Aug 14, 2023
If you have been feeling extra emotional, scared, worried about what is going to happen, feeling like you can’t stop crying - you babe, have just entered the sacred space - of being deeply authentic with how you feel.
You literally cannot deny the calling of your Soul anymore, you cannot bottle your feelings and not speak freely from your Heart and Soul anymore.
You are defrosting feelings that have been stuck in your Heart/Aura - for a long, long time. Buried feelings. Feelings you locked away and never wanted to remember, because "OUCH that situation damn well BROKE MY DAMN HEART! I gave it my ALL in that relationship and THIS is what happened and OMG I DO NOT WANT TO FEEL THAT." Or - fill in the blank.
That - is what happens as we drop into Heart Chakra Consciousness. Welcome. If you're here at Reality Awareness - you're already attuning to the start of this Heart Chakra Consciousness Journey.
If you have unfelt feelings/grief, about a situation from your past - you are tapping into a well of grief that you haven’t wanted to feel…. or you didn’t even know was sitting there from that situation. That memory that has rapidly surfaced that you thought you dealt with? Yeah, that one.
When I really started healing from my pain.. it wasn’t nice. It was damn uncomfortable and I don’t remember how many times I found myself on the kitchen floor, bawling my eyes out, howling my eyes out because of the lack of support I felt in my life, because of the relationship break up that I had to go through AGAIN, when I gave it my all… and found myself a single mum, still alone wondering how on Earth I found myself in this place, living away on the other side of the country from my family and much, much more. Those wake up reality checks right?! #ouch
But these wake up points.. is because your Purpose is breaking through the barriers - you cannot walk forward carrying this heavy burden with you anymore and this pile of tears, of grief, of old memories surfacing are coming thick and thin as your body purges them from your system.
You see the Heart is your entire body. It is your Heart, of course, but you feel with your entire body.
Your body stores memories and that means pain, alongside joy and all the things in between.
Looking back over the years, I cried A LOT.
Most would say that I was too emotional. Too much, in general. But that the depth of the grief that I dropped into a lot of the times? Why most people don’t want to feel the grief? Because it feels like death.
It feels like the blackest of days that you will never return from. It feels like piercing the veils ten times over and wondering if there is any return from the dark abyss of the blackness that grief seems to take you into an empty space of nothingness that you wonder, in your frozen body state, your mouth gaping open tears pouring… "Am I even able to take another breath of air in this depth of grief that I have just found myself in…"
You do…
You do take that breath in again…
Your body cannot not let you not…
Your body…. has your back…
Your body… is FEELING YOU….
Your body…. is THERE….
Your body.. has always been there...
Your body…..
Your body….
And your body…
Is grateful that you have just dropped into IT to FEEL IT….
TO be there for IT…
FEEL what it feels like to FEEL again…
Because what happens when this grief is released?
What happens when you drop to the depths of grief like this?
Is that it clears it… SPACE is created…
You can breathe deeper again..
Even though for days, you may be grieving one particular incident…And it isn’t nice…
No… But the freedom on the other side of it? Oh… That.
Getting triggered or feeling hurt still happens of course... but the time spent 'in the negative feelings' is less, and less and you pick yourself back up faster - you learn to ride the waves. But... it can take time when you are beginning this journey of feeling the heart business - so be okay for what feels like never ending days of tears when you begin.
When you clear the pain... when you ride the waves, you come back to joy faster and stay here longer.
When you a purging and releasing..It is a death.. when you feel the grief - to the darkest abyss that you don’t want to feel… but what happens in the darkness? What happens in the Dark place of the Mother’s Womb?
You are born, into the Light again… And you experience life… And you feel… our Heart beat… And realise, you never actually left… you just… Felt… The entire cycle… Of... Life…
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Heart Chakra Consciousness begins soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/heart-chakra-consciousness-journey
P.P.S. Intuitive Channel is LIVE, Daily Intuitive Messages, Psychic Readings and Bonus Monthly Readings, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel
P.P.S. Ready to take your Wealth & Legacy to the next level and activate your Seeress skills because Clairvoyance is overrated? Medicine Woman is for you: https://www.realityawareness.com/medicine-woman