Every goal you hit, will bring about depression eventually - what?! 😳
Sep 30, 2023
Every goal you hit, will bring about depression eventually - what?! 😳
It is like a plateau - there is a recalibration to a new level that happens. It is an energetic birth and expansion of our energy to this new reality we’ve just created.
When we hit goals it is exciting, an achievement and then it can be like... bam.. what is going on. You can feel lost, confused, grief even and just a sense of what am I even doing with my life and business?!
This is pretty normal!
Some people move through this fast and others takes some time to realise what is happening - especially when it is a big first milestone in what you were aiming to create in your life - suddenly it is here and now it is like, um, what now?!
When the intention behind creating the achievement you've been working on is built from 'being good enough' or 'then they will notice me/I'll be validated/loved' etc, that is when the plateau can be excruciating and the 'burn out' is 'severe' (I don't ultimately believe in burn out - just a recalibration to the next goal).
This is also pretty standard when most entrepreneurs first start out. To be in survival mode, figuring out our heart centred entrepreneurial journey let alone running a business and all the personal development that comes from stepping outside the paradigm everyone has known you for!
Once this undertone intention that usually is subconsciously is running the show, comes to light and is healed - you can recalibrate to a higher level of consciousness, dedication to your Purpose and realigning your goals to your heart centred creations.
This 'healing' also comes from a stabilisation of your new creations/business and company that has now begun to not only just meet your needs, but is supporting you in deep overflow.
You're not in survival mode anymore. You have stabilised a new reality of wealth that has allowed your nervous system to switch off and you can take of yourself, like you've always dreamt of.
You've always been a heart centred entrepreneur - but the journey to truly creating a new system on the planet aka your unique Life Purpose comes with challenges and thresholds not many people cross. Let alone building what you have through survival mode, because you have just had to!
You've crossed the threshold. Now you're out of survival mode and can properly take care of yourself, your true Life Purpose Destiny can take flight - not just laying foundations - but the entire city can be built now - whilst you are completely abundantly supported.
It is normal to go through a 9-18 month rebirthing phase, from one paradigm to another.
It is normal to have a 6 month 'clean up' I call it - before your true Life Purpose Destiny path takes full flight. During this 6 months, this may involve a lot of clean up physically and emotionally, there may be a lot of healing, tidying up loose ends/courses other life things. There is also a lot of 'I honestly don't know what to do anymore about any of this or moving forward'. Go easy on yourself - you're shifting paradigm - allow this transformation cocoon and just follow the next step. You do know what to do for the next step, so follow that.
Know this recalibration is happening because you've reached the first or maybe the 10th or more milestone in your Life Purpose journey.
To recalibrate through this next threshold, get clear on the goals beyond the goals so that you have a clear plan - the plan will most likely change, but it gives your brain something to work towards so you keep moving forward instead of being stuck where you are.
Never miss the deep celebration, gratitude and achievements for where you are - but look beyond the current goals to keep your current manifestations in sync with the true alignment of your Life Purpose Destiny 🔥
Are you in a recalibration threshold?
How are you celebrating your achievements?! Remember - this can also celebrating old patterns of behaviour dropping away like a snake shedding their skin, no longer who you are! This, is definitely to be celebrated!
Where are you at in this journey? Let me know below! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you have a business of any kind or want to increase your income even though you don't know how that is even possible right now and you haven't watch my Free Wildly Wealthy Witches Series, then comment WITCH below, because you won't want to miss this.
P.P.S. These are the FINAL HOURS for Goddess Codes - UNLEASHED!! Walking into 2024 with your Goddess SET ON and ready to take 2024 by STORM ⚡️ Comment GODDESS below to be sent the details to work with me in this 4 Month Mentoring space before this closes in just a few hours 💎