how to find your life purpose how to trust your intuition legendary love soulmate love Sep 21, 2024


Find a man? 

Wait for a man? 

Do the fucking work to align to the man and let no one else near your sacred self until he shows up and you KNOW he is it - that you've been waiting for. 

Not just that whole body feeling that your neural chemistry recognises with s*xal attraction, but your SOUL recognises, that is whole energetic, soulful and complete auric energy - that is a complete match. 

Not just some cords and some things aligned. 

Not just some things in common. 

Not just the s*x is good. 

But every single thing in common. Every single thing aligned. 

Hey, some people find happiness in opposites.

Some people find happiness in some things aligned. 

Not me. I was never a 'some or part' kinda girl - for anything. 

I was an all or nothing, I'll wait for the rest of my life to get the best kinda girl. 

I have always been, I will go without until I can have the best - of anything. 

I have always been, I am a not settling kinda girl. 

And one day, he showed up. 

And it was instant. 

I went home that day we met and cried. He didn't even know I felt the same. He came to my book signing - we didn't even know each other! I cried because I knew. I knew before I knew. My soul recognised this moment. My soul recognised this time I had been waiting my whole life for and had given up on. 

As I saw him walk up the street, my whole body did something that I have not felt before and by whole body, I mean my auric field and my soul - it was like reality parted and I saw all the atomic make up of the cellular molecules that make up reality open and that was the only thing I could see all in a nanosecond of reality merging of all dimensions of time and space - everyone else on the busy street went into a blur as he walked up the street and I was trying to compose myself and ignore the feeling that just happened trying to concentrate connecting with the people I was speaking with at my book signing! 

Funny thing is, that people thought we were already a couple and he had to wait behind me, as I served other people. 

But when you see us, it is like that. 




Through time and space. 

The anchors for reality beyond in a field of darkness, not many travel, not many go, because they are not shown it, they are not invited to it. 

But some are. 

That is where we come from. 

That is where we are. 


The man that is so consistent and hasn't budged since day dot, that has loved you more than anything on this Earth - that there is not one thing out of alignment, not one thing that he's done - that I could push him away or sabotage it, there is 'nothing I can pick up and throw' - because he is hitting so far down inside my heart that it's welded shut and no one has ever been so consistent, so aligned, that at this point, no one has been around to go. 

The man that is so consistent you've no choice but to let his love melt that metal doorway and surrender to the flow of love that's been buried and bottled because no one deserved to feel it so. 

The man that communicates more efficiently than anyone you've known. 

The man that you've been waiting for - because you knew communication solved every issue that can ever be in relationship, that effective communication allows consciousness to flow and open any doorway that was never walked through. 

Don't wait for the man... 

Do the work to align to the man. 

Because God knows when you've done the work, the true deep inner work, healing your childhood traumas, releasing from the family system web, clearing and healing generational and societal lineage and raising the bar so fucking high and loving yourself more than letting anyone else who couldn't jump over it - God brings him to you. 

But you have to be not just willing to go there and stay there and heal in the darkness of your cocoon until it is time to surface... 

But disciplined enough to stay there until God brings you out and shows you how much your wings have grown that can wrap around such a man that surrenders your heart. 

The man.. that is a man, a true masculine man that has done the work to become such to meet you there. 

Consistent as fuck, provider, stable, the true masculine, the one makes you feel like a woman and that your 'too muchness' is exactly what he was looking, communicates even better than you, loves harder than anyone you've ever known, loves all of you for just you - no matter what time of month you're in, let alone he tracks it so knows how to support you in wherever you're at, grounded and solid as fuck, immovable no matter what you bring to him at any given moment, purpose driven the exact same as you and let's not even talk about alignment in the bedroom!

That one. 

The one that you knew before you knew. 

The Two That Becomes One, The One That Was Always Two. 

Trust Your Intuition. That is all. 

I live this. 

Whole heartedly. 

Thank you, to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday - I so deeply receive you (even though I haven't been able to get to all your comments, I read every single one of them - thank you, my heart is overflowing with an abundance of soo much love and kindness 🀍 ) - and those who sent Moolah to Celebrate my 40th and your Gratitude for 8 Years of never missing a Tuesday Tarot - I fucking love you πŸ₯³πŸ₯‚πŸ’ΈπŸŽ

Thank you to my beautiful 15 year old daughter who made my day special as we both ride this intense eclipse together, the one that I wouldn't be where I am today, if you weren't in my life all this time β€οΈ That taught me the true meaning of being present, of communicating from the heart and the depth of emotions we travel to become conscious humans experiencing this life in this place we call Earth - the true meaning of Awakening the Consciousness of Humanity together. The one that has helped me train my skills as a Priestess all these years, that I know I wouldn't be at this psychic and emotional intelligence level I am today - without you πŸ‘‘ 🀍

Thank you to Shane for making me feel like the luckiest woman in this realm, and making my 40th Birthday night the most memorable birthday since I turned 30. I so appreciate you and love you with all my heart - even as we travel deeper beyond those welded shut parts that I didn't even know were sitting there and you being so fucking consistent, that it is melting it apart, for your safety, consistency, protection, your love and your utmost presence is taking me so deep, I don't have anything to sabotage it because you're just there.. still present, still loving me, still protecting me, still here - nothing has ever been an issue, because we just communicate it out - with love and laughter.

By this stage, there are so many 'no' not aligned, so many offs, so many inconsistencies - but with you, there is nothing. Not one thing. I am constantly surrounded by flowers and you've made me feel like a woman again. Ladies - find you a man that brings out your femininity more than you knew possible. Yes, that means he provides financially for you without you even asking, even though you have your own moolah πŸ’Έ Male/Female energetics are real and essential in a healthy and passionate as fuck relationship. 

You said you were going to be here for all the dark, all the light and all the shadows that surface in between and you have been. True to your word, your energy and actions match and **insert swoon gif**

I wanted to learn through joy and... here you are β€οΈ

The days of trauma and pain learning are over. 

Anyone can settle for 'some love'. Or generational family mirror love. 

But if you want complete full purpose driven alignment love - where everything is soul aligned? 

To transform what is right in front of you - every time - like the alchemist you are?

Trust Your Intuition - is your 'how'. 

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘

P.S. The doors to Trust Your Intuition are open. Healing your past to create a future you love is my forte. Leaving shit ass situations and creating your dream life, is what I live for. Moving away from what you don't want to discovering what you do want - is my gift. Finding your Purpose is a by-product of healing your past, releasing your trauma and creating the life you want is what your Purpose requires of you. if you're ready to get on path and pull yourself out of the turmoil to activate and live and learn through joy, Trust Your Intuition is for you, click here, doors are open now:

P.P.S. Life Purpose Accelerator is open. If you know you're born for more, you know you have a gift and are here to impact the world in a huge way and know you're the kinda soul who doesn't settle, who wants it all and knows they can have it all and knows that mentoring is not just what you're ready for, but is going to take you where you want to go, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here: