Follow where your Heart takes you ❤️
Nov 17, 2019![](
Follow where your Heart takes you ❤️
So much clearing right? New realities are being birthed right now - we are ALMOST through the first part of the birthing portal ❤️
However - this will happen - every time you shift, every time you up level - every time you change something in your life - and that may only be a simple meditation practise - you're raising your vibrational frequency - your life is going to change ❤️
Feeling stagnant, depressed, upset, sad, drained are all signs, something in your life is out of alignment, something is pulling at your energy, you're still holding onto something and you damn well know it.
It can be frustrating as sometimes we don't know why or what that is in the moment.
We can know we have lost our mojo, motivation and inspiration for life - yet, it can be a process to pin point what it is to make changes - that then happen EFFORTLESSLY when you hit the nail on the head with what it is that is stopping you!
If you know what you need to change, but you also know you can't do something about it right now, but know you need to, make a plan. Decide on a date and stick to it. It is way easier to get through a tough situation when you have a plan set and you stick to it.
It is a way you can support yourself and can get through when you know when the end is near. If you don't have a set date, you will mellow away into the depths of hell and fall off the face of the earth. Well, maybe not that bad but hey, it can feel like it at times and anything is possible.... so, set a date beautiful Soul?
Get a plan, stick to it, make it happen. Set a date to leave that job, end that crappy relationship and turn away from that door, so you can walk into your dream reality like NOW.
Sooooooo..... what are your thought processes? Here are some of mine:
I know exactly what I have to do and I take action steps towards it every single day.
This moment in time, I am directly connected to the flow of life and life directly flows through me.
I feel like my internal strength has quadrupled and I am now clear and focused.
I make time for my priorities and my priorities make time for me.
I am the creator of my reality and I use this focus, drive, aliveness and deep connection to flow, wisely and effortlessly and I move forward in every moment with confidence that I am supported and connected to my innate wisdom in every word and breath in every moment in time.
I have strong boundaries in my life that keep me connected and deeply in flow.
I say no easily when I need to without guilt or hesitation and it strengthens my connection to my intuition and sense of self every single time.
I feel happy when I am truly honouring what is right for me and I shine from the inside out.
People notice me when I walk down the street and want what I have.
I glow from the depths of my soul and people feel my presence without even physically being near me.
People are transformed and propelled into their life purpose just from having any sort of connection to me and this changes the world in the most positive and hugely impactful ways.
What is it you are here to do?
What is it that calls to you?
All you need to follow is the direction of your Heart.... when things are calling you - listen.
If something is making you feel drained, tired or upset - babe - have you set that date yet?
'Oh but how will I support myself?'
It's not up to me to tell you to do anything.... yet, how on Earth, (yes, this physical plane we live on), how can the Universe support you on this physical earth, if you are not honouring what you feel is right within yourself?
Ie, if something is killing your soul and you are drained, tired, emotionally worn out, well, obviously something is not feeling right with yourself, yet out of habit of loyalty to someone else other than YOURSELF, you continue to repeat these patterns and place yourself in these situations, put them first and that take you further away from happiness, from what brings you alive, from YOUR SOULS PATH.
It is true that the dark side feeds in negativity if it is not trained, so of course, it is easier to go back to old ways of being, places, people and situations.
Yes it takes discipline, a strong sense of self and a deep commitment to making the world a better place...and not everyone has this deep drive.
Yet, it all begins with you.
How can you expect the world to change, when you are not doing anything about your own life first?
This comes back to the honouring what is right for you in every moment of time.
You will attract situations, people and things that reflect the "They're not doing anything about it, I can't believe they are doing that or said that..."
When YOU are not doing what is right for you in the first place.
You'll notice it in other's profoundly - so you can thank them instead for showing you what you need to take action on in your life.
Most situations that happen that make you unhappy in some way shape or form, you knew on some level, you shouldn't have been there or done that in the first place right?
Or didn't honour that direct moment in time, when things started to not feel good anymore, after it was feeling good...
But, you didn't honour what is right for you, so through the magic law of attraction, that thing you call the Universe that is constantly there to support you (the hose is always there, just depends if there are kinks in the hose, or even connected to the right tap), things happen to wake you up, to get you back onto path, to unkink the hose, back into what makes you feel good and right within yourself again, back into FLOW.
We live in this physical reality, yes.
If you are connecting into someone or something that is not bringing you alive, how can that be aligned?
How can the Universe support your physical reality, if you are not supporting the Universe, by bringing your Heart alive?
There is an energetic connection with your Heart, body and soul, that is your guide post, your connection to the Universe, your Intuition, thread if you may, that completely supports you in that joy, peace and abundance, so..... if that isn't what you feel in your bones, then how can the Universe bring this to you.
Your bones vibrating at the same frequency of the thing you are needing/desiring/wanting - your BONES vibrating the alignment needed to step into the same vibration of the thing you are asking for? THAT! 🔥
What would you need to do - to get your BONES vibrating at that alignment?
No, it isn't a 'punishment of God' or some shit... but your own personal belief systems, energetic structures and fears stopping you from completely aligning and dining in this sustaining and pure life enhancing taps full throttle open and flowing of joy, love abundance and more?
Are your taps open and flowing?
Or are there kinks in the hose?
Or is the hose just connected to the wrong Source all together? (an Addictive cycle?)
You will know, by how you FEEL. (There is a difference between feeling like it and disciplined flow, but that's a whole other post in itself!)
If you are feeling shitty, you are probably out of alignment in some areas of your life.
Full stop.
'Oh but I have my kids to look after/family to care for or I can't do that until......'
STOP with the excuses.
Because that is all they are.
Yeah there is a certain readiness for things, but just be mindful of what is keeping you stuck - what the stories - the words that flow out of your life when you say you can't?
Those stories/words are the kinks in the hose that are connected to the flow of to the things you are actually desiring.
Notice when you say I can't because.... and instead say, "I choose to not do that thing now.' - and notice how you feel. Because it is ALWAYS a choice where we place our time and energy - always.
If you make ANY commitment to yourself, let it be that!
Choose what actions you take.
Choose what words you speak.
They are all creating your reality.
Just as your excuses are.
I know what I would rather choose 😍
I know when I have been out of routine for some time with a task/self-care routine or something else that I know keeps me sane and I step back into it - for the first few sessions I have to 'force' myself to do it.
There is usually anger, frustration, swearing and carry on that is usually all the stored emotions about a situation that has been 'keeping me stuck'. If I don't move my body to get these out then they become stuck energy in my body that creates all sorts of blockages in all sorts of areas of my life.
When I push through, get all the emotions out and just do the thing I feel good and thank fuck I did it!
The next time, is same - but it gets less and less and then I am back to routine that makes me THRIVE and any drop away from that - is my fear around my next level success reality.
Do you, recognise your patterns?
Do you, catch your fears?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
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