#energyupdate You're Either Holding On or You're Letting Go
Oct 27, 2019
#energyupdate You're Either Holding On or You're Letting Go
Phew... some energies this week right? 😰Glad that wave is over right?
Yet for some... it is still around yes?
And right now, you're either holding on, or letting go.
You have probably had some MAJOR event happen this week yes?
On Thursday we had a HUGE Schumann's Resonance spike, PLUS Solar Flares sweep through... Yep - I'll be more aware of that one next time! PHEW!
TheSchumann's Resonance is the our Earth's Heart Beat so to speak and when this is combined - usually at the same time (are they even separate?! 🤔) - they affect OUR Heart!
I know 4 people that had Heart attacks on this day - coincidence?? NOPE!
And how many were bawling their eyes out this week and just COULDN'T STOP CRYING?
How many were SUPER SENSITIVE and FELT everything 100x more than usual?
How many could describe the energies as INTENSE to say the least?
How many had someone walk away and out of their life - or you chose to leave?
How many have been feeling NO MOTIVATION AT ALL?
How many feel like they want to cocoon away for.... MONTHS?
How many were wiped with tiredness?
How many have had this insatiable urge to completely do a HUGE declutter and have found it super easy to just 'get rid of stuff' that they haven't been able to before?
It is no coincidence this stuff happens on the collective wave of the Solar Flares and Schumann's resonance spikes!
They are a 'sweeping wave of energy' from the Sun and beyond - that are like a blow torch I guess in a way - yet, on an energetic level that are like blowing away the cobwebs of old consciousness.
They 'fire away' 'melt away' the hardness..... they SOFTEN and open the HEART.
If one, is not consciously feeling the grief trapped/stored/buried in their Heart, they will have panic attacks, anxiety through the roof, heart palpitations same or, experience heart attack.
The best way through it? Cry... watch a sad movie if you can't cry.
Can you see in your imagination/third eye - what I mean when it is like a blow torch coming from the Sun, that is showering Earth burning away a layer of consciousness?
Is it a coincidence that the Meteor shower that hadn't been around for yonks, was also this Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday when this was peaking on Thursday too?
The Ancients didn't track the stars for no reason guys! They knew... and for us to be aware of this helps us prepare!
Yep, I am usually onto it! Yet, my self care has been lower than normal lately and so I 'fell' and felt it all! I lost my shit... as you heard me share on Friday.
I know 100% when my self care is in top notch I don't lose it like that... and I sure don't feel the depth of the wave like that...
I also know I am feeling better because I set strong boundaries with my ex and that energy is not around me anymore again! Whenever I have that interaction with anyone who is no longer in alignment with where my Soul is calling me to go, gosh it fucks with me! #nomore
When my self care and nutrition is 100% on point - I don't get wiped with tiredness, I don't feel the depth of the 'shit' part of the wave - yet, I feel more stable, grounded and INSPIRATION FLOWS LIKE A RAPID WATERFALL when I am ON POINT in my energy...
So... you know what I am focusing on from here on in as PRIORITY!
I haven't felt the dip like that for quite some time because I have been taking care of myself, yet - with this week showing me where I am REALLY at? Ah, changes and priorities baby! Time to get back in FLOW 🔥
You're Either Holding On or You're Letting Go
When these waves come it is releasing the old web, the old layer, the old outmoded outdated relationships, situations, events, people, habits.
Right now - you'll be grasping at straws clinging on to what is leaving your life and rationalising all the ways and reasons it should stay in your life, or you are consciously allowing these changes to take place, with rituals, grieving and Sacred Ceremony.
It's important to honour your authentic Heart with what you are being guided to do, and honour the change, whatever it is. Change will ALWAYS trigger the grief cycle and when we allow this flow, we continue to be in flow, trusting your Heart 100% of the way.
No need to suck it up and bottle it up.
No need to put on a brave face and continue on.
No need to shut yourself down.
Let your Heart flow with the changes and know you are stabilising a new reality for yourself as you allow yourself to trust what feels right in your Heart - before your mind kicks in again.
Choices you can make to support yourself through Solar Flares and Schumann's Resonance Spikes:
- Sleep
- Get extra exercise and sunlight - sooo important to be grounded and exercise is the fastest way to get grounded
- Connect with Nature, like minimum 2 hours outdoors
- Drink lots of water
- Let go of anything that is leaving your life - let it GO!
- Channel your energy into creative projects (paint, draw, sing, write, cook, garden)
There is an intense Full Moon coming up in two weeks and we have our Peak Dark Moon tomorrow and intuitively the other day, I received the message that this energy is going to be around until the 16th of November - however, I also feel... that these energies - is the new normal.
We are heading into a paradigm of continual Light being poured and activated onto and into our planet aka us - so, this is something we are upgrading and ascending into.
This means cleaning our body systems, home, life and coming into deep alignment... because there won't be a 'reprieve' on the energies so to speak... this is a new way of being and an alignment to the Light.
If you were a Light body - if your Soul were making your highest choices everyday, what would you be feeding your body? Who are the relationships you would be hanging around? How would you be treating yourself and your home? How would you be turning up and sharing your gift with the world? Its these key pieces that will bring you into alignment of the flow of your Soul - therefore, you are coming into alignment with what our planet is naturally ascending into.
The Heaven on Earth... begins with your own self, your own heart - remember?
Your Soul is vibrating with so much pure, divine light and love - these energies that are pouring into the Earth - are this... so when you naturally come into deep alignment with your Soul in EVERY area of your life... so to do you flow with the energies and they don't feel so harsh anymore, because you're not, not listening to your Soul, which is the divine path alignment for your life.
That synchronistic charismatic flow of Heaven on Earth... the 'not being floored' energies are possible.. when you ONLY follow Soul.
What Soul aligned action changes, can you do, to come more into alignment in your life today?
If you have no idea, ask your Soul, what is the next most aligned action I can take right now?
And trust that. No matter how illogical it seems 😉
Trust it.
It is how you come back to YOU. How you come back to FLOW. And in flow? Everything is waiting for you.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. FINAL ROUND is closing in just a few days beautiful one! Time to release the confusion that binds you, the empty hollow that swallows you, the doubt that cripples you... your time to gain that confident, powerful self has arrived. Click here for all the details, there isn't long to go: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition/
P.P.S. The Inner Circle is your 1:1 high level mentoring - the Life Purpose Accelerator is your GOLDEN KEY for completely aligning to your Life Purpose, to birthing and living the reason you are on this planet. Now is your time to set yourself free from any restrictions and restraints holding you back as we head on into 2020 and the dawning Age of Aquarius the AGE OF LIGHT - The Inner Circle IS where it is at to not only guide you, but accelerate you into your living your Divine Life Purpose, click here for all the details before this closes in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator