Everyday I get to wake up and live my dream life!
Apr 14, 2024
Everyday I get to wake up and live my dream life!
Everyday I get to choose what I want to do, when I want to do it!
Everyday I get to live in the magic of my intuition guiding me.
I am on my own schedule.
I get to pick and choose what I do - every single day.
My work doesn’t feel like work, because I love what I do, do what I love and have made a career out of it. My purpose… is lived every single day.
I get to do what I love - HELPING PEOPLE!
If someone asked you - if you could be doing what you want to do - what would that be? I have seen posts like this on facebook before and… I answer - exactly what I am doing now.
Do you - have that freedom? Are you living like this? Do you even want to?
This level of freedom and way of life is not for everyone, but what is for everyone, is finding and living in the joy that this life can bring you - in this moment, in your current life - now, today. That… is what following your heart is all about. This moment, this moment, this moment. How does this moment feel to you? You can’t bring your dreams to reality or even know what your dreams are if you are not - in your heart in this moment!
Sure there are seasons of different stages of building our dream lives 150 million %!
I was a single mum on the government pensions before my business reached $20k month milestones in 2018 and in February 2019, I took myself off the single parent government pensions and Reality Awareness has been supporting us ever since.
Some days are hard and some days are cloud nine.
Reality is - if I was working in a normal job - it would be the same.
Life is what you make it and I’ve been through the wringer the past few years, but I feel I have come out the other side of it and I am soooo grateful.
I faced a tonne of darkness and I never thought that re-filming Trust Your Intuition as I currently am (my signature program that originally birthed in 2016) would bring me sooo much joy and be… just the medicine my Soul needed.
That all this time, I have been trusting my intuition.
I have been following my heart.
My company has been supporting my business, paying me wages and me getting to wake up and choose what I do everyone of those days, whether I am working with people I love to transform their lives and live a heart centred soul fulfilling life, free from the trauma of their past and creating a life they love, living in my daily life or healing from what I have been through…
The entire time, even in the darkest moments it hasn’t felt like it - my intuition has been guiding me, every.single.step of the way.
Every moment, I have been willing to surrender my will to Spirit and let it be the guiding force showing me what to do.
Even when I found myself on property in the middle of the Victorian Country in 2020 walking out into the paddock crying, asking what on Earth did you bring me down here for… and immediately upon asking, clairaudiently hearing the song from Frozen - ‘The Frozen Call’ playing loudly in my ears (no earphones!) I dropped to my knees in the middle of the cold air field and began crying… the entire time.. I have been following the next step, and the next step and the next step.
As a leader who is here to change the world, to become a billionaire and Awaken the Consciousness of Humanity I rarely know the next step. I know those 3 pieces, but just ahead, I only see dark and as I step, the light shines and the entire time?
I am following my heart… even when my mind tells me not to.
I am following my intuition, even when my mind tries to talk me out of it.
I am acting before I think (Clairsentience) - even when my mind gives me a hiding after I have done it….
But there wouldn’t and just couldn’t and shouldn’t… be any other way - than this.
Because the undertone?
Is bliss.
Pure freedom soul hearted bliss.
I share my passion.
I share my purpose.
I make good money doing what I love.
I create a life on my terms.
I am here to change the world.
Of course I am not going to make sense to people.
Of course people and going to call me all things under the sun when I change, especially the people close to me, especially when I start or reach a new level.
Leaving people behind, raising my standards, personal growth around relationships and who I choose to have in close proximity - all gets to shift with each level and I am so grateful for those that have hated on me in the past when I have set boundaries, when I have simply been myself, doing what I love - because it has shown me traits in people to avoid, it has shown my empathic heart another level of radar of energy that is something that I now sense, whereas before blindly giving faith to everyone that they can change and want to - my radar is so acute, accurate and clear and I am grateful for this incredible fine tuning of this initiation of my intuition to a level I think a lot of the time I take for granted (thinking it is normal!) I have undergone in the last 3 years out here on this land, in so many ways still everyday blows my mind when I think about it. I knew it was an initiation and my intuition has never been this clear or refined before… for that, I am also grateful.
Because the evolution of what I am here to do in this lifetime - requires I change - constantly. It has demanded and required this level of fine tuning.
Change… is the only constant in this world after all and when you tap into that secret of the Universe, that space… is called magic.
That.. is the realm I play in.
It is where I build from.. it is where I live.
And I am so glad to come Home. To this.
What a life.
What an incredible place we get to be in.
In this.
It is here I claim my first $100k month and my first $1M year…
Magic is possible.
But you not only have to play here…
Not only have to live here…
But you have to BE here.
Pure. Divine. Magic.
That one.
My Home.
Thank you for returning.
Thank you for being here.
Is magic… your playground too?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Trust Your Intuition doors are opening this week… keep your eyes peeled 👀
P.P.S. If you want to bring back your magic, your wild divine, free spirited hearted soul - my 3 Month Psychic Acceleration & Healing Mentorship is open - ready to reclaim your spirit, activate your magic and accelerate your unique purpose? Click here for this: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-acceleration-healing-mentorship
P.P.P.S. I am soooo excited to bring this MAGIC into Your First Million. I definitely wouldn’t have got here, to now be a Self-Made Millionaire, moving into multi-millionaire status, without this MAGIC and I am sooo looking forward to sharing these secrets of the universe with you to create Your First Million in making a career out of doing what you LOVE, click here, we start next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/your-first-million
P.P.P.P.S. 3 Card Readings for $33 are open for a limited time! Click here to grab yours: https://www.realityawareness.com/33-psychic-readings
You want it all and not have FOMO of missing out on any of it?! Life Purpose Legacy is where you need to be - all areas access, lifetime access to all courses and the magic of community of like-minded souls… changing their lives and… the world, leaving their Legacy of a life full of joy, love, abundance and the ability of freedom to do what they want when they want - if this sounds like you, message me LEGACY and I’ll send you the deets.