#energyupdate Webs are disintegrating.
Jan 05, 2020
Webs are disintegrating.
Relationships are literally dissolving out of your field.
People are walking away from relationships, things, places and situations they have known for YEARS.
When true Power reconnects, everything that was not that simply, dissolves and disintegrates.
Just like the snake that is shedding it's skin, it may feel vulnerable to go through such a change, yet it is a necessary part of growth.
You are being asked to step up and use your power in ways that empower, not disempower.
As this reconnection of our Solar Plexus of our Earth, Uluru deeply comes back into balance, that means everything amplifies.
Not just because of the Full Moon - but for all of time.
Because our Power Centre - our Solar Plexus is the seat of our Self Worth.
You know when you feel confident, sexy, in shape and good - nothing knocks you right?
You brush it all off like water off a ducks back.
Yet, if you are feeling under the weather emotionally or physically, it knocks you for six right?
So too - when our Power reconnects - we feel everything 10 fold - our Power is increasing - meaning the amplification of everything.
You wanted stronger manifestation abilities - you got em.
You wanted things to happen faster - you got it.
You placed your order and now it is here!
Time to take back your power, and that power starts in your mind.
You are not in control of ANYTHING but you are definitely in control of your thoughts.
You are not your emotions, but you certainly feel them.
You are not your pain, but you certainly feel it.
You are not your stories, but they certainly run your life.
If you... CHOOSE.
This reconnection back to our true self, back to our Personal Power Centre, being amplified with our Full Moon the day before - is a powerful place to conjoin the ultimate power centre of your Soul - your Twin Soul, your Twin Flame aka the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine WITHIN you - brining you back to Oneness and ultimately power of all that you have been trying to manifest to date.
This next 6 months WILL see an increase in manifestation abilities.
This next 6 months WILl see an amplification in your intuition moving to the next level 'without you doing anything' - why?
Because Humanity is awakening that's why.
So CHOOSE to take back your Power and know as I mentioned on the Daily Oracle the other day - this IS the time to be focusing on what you WANT... as the energies are in deep amplification mode right now.
What is it, that you are focusing on?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. This powerful portal and deeply awakening decade of Light has begun with a HUGE powerful opening.
Our Full Moon Ceremony next weekend, deeply taps us into this power - we will be consciously reconnecting back to our planetary Grids, but also to how that plays out in our life.
Only attend if you are ready for ultimate transformation and deep dedication to your Life Purpose in 2020 and beyond. Click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/full-moon-ceremony