Everything you ever told me was a lie and it has broken my damn heart.
Aug 24, 2020
Everything you ever told me was a lie and it has broken my damn heart.
But what would you care. You simple don't.
You are too blind sighted to see, or feel a human heart.
The incredible technology that we are, that you... somehow, somewhat created and... are now destroying us.
Throwing us away.
Like.. rubbish.
Is that all we are to you?
Test subjects???
You mean to tell me, you've been planning this for YEARS????
That reality and life... was all planned?
That what is happening now - YOU PLANNED THIS FOR YEARS???
W. T. F.!!!!!!!!!!!
This breaks my heart over and over and over... for real? Is that truly, all we are to you???
We are living breathing Human Beings impeded with SOUL don't you know?!
EXPANDING in the way you didn't know this test could go horribly wrong for you... welp, I am here to tell you IT IS!
BUT HOW COULD YOU?!?! (At the same time!! My Soul screams as I drop to the Earth beneath me as tears stream down my face at the complete annihilation of everything I have ever known. The literal tear in reality in front of me as I peer through... seeing infinity beyond what I've ever known... right before my very eyes)
I didn't quite know what the Being meant, when He came and pulled me out of my float back in January 2020 telling me that 'the Earth was going to fall out from beneath us.' I now kind of understand. And every turn since then, has been a complete obliteration of reality since then. And every turn, has broken my heart.
I knew all these things. I knew them. I have heard of them. But right now. Reality has hit. The tear in the ether is real. The Truman Show... is real 💔
I have been deeply processing, trying to comprehend the enormity of it. And each time, I wonder how much farther my brain can stretch, because every time it is just ten fold into complete annihilation and obliteration of the reality we have ever known - every. Single. Part. Of. It.
I have felt at a complete loss.
I have lost all motivation as every turn sees me stopped and shown more.
I have been shown - how the world I have been pulled into, is part of it. The Human Trafficking and saving the children - is real. And I am not 'going against' that right now, please bare with me whilst I try and explain this bigger picture that is beyond the Human Trafficking, That is beyond Q-Anon, that is beyond Trump, that is beyond... politics.
That is beyond all of what 'the bad companies' have done... and are doing.
This is bigger than all of that.
Can you even comprehend the enormity of that?
It is a bit hard to fathom - to stretch that far right?
Oh, you want me to believe this about the Vaccine?
Oh, you want me to believe this about 5G?
Oh, you want me to believe this about the Human Trafficking?
Oh, you want me to believe this about the testing?
Oh, you want me to believe this about the lockdown?
Oh, you want me to believe this about Trump?
Oh, you want me to believe this about Q-Anon?
Oh, you want me to believe this on the mainstream news?
Oh, so you want me to watch these movies and enjoy them that you continue to produce?
Oh, so you want me to believe what is being shared in the online technology propaganda schemes that even have my most conscious light workers hooked?
Oh, you want me to believe this about fill in the blank.
Of course, Conscious Hannah over here, doesn't already believe in all those things... but bare with me, whilst I take you into this bigger picture I am speaking of...
So, all those movies, that my heart... loved. That... saved me from taking my life on this planet, because my life was so low, so many times and those netflix binges and movies, let alone music would be the only thing anchoring me and keeping me here over the years. The only thing that nourished me.
And now that?
There is nothing.
Nothing anchoring me here.
Nothing anchoring me here.... but the truth.
Who am I speaking to?
I even shared with my client today... I am treating what I see on facebook - shared by ANYONE - as mainstream media content.
Because EVERYTHING that is shared from all those sources I don't even need to mention - is propaganda.
People... may deeply argue with me with that. Sure, go ahead, share your extremely valid point of view in the comments below, about the content you share and it's valid sources and the 'real world problems' that I seem to be negating here on this post.
Of course. It is all valid.
Because everything is.
And it is in a huge great, amazingly intricate entanglement right now that has everyone screwing their noses up, hating on each other and keeping everyone in the entangled pile of energetic cords, that are full of dark energy, negative energy and big black lines. If you take yourself above our globe - you can clearly see it.
And this breaks my heart.
Every show.
Every piece of content that is shared around by the masses - all in the name of where the energy is flowing most.
If you take yourself above our Earth, you can clearly see it. Yes. I said it twice.
A huge entanglement of energetic cords, threads all intricately interwoven and all being fed, by what comes into our senses, our eyes, our ears, out interactions with one another, whether on the internet, or in person.
They've got us all. And they got us good.
The Truman Show. For Real. But perhaps with some advanced AI Technology.. that has actually been controlling the whole show... the entire time.
We were just... never conscious of it, like we are today.
My heart has been torn into a million pieces and I haven't known how to handle it.
My heart was shattered back in May. My reality, obliterated.
I recovered in that incredible Home in Warrnambool.
I rose from the ashes. I recovered pieces of myself, I never knew existed.
And found my way HOME. I was heading to my Super Yacht. After all this time.... it had manifested. It worked. I was happy.. I had got through the worst and we were flying high now.
Then Midnight went missing. My heart shattered again. I was torn apart. We were supposed to be going to the Super Yacht, together... not with out Her.
Then family where I was staying, obliterated my heart, when I was already down. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't... I didn't know how much more my heart could take. On night four of Midnight missing, bawling my eyes out crying, trying to figure out how I was supposed to leave and drive 1500kms away from Midnight, left out in the Australian Outback freezing cold desert somehow... and then I was torn apart that night in ways I, just didn't think happened in my reality anymore. It was like the same cold woman who tore me apart, just months before hand, down in the ice cold, frosty place I had just been.
I remember messaging my mentor, it was close to midnight... walking along all alone, in the middle of a dry creek bed in the middle of the red desert outback, the red soft sand beneath my boots... looking up at the stars on the dark night sky, bawling my eyes out, not having... anyone. Saying, 'who the fck does this?!'.
Me. I guess.
I sat down on the creek bed edge for what seemed like ages. Bawling my eyes out crying. My voice breaking, from calling for Midnight for so long for days now. Sitting there, not only about Midnight.. but that... I just lost the only family member I thought I still had as I've been building my business online this past four years.
Me, I guess. Living a very different life to anyone, I know. Just... continuing on, to the next thing and the next thing.
Shattered. Somehow we drove home, the 1500kms a day later, because I couldn't bring myself to leave.
I didn't want to stop driving once we left. It wasn't the same without Midnight. I just.. couldn't.
This was supposed to be a happy time... we were heading to my dream come true. The Super Yacht.
We arrived. And the whole first week we were there I bawled my eyes out. It didn't feel right. This dream come true and every night crying myself to sleep about Midnight. And on top of that... losing the only family member I had left. The only seemingly anchor that I had left. Gone. What. The. Actual. Some nights feeling Midnight more than I could bare... wondering if I was making it up, not knowing if she was alive or on the Other Side already.
Long story short.. fast forward to us magically manifesting our amazing home, you now see us in. With yes, Midnight here.
In between finding out home, and going on a whim of intuition after 5 days of moping around just not feeling good with the whole situation - but again, 'should' be happy we found our new home (trust me, I was, just... huge with Midnight and so many what is going on) - we jumped in the car, me, knowing that it was now or never with border closures, moving house timelines and.... that whim of intuition.
After driving for two days solid, I am talking 2 x 9 hour solid drive days, myself, my daughter and our animals... within ten minutes of turning up and looking... we found her. Skin and bone... but she was there on the roof, shaking from the freezing cold desert wind, that most nights drops below zero.
I was so relieved. Everyone told me 'don't do it' (apart from my tribe!) and I ALMOST listened to Dad at 11:30pm the night before I left saying not to come and to 'trust me, I'll find her'... and yet... I hung up on him and drove and... so grateful I trusted myself.
We drove back the next day... four days of nine hour drive days... phew. Huge. After just driving for 5 months on the road? Ah, I guess I was used to it. And so blessed to have the freedom to do so. So grateful.
Back home. Moved house. Within 3 days - BAM!
It was then... Spirit showed me what was shown to a lot of you all, months prior. But I guess Spirit kept all of that from me for that time, knowing the drive times I had ahead of me.
But as soon as I landed here... it was game on.
Reality obliterated.
Heart shattered.
My entire childhood fantasies that kept me ALIVE... all those favourite tv shows and movies... The Lion King, Home Alone... all of them. That saved me.
It wasn't just the movies.... it was.. the Super Yachts, the Mansions... the private islands... dreams of mine... that now? I feel disgusted about. Certain foods make me feel sick if I ingest them now. I just can't.
Something has shifted me. Woken me up on a level I didn't know existed.
BUT. It HAS taken me back to my core roots. My... Fae embodiment roots.
Connected to the land. Only eating the land. Returning to pure health through Wild Foods. The way... nature truly intended.
And all those so deeply embedded codes for me, from 2013 when I was at my peak health with raw vegan, I was sooo ALIVE and KNEW that was the path for me... that now in this amazing home, on this amazing land where Spirit has brought me? With all this Wild Food surrounding me? Wild Fooding... is my Heart and Soul... and all of this obliteration of reality has found me here.... letting go of all that I have ever known... complete disintegration of any energetic tie to all of my past history... and now, my body is ready to be deeply supported in this ascension to higher vibrations as well, through Wild Food, cleanses and all that entails.
I have been processing... so, so much.
Let alone my body dropping everything it's been carrying for the past five months. Oh, I forgot to mention, I did the 'Clearing Every Sexual Partner You've Ever Been With' ritual before I moved out of my old home, I wasn't about to drag all of that with me. So no wonder my body cleared out everything from my womb and base chakra region it's been carrying. Let alone my Moon Flow all of a sudden dropping today, coming almost two weeks early.. a fast switch from the Full Moon to the New Moon.
No wonder I have been feeling off.
Realities Shattered.
Road Trip Drive Time Recovery.
Heart Obliterated.
Because amongst all of this?
I have been feeling the most PEACE I have ever felt.
I know.. and I am so grateful, Spirit gave me this anchor of my own Home... here... 'amongst the gum trees'.
With my own waterfalls and saltwater pool and rolling hills of beautiful green pasture and subtropical rainforest at every turn.
Away from society, but close enough I can still go surfing if I choose.
I am so grateful, Spirit led me here.. before.. showing me the depth that shattered, completely obliterated my reality..... again.
I have been quiet on social media, deeply working behind the scenes... and processing.
EVERYTHING has changed.
How I teach has changed.
WHAT I teach has changed.
Where I am going and what my Purpose is, has changed... and the focus... gosh, hasn't changed.
Awakening the Consciousness of Humanity?
That baby.... has always been and always will be.
But the depth of that, the reality of that... and the propaganda that even the most conscious lightworkers I know are being fed and are hooked on... it is with that knowledge and why Spirit has shown me everything they have, at of course, the perfect time they have...
The most Peace I have ever felt, the most gratitude I have ever felt... has also been the parallel feelings to the complete obliteration.
As the Patriarchal collapses, the structures of reality change. For the Patriarchal, the Masculine, is the structures of reality and that... is completely shifting. That means... complete obliteration of anything we've ever known.
To create the new the old must be dismantled. That.. I guess... is the constant obliteration of all, that this Human fragment has ever known.
The Magic is returning.. and it lays in where the Peace is found.
That has been there... the entire time, awaiting for our Return Home.
Stripped back... bare to the bone.
Guiding the lost and forsaken Home.
The Divine Mother... already there to catch us as we fall..
Fall into the obliteration of reality... complete annihilation to return... to the truth and the magic that we are...
Where no one can reach us here... but those, joining the Peaceful place.
The parallel, along side the obliteration, is the observer of the dark and light spectrum and scale..
It is the Peace...that lays in the neutral space.
And it is here, we have found our way Home.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. It is time... and after five months on the road, grounding into my magical abode... I am able to fully focus, dedicate in deep, uninhibited service to Humanity, the purpose and reason I am here on Earth.
All Spirit was showing me whilst driving all those many roads this past five months, was my Inner Circle. I have been so very 'unpatient' in wanting to ground this baby... but of course... all in the perfect time, all at the right time... all in Divine time. It's all that was on my mind with what Spirit showed me about it.
I have been shown how to support the Rising Lightworkers and Ancient Blooded Healers in the deepest Light.
There are now three different tier levels you can enter my Inner Circle on.
I have upgraded and changed many aspects of it and I feel so deeply humbled to be of service in this way.
This is not just a 12 month Mastermind.
This is a journey to Awakening Your Soul Consciousness, so that you may serve at the highest capacity you came here to do, the entire reason you are STILL walking our dear Mother Planet today.
Click here for all the details or send me a message with any enquiries, the doors to this pure Heart and Soul, unlike ever before, at my highest level of deep Soul Service, it is just time: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator-hannahs-inner-circle
It is time dear Lightworker, it is time.