For Christmas, Santa gave me....
Dec 26, 2021
For Christmas, Santa gave me the opportunity to have a shower (with bags on). It was two weeks since I had come out of surgery, on Christmas Eve. Healing has been very slow which is to be expected, I guess. It has been an experience not being able to use two hands, not being able to walk without my legs hurting and swelling up in a very short distance of hobbling through the house - hard is an understatement and it has made me assess many, many things in my life.
I am currently experimenting with a talk to text app, of course it is called Dragon Anywhere. Just like when I was about to be put under anaesthetic in surgery, one of the nurses began talking about how he wanted a big Dragon tattoo on his back. I then went under and it was comforting to know that my guides have walked with me every step of the way through this entire experience.
I have been feeling all the waves of emotions every single day from highest to lowest, not being able to type and write has broken my heart, not being able to be myself, let alone my best self, has been the biggest experience of my entire life. It is something I cannot put into words.
The simple things like showering, being able to wash my hair, doing the dishes, caring for my daughter adequately, caring for myself adequately, caring for my animals adequately, let alone being who I am in my business sharing my heart and soul live streaming, not allowed to drive for 8 weeks, doing my thing - it has been huge not being able to do the things that I love, from the simple things that I didn't realize I love so much, let alone my heart and soul of going to the beach for example in these hot summer days.
And it isn't even just the simple things, it has taken me even some time to feel an inkling of inspiration, to be able to even think about using a talk to text and experimenting to be able to write to you in this way. All my energy, focus, everything I've got, has gone into allowing my body to heal and allowing the flashbacks to take me to the depths of grief, it has been one of the hardest times of my entire life. The tiny things take sooo much energy out of me, let alone the big things. My one hand I do use, tires quickly due to the cannula in hospital having so many issues, four goes of that massive needle, to my hand now being bruised and sore as it also heals.
Sure, I will put posts out, self-help, spiritual awakening, the things that support you, the things that you can use during this time, of course.
However, I am far from feeling myself, being myself, and having the inspiration to do what I do best. 2022 is going to be a very different year for myself and Reality Awareness, this entire experience has made me reassess every single area of my life. There is a lot of transformation going on in this cocoon of me not being able to do anything right now.
I guess I wanted to give you an update, our Christmas and my daughter's 13th birthday one could say that it is ruined for sure, we weren’t able to go Christmas shopping or put our Christmas tree up or do any of the things that we planned to do in December or that I planned to do for my daughter's 13th birthday coming up in a week it's definitely been hard, it's definitely been huge affecting us in many ways, layers and levels.
Of course everything will get better, of course I will heal, of course I'm grateful I didn't die, of course all of these things - however of course I'm staying positive, but those that tell me to stay positiveI turn right away from them. For this is the reality of healing and this is the reality of the reality of the situation and that I will not shy away from. Yes, the first week in hospital all I could cry about was how lucky I was that I didn’t die, but the reality of this process and aftermath is also extremely fucked.
The reality of healing, is that it is messy, raw, hard, not easy, lots of grief, lots of anger, and the reality is - is that if I do not feel the depth of these emotions NOW and be real about the journey and be real about the reality of the situation - that is where suppression happens and that is where long-term detrimental effects happen. Right now it is still fresh, I still have two big wires in my finger healing my broken finger. I can’t walk. It is still fresh and anyone who tells me to be positive in this moment when I'm sharing how hard it is can just go right away.
I have learnt that people just don’t know what to say. It’s how society is trained - suppression and distraction from feelings aka OUR HEART which is the portal to our INTUITION. Wouldn’t want humans trusting their intuition now would we?!?
I know there is a reason that I've been faced with this, I know there is a reason that I was shown how hospitals operate. I know I was shown how distraction therapy and suppression therapy is rife through the industry and I deal with the fallout of it from the people that come to me. My clients, we deal with what has been suppressed through childhood, through adulthood through their entire life. I do not understand the full intent and reason why this happened to me at this time. However I am being shown a lot and I know it is creating a solid foundation for what I am here to do in the world. #sidenote this is not having a go at nurses - I had the most incredible care in hospital and appointments, they are amazing at what they do, let alone the number of amazing clients I have had over the years that are nurses. Even in this world situation, my experience showed me you wouldn't have known the world stuff was going on, whilst I was in there, I was grateful for this… I truly had the best care and Archangel Raphael made his presence known constantly.
Of course I will come out stronger of course I will come out wiser and all the things. I am Hannah Andrews, The Life Purpose Queen. I founded Reality Awareness in August 2006. My mission is to Awaken the Consciousness of Humanity. You do not do that by suppressing reality. You keep it real. Healing happens, by facing the reality of the situation whether it is current right now or whether it has been suppressed and you are digging it up and out so that you are not carrying it and subconsciously creating your reality through unconscious suppression.
Things have been very slow of on being unable to do a lot of things that I usually do with efficiency speed accuracy in the way that I've built my business and life. So many people would say to me all you needed a break he needed to slow down. However this is how I've always lived, I had three more weeks of work and I was about to take three weeks off. This wasn't about me slowing down and stopping. All the changes that I am bringing into 2022 were already in motion, that is why I had three weeks left and then to celebrate, was taking three weeks off. As I keep saying, this is way bigger than me.
Right now I am continuing to do the bare essentials, the bare minimum in taking care of myself. Having one hand, which I am very grateful for, however it tires very quickly when I use it for the intense bruising through my hand from where the cannula had four goes trying to place, with that massive needle, was traumatising itself, it has been painful. Things are just slow. Right now, surrender is my friend.
I feel that many of us are looking forward to 2022 - goodbye 2021! We thank you, but we are leaving now. Astrologically, 2022 is a supportive energy, however, I feel it still will be a bumpy road ahead. And yet, we are used to bumping now - we've had two years of training in this. We've got this - together.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
My clients know when to cry, when to straighten their Crown, when to get dolled up and get shit done.
My clients are the ones who know that they are here for more, know that mediocre life is not for them, know they are different for reason, and will not let anything get in the way of letting them achieve what is in their heart and Soul.
My clients know I that when they reach one goal, there is already ten more waiting for them. My clients know that this is a lifelong, in their blood, way of living that they know it isn't for everyone.
My clients know they have intuitive abilities of some sort. They are ready to learn, activate and amplify high and advanced intuitive abilities. My clients are ready to absorb, to learn, to activate and amplify their Life Purpose.
My clients come from all walks of life. My clients step into their Life Purpose in a very public way and there are also my clients who run businesses and no one even knows that their intuitive abilities are their secret magic to how they run their very successful business.
My clients are the leaders, who know that they are here to make the world a better place, to stand up for what is right, to impact millions of people. My clients are the Entrepreneurs, the Rebels, the ones who break down the old systems to make new and better ones.
My clients are the Lightworkers, the Healers the Intuitive's, the Misfits, the Druids. My clients are the Earth Angels, the Ancient Blooded Healers - the ones that are so connected to the Earth we wonder how it's not normal for everybody.
My clients are the ones who are ready to make 2022, not only that best year yet but the most successful business year yet, the most successful personal year yet. My clients are ready to step out in the world in a big, impactful way. My clients know that it's time, my clients know that it's that this is the year for them.
In 2022, I am taking on a select group of one-on-one clients through Life Purpose Accelerator, to accelerate the reason that you will born. Click here for all the details and to book a call with my team if you know this is the program for you in 2022: