how to trust your intuition reality awareness Mar 13, 2020


DO that, and ONLY that! Easier said than done right? 

My Heart hasn't been happy since being back here on the coast - except for getting my hair done again and going to yoga! #citylifeperks

People have been sharing how happy I look in these photos - YES! Because I took them when I was out West - where my Heart and Soul were HAPPY!! 


Well, that is what I used to feel too... I KNEW what I wanted, but couldn't break free of those chains that... were already unlocked, but I didn't know how to break free of the energetic patterns that were the chains still binding me to bringing my past to my future. 

And it wasn't all about 'only breaking those chains' - definitely not in the past, as I was working to create a freedom lifestyle that enabled me to break those chains, yet, once I had 'made it' - actually breaking free? Well, you know my recent road trip story! 

Since being back, I finally energetically landed and settled on Monday. Then went to the shop and no toilet paper and it fucked with me! WTF people?! This is a real deal thing?! FFS!! 

I was pissed off - not because of no toilet paper but at the pure WTF people - survival kicks in and you go for toilet paper?! #seriously where has our world consciousness got to! πŸ˜£

But I was more pissed off at Spirit... WTF! You want me to do all this work, all this filming, channel all these divine messages and you want me to get on the road again - now?? 

I had already made a decision, we would get on the road again, but in 8-10 weeks, that way I could get my work done and get ready to leave properly, not in a rush like last time! (No matter how good I am at last minute prep things! Something I am REALLY good at!) 

I was sad and upset, because as much as I can go where ever we like, ultimately I need some kind of base - that accepts our animals too. And whilst staying in cabins on the road, is helpful 100%, it's not like I can fully relax and ground, the cabins/motels are making sure the animals have their spot don't pee on carpet and all sorts of jazz - not they would, but just not our home if you know what I mean! (Not that they pee inside at home either, but anyone with animals will get what I mean!) Out West at Dads on the property, the animals could roam freely and safely, yet, in the motel, well there is cars and people and you know, just not 'home' space type thing. 

I just didn't know 'where'. 

Whilst there were many options up in the air, nothing was landing and it was frustrating to me, when I have work to do/film, yet, knowing I have to go again (choosing to go, nothing is have to - I choose everything I do) - I needed a plan. 

After breaking down yesterday and taking Adaya and I out to dinner to get out of the house - after 'arriving' at dinner and looking out over the water on the balcony outside it dawned on me.. 'its the house'! Which! I already knew! Soooo... ready to move on from this place! 

However, it was also not knowing our next destination.. at that point. 

Oh, the other piece to this, is that with the whole Monday toilet paper thing - the thing is my frustrations are - have never been about the toilet paper itself, more disbelief in really people?! But the knock on affect and what this is CREATING - that wasn't damn well there before nor even needed to be at thing! 

That is where my frustration is!

Yet, I see this is the wake up Humanity needs to see how much exporting and importing does to our economy and whilst maybe 'good' at points in the past - this entire experience is showing us = the ones who need to wake up - PERHAPS NOW WE WILL TAKE A STAND AND SAY NO MORE TO HUGE EXPORTS/IMPORTS AND KEEP THE IMPORTANT ECONOMY IN OUR OWN COUNTRIES instead of doing detrimental damage to current countries... gah, could talk about this for ages - BUT - I see the bigger picture in this BUT>>>>>> and HUGE BUT HERE:

You know how I always say NOTHING IS SET IN STONE I DON'T TELL YOUR FUTURE!!! (as a Psychic people are like what?!)

Why do I always say that? 


WE CREATE IT! NOT from what someone told us is going to happen - but from whether we believe that or choose to do our own thing!

Make a different choice, act in alignment with that different choice and wallah! You have created a different future baby! 

Sooooo, Humanity right now HAS A CHOICE IN ALL OF THIS! 

The breakdown is CLEARLY already happening... it is what we choose to do from this chaotic breakdown mess that will change our future to - the entire reason it is crumbling in the first place... 

To give us an opportunity to create the life we've always dreamed out. 

Sooo many of us for so long have dreamt of a better world, a different world - where we live in harmony with our planet and each other - not against it... and this crumbling is giving us an opportunity to do that. 

This goes for when something is crumbling in your life too. .

My example sooo clearly yesterday was this. 

I had several different options and throughout the day - each one - nope, nope, nope, blocked, nope, blocked.. Nup. FFS! Hence my vodka with dinner last night! I haven't drunk in ages, rarely do and it was only one glass, but the point of it! Complete despair. After the final call arriving whilst in the shops of NOPE, I had to go and told Adaya as we hurried out of the shops and bawled my eyes out the whole way home in the car, just wtf is with this house thing for me!!! 

Then, last night... the answer came in, in perfect divine timing, no less. We had got home, made a cup of tea I had just sat down to drink that Chamomile tea and contemplate whatever the fark was going on and then... it happened πŸ’«

The point here is that... even when you exhaust all options, even when you give up and don't see any other way and hit every blank wall and closed door after closed door but  you KNOW there is a way, just know..... it's coming, in Divine timing  πŸ’«

So even when there is no toilet paper left on the shelves... 

Even when humans resort to pulling knives in the shops for toilet paper (I am in disbelief it came to this but still - yep, of course at the same time) 

Even when... the worst hasn't hit yet, but we are being given ALL the signs to prepare (Remember I got this message back at the start in January, in my float with the Divine Being that came through so strongly I had to get out of the middle of my float and write it down in my phone and then live-streamed about it later that day) - are you preparing? 

NOW - this isn't... preparing for the worst.. (in a way) - this is.... 


This is preparing you to dismantle whatever parts of your life are simply not working anymore, not bringing you joy and FINDING A WAY 

You might be at the stage of still building - continue and trust this solid foundation you are creating 

You might be ready to GO - so GO! FIND A WAY! 

This entire past few months experience of me getting on the road in the way I did.... maybe it was about the storms.... maybe it was the Universe helping me showing me how to break out of these patterns... 

Yet, the thing that has been in my mind, has been when I read 'Instructions for a New Life' by Markus Rothkranz, back in 2014 when I was catching the bus with Adaya still, because I went a year without a car on purpose to break free of patterns from relying on her dad, when we were no longer together (and the control from him about the whole car situation in the first place - told you the car deal is a story in itself! πŸ˜‰) where Markus Rothkranz shares - the stress of bills car home whatever it is - just let it all go - pack up your home, sell things, GIVE THEM AWAY - get rid of your home! And he shares his story of how he did this and went into the desert for 40 days by himself.... then (through a serious of divine synchronistic events), met the love of his life Cara, that you now see them together, which has always inspired me from the moment Markus came into my life. 

This entire journey for me - has been about freeing myself from the stress..... the home, no longer feeling like the Coast is home, but not knowing where is, (Yet, home for me, is where my heart is and my heart feels at home on that red dirt out west!) and how liberating it was, to within 3 days unexpectedly pack up my home into a shipping container and get on the road with our animals and that feeling of - not having anything to go back to? The animals, who would be the call to go back to - with us? 

My heart was the happiest it has been in a long time β€οΈ

All the whilst, knowing that I was going again... but the piece I forgot to mention was yesterday morning I woke up and was like 3rd April - not 8-10 weeks away! WHAT?!? That's like 3 weeks away! RIGHT! Okay! LISTENING! #done

And then - well - WHERE?! And that divine answer not showing itself until after dinner that night.. huge.. so huge and that 3rd April date for me is the same strong feeling of when I left originally to go last trip out west... ah, that intuitive flow, that intuitive trust, that... intuitive nudge and that SOLID FEELING that comes with that - THAT - THAT is what... is bringing my HEART ALIVE!!! 

Do you - Trust your Hear THAT much? 

Not just to listen... but to ACT? 

Are you really going to breath life back into your HEART? β€οΈ

Which is - the HEART OF OUR EARTH???

Do you SEE what is REALLY happening in the world now??? β€οΈπŸŒThe HEART is being restored to Humanity by YOU = FOLLOWING WHAT BRINGS YOUR HEART ALIVE!!!

Love Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen πŸ‘‘

P.S. Ready to take the leap and TRUST YOUR INTUITION? Maybe you do, but you doubt yourself and then don't even continue to take the steps you KNOW you have to - and then find yourself back in circles, heartbroken and into deep despair all over again and argh - done with that right? 

You are feeling the pull to step up - but not sure WHERE exactly but this - trusting your intuition stuff - is calling more than ever before - just not sure 'how' yet, all the signs - are you ready to TRUST yourself now? 

The Trust Your Intuition Tribe is awaiting you to join us as we walk right along side you as we RISE and shift Humanity as Intuitive Healers - TOGETHER πŸ•Šβ€οΈπŸŒClick here for all the details as Enrolments are OPEN NOW:

P.P.S. Yes! That means my Inner Circle is OPEN! Where the Ancient Blooded Healers reside. Where the Intuitive Healers RISE, where the deep Empath Souls, fine tune their gifts and ACCELERATE their Life Purpose. 

The Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN NOW, click here for all the details: