.P.S. Needing more personal support? Ready to step up and move that deep block that is holding you back and that you just can't see clearly what on Earth it IS that you are supposed to be doing, but you know it is SOMETHING?
Feel like nothing you do, makes any progress of momentum?
On the 21 Day Shifter Program, we deeply shift these blocks - fast - and then the space is clear for the activation of the path you are meant to take.
With unlimited questions, unlimited support and unlimited psychic readings, plus all the tools you need to deeply shift and elevate you in this space - the 21 Day Shifter Program is where this happens for you.
Investment is increasing on the 13th November, click here for all the details and how to book: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program