Four days ago something strange happened to me.
Oct 14, 2023
Four days ago something strange happened to me. I stayed up working late to get everything done. Nothing unusual about any of that, very normal for me to work late when need be.
Except going to sleep at just after midnight… I was cold for not having electric blanket as I just took it off last week (it’s such a comfort for me in the winter) and tried laying there getting warm for ages. I eventually got up and got my dressing gown to sleep in.
I was almost asleep - and my third eye saw the clearest vision - THE most clearest vision I have EVER seen. I was laying under a huge tree and the sunlight was filtering through the leaves, glistening. You know what it’s like to lay under a beautiful big tree with the sun filtering through? That 🤍 It woke me up and I found myself opening my physical eyes, as my eyes focused - I was literally under this tree.
I have never had anything so clear before and I rolled over on my back and completely relaxed my body under this tree. Because you know… trees and me.
Then I was blinking my eyes because the light was so bright and literally in my bedroom I thought I had left a light on in the house. You know when you're in your room and a light is on in the house somewhere? Like that kind of light. I had to blink several times because I had not seen what I was seeing before.
It was like glow in the dark stars brightness but it was more a grey/platinum colour.
It was sort of glistening but more like a net but not a net - hard to describe. A web almost. A anatomic sack almost. The lines like on a placenta almost. All glistening and swirling so much that I actually sat up in bed and kept blinking my eyes because I was looking around the house through my door to see what light I left on. I got up to see properly - but there just wasn't any light on.
I was slightly freaking out but not but was like wtf at same time. I lay back down and was focused on consciously looking at it trying to figure out what it was. Eventually I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep very aware how late it was and that I needed to be up at 5am.
I… then had never had my third eye so active as this moment…. I was like what are you showing me?!?
A question I always ask when I am being shown things in this level of in between worlds when falling sleep - I then began seeing sacred geometry moving, swirling, colours brilliantly changing and I had wondered as I lay there witnessing it all if this is what people see on ayahuasca… my eyes were open seeing all this but my third eye was like it was an eye physically it was so strong seeing all this - my 3 eyes - but I’ve never seen so many beings in my entire life. My third eye was sooo active… mostly I was seeing through a purple blue lense, as if I had these colour glasses on - everything the ‘air’ had this blue purple hue. Sooo many beings. Avian, Lion, lots of ‘dark beings’ like they were all coming to say goodbye to me was the feeling or something like that was what the entire feel of it was, because I was sooo conscious of it all. It was so surreal and filled my entire bedroom. It never felt malevolent at all, I can’t even name all that I saw… it was like movie scene after movie seen and kept changing of all these beings coming through, looking at me and then going.
Then glowing platinum grey light of all this purple hue had changed to water all around me - swirling - gentle water like if you were underneath the ocean water and it was crystal clear and you can see the sun swirls glistening through the water - but it wasn’t blue - it was now green - all different kinds of shades of green.
This entire journey - by this stage I asked what are you?! Am I dying?! What is this?! And I heard loud and clear - ‘I am your Mother’ and I let It swirl all around me and then I fell asleep.
😳 Okay then 😳
I was driving to Brisbane the next day and it wasn't until I was half way there, I remembered it 🤯 I turned the music down as it all came flooding back to my awareness.Then I was intuitively analysing it and consciously remembering it all (something I’ve trained myself to do since 2005 - remember my dreams) I became and am very aware that this happened on the 3 day window before the Eclipse! #ofcourse
(Always important to be aware of the 3 day windows around the moon cycles as they are always on point!)
Like of course it did 🤯
I am very aware eclipses are a portals, the veils are thin.
But this.. was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.
I knew listening to my intuitive guidance back on June Solstice to stop Full Moon Ceremonies for a time that big things were coming… I didn’t see this on my radar though! And this stage, four days later I am still processing this and my mind frequently comes back to it wondering what it is… leaving me in awe, wonder and… trying to piece it all together. I can feel what it is on a soul level, but my conscious mind can’t really comprehend it all just…yet.
I even went to - what did I eat leading up to this lol I had seafood Pad Thai for dinner, don’t think that would’ve done it lol! It definitely felt like a visit of some sort… and.. initiation complete of some sort. It felt like a left the lower dimension, the isolation bubble I have been in this last 3 years in the country. That number 3 again.
Two days before this happened, I let myself sleep in (rare! But it was Sunday - and sleep in is usually 7amish for me)… and when I was waking up, I was dreaming and literally got out of my bed 5 times before properly waking up and then got up. I was like woah, wtf was that. It was like I came back through the dream layers - the reality layers. It was so clear. (If you’ve seen inception - it was like that but not but was but 😳)
But it wasn’t a dream - I’ve been living in a huge isolation initiation Avalon, through the Mists training bubble sphere for 3 years out here in the country my intuition and acute awareness of all pieces like this has exponentially increased and that becomes so noticeable for me when I go into town or other places.…
For such a long time I had wondered what I was doing out here, then the dog attack happened it spiralled me down into what felt like a huge dark empty hole.. once I travelled it (had no choice but to lol) it arrived at…. stillness… I couldn’t do anything. I was stopped on so many levels. Only 18 months later… and hitting the 3 year mark of living out here in the country, so many pieces of how this entire experience has been training my intuition, psychic skills and conscious awareness has only now become clear.
This experience feels like a significant - you’ve graduated! You’ve passed your initiation or something. Sounds crazy. But hey, I live a different life to many and long ago came to realise that fact and that this is just who I am. Life has dramatically changed since this - Green Mother I am going to call it - already - plus the Eclipse - plus so many other factors and so it feels like the completion of something.....and the start of.... something...huge.
I am sure more will become clear and unfold from here… until then....
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you want incredibly clear & accurate intuition like this, if you want to learn from the best who isn’t scared of the dark, has faced some huge life trial initiations and want to learn and be trained under someone who lives this day in and day out, Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator Super Early Bird opens next week and our 9 Month Training commences in February 2024, click here for all the details:
P.P.S. I am celebrating some MASSIVE shifts, breakthroughs and initiation graduations in my life right now on so many levels, including the 5,000 follower milestone on instagram and it is a HUGE celebration for me because only in August, did I make some very conscious decisions and goals to grow my instagram organically and with dedication intuitive precise daily action has it exponentially flourished rapidly from sitting at 2,300 followers for YEARS!!! To celebrate I have a SECRET $5k offer to work 1:1 with me privately - if you know your heart SINGS at this and know this is for you, click here for this SECRET offer to celebrate with me and you... win:
P.P.P.S. We began our 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter yesterday! The Eclipse portal is deeply interwoven, the energies moving and we are riding this consciously to shift, grow, transform and THRIVE - if you know you’re meant to be in this, click here for all the details: