Apr 05, 2020
FROM LUXURY TO BUCKET (Yep, long post alert - you can just assume they all are okay? That is just my Heart to share in depth, in full - with the full expression of who I am)
I have been receiving many private messages asking if I am okay… yes, of course I am okay. I had received so many I wondered what this was about. Maybe it is because I did a livestream on my own without Lucas after us doing them together, maybe it is because I am more quiet on social media - when for the past 4 years I have been on there 24/7… the reason for the change is that I am off grid I guess! And it is like a completely different bubble out here - and the entire reason I wanted to be out bush for lock down.
The tiny bits I go online - to then having no reception - to then going into town for things - gosh, I am feeling the difference of technology on my energy more than ever and makes me cry with wondering how I ever handled being on the coast for so long - and yet, the food - the crappy eating foods? That is how I covered those feelings up… so many realisations being out here of coping mechanisms I didn’t even knew I had!
I woke up to this Mist the other day - and it reminded me of The Mists of Avalon like no tomorrow! Even when I was driving here, on the dawn 10 hour drive day, we were driving through what felt like forever - a huge flock of crows and I am talking there must of been in their 100’s of Crows - something I have never seen before. It felt different and whilst Crow’s to me, symbolise the deep Magic and Mysteries of the Esoteric, deeply connecting me with Merlin and Dragons and Shamanism, that when I see them in 1 or groups of 3 - is the time of death and rebirth and letting go of the old - but this flock of 100’s that, as the dawning morning sunlight was shining through the horizon of the gum trees, with country roads and not a person in sight for miles - it felt like a portal opening - and I asked, what does it mean - and I received the strong feeling that I am going to meet my Wizard. Sure enough, this man, is definitely a Wizard and I love it!
I knew, even though I didn’t say back then and for whatever reason still not 100% clear on why we are here, but so much clarity at the same time, there is a purpose for this and a reason for my madness. Many have asked, so what are you doing there, what about your house on the coast and where am I headed and to be honest - I am awaiting that answer from my intuition about our next steps. One moment at a time, with complete freedom, in every single breath of every single moment in time.
It hasn’t been easy adjusting out here - and at the same time it has. As a child, my Dad used to take me on many road trips from the Far North Tablelands exploring the Daintree River and Goldfields out in Far North Queensland, to the tropical islands like Green Island and Fitzroy Island and then out bush, where I was born in Far Western New South Wales where there was no one in sight apart from the closest small town 2 hours away. There was no electricity, no reception and only a gas stove, gas fridge and a rain water tank. I am used to living off grid you could say. But it has definitely been an adjustment.
The Sacrifice? Dear Alex, our parrot 😔 I knew he was a Freedom loving bird, not wanting to stay in his cage back home - definitely wouldn’t sleep in it, no matter what blanket we covered his cage was, he wouldn’t settle until he was sleeping on our curtain rail in our bedroom, so that is where he slept every night. Out here… he was attacked by a terrier (which is instinctual in their nature) and I went through all sorts of feelings of not protecting him enough and all sorts of feelings about it. He wanted True Freedom - not even to be stuck in his little bird body, his Soul wanted the ultimate freedom. Fuck it has been hard actually. (There is so much more to this piece about Alex, but that.. will be shared when my intuition guides me to).
Let alone adjusting to not even having running water out of a tap, plus the animals settling, the cold weather - it definitely isn’t humid and hot down here - and showering out of a bucket -
My client made that statement to me the other day when I was sharing it with her. And it is interesting this piece here… I actually really enjoy it. Sounds weird right?
Well, I broke the shower, so I had no choice! And no - not in the way your mind just went to about breaking the shower! I am talking 12v camping shower that I broke, I seem to have this thing with breaking showers. The button just stopped working when I pressed it. Lucas got another one, but I actually told him I prefer to shower out of the bucket! And so I have been. The entire process from heating the water on the fire stove top, to - Lucas having crystals and magnesium in the bucket - brings a whole other dimension to it. Sitting in the bottom of the shower, consciously washing and connecting with myself - has changed me. Returned me to… my Soul or something.
My heart and soul has ALWAYS been living off the land, living off grid - just the adjustment to being here - now I have arrived is where my Heart and Soul is. It has just been a process of change I have been going through and I am forever grateful for my mentor Regan, guiding me through these road trips and helping me understand how to work on the road, let alone off grid!
So interesting - as a huge part of me, being off grid here with Lucas and learning all of these things - I have noticed over the years, ever since I was 18 - that I always seem to be 6 months ahead of people… just so many events of the years I have been like, oh, lucky I gave that up 6 months ago - for example, like when I used to smoke cigarettes when I was 18 - then they changed the laws and you weren’t able to smoke inside the clubs anymore and I was like ah - sweet I already quit 6 months ago, so I don’t have to worry about going outside to smoke! As just one example over the years!
Interesting, I am here, doing and learning off grid living real time and… electricity being turned off around the world! 🤔
About this 👆🏻
For many of you - who have known and followed me forever - you will know, luxury is my thing! And what is so interesting, last night I even shared a Super Yacht that was in the top of my feed - because I specifically filter my fb feed (everyone should! You choose what you see, you choose to create your reality, not what anyone else shoves in your face) - so everyone I log in - I am there, in tranquility on the ocean somewhere around our globe. You might think, well, you can’t do that right now Hannah and one key piece of manifestation advice? If you are still where you currently think you are - no wonder your dreams haven’t come true! (The Ear Chakra Consciousness if FULL of manifestation - it is what is about 100%)
Anyway, back to this FROM LUXURY TO BUCKET
For those of you in Trust Your Intuition you will know this story, and maybe some others - but for my house, my home on the coast, I have lived there for 8 years now and I have been over it for the last 2 years specifically!
I loved it, it served it’s purpose, it allowed us to do whatever we want and have a zillion animals over the years, have massive veggie gardens in the back to building my online business this past 4 years sitting there not moving… and yet - this last two years I am done with the old!
I have applied for different houses on the coast COUNTLESS times and time and time again would get knocked back. Maybe it was because I am a single mum, maybe it is because I don’t have a proper income, maybe it is because I work for myself, maybe it is because I don’t friggin know but fuck it has broken my heart time and time again - sooo disheartening wanting to move and you cannot! I gave up several times then the house move energy would come again and I would apply for the same damn story! I gave up! “FINE! I will just keep sitting here building my business until I can BUY A HOME OUTRIGHT THEN!”
When I got back from Dads a few weeks ago - fuck it broke me! The paint peeling off the walls, the owners not wanting to do any maintenance whatsoever because the entire thing needs to be gutted and renovated and more and just… soooo over seeing that oldness in my subconscious peripheral all the damn time! I got depressed super quick from being out west in the wide open red dirt spaces, to then seeing that. Then the visions started happening of the men in big white puffy suits I spoke about in a previous blog and well, here I am now in Country Victoria.
In December I reached my limit - I am NOT putting up with no maintenance and being ignored by the owner and mixed messages from the agent anymore! I reluctantly applied for yet another house and in January surprise surprise, got knocked back from that one too. I broke down, was sooo done about it all - BUT - I also COMMITTED like I never had before!
From December when it began I committed to a morning and night visualisation and activation process - that no matter how tired I was - this activation was happening! I was NOT in my current reality - I was in my new dream home. And it wasn’t just seeing it in my minds eye - it was FEELING it in all of my bones, my body, my heart, my Soul - and during the day, when I wasn’t in the activation - I wasn’t in my current house - I was in my new beautiful home. I even went regularly to the display homes to BE in the vibration of it all and anchor it in real time, then used that feeling - I was just not at my old home anymore!
This went on for a good month solid and mid-January, all the ‘preparation’ messages started coming in solidly for 3 weeks, then as you know, I got in the car ‘escaping a Cat4 cyclone’ and the rest of that story and how I ended up in Victoria can be found in my long blog post here:
The piece I am being guided to share here with you about FROM LUXURY TO BUCKET - is that - all of that - all of that manifestation about a new home - that FEELING? The FEELING of luxury? The FEELING of abundance? The FEELING of Wealth? Led me here, to my ‘Soul Home’ with Lucas - that FEELING between us? So interesting right? So many have private messaged us and shared the connection we so feel without words and many can feel and see this between us.
All I wanted was a new home that I felt good in and dedicated myself to a VERY committed visualisation and activation process and it led me to a good feeling relationship. So interesting. I was even contemplating this the other day as I could feel the tap on the shoulder from Spirit to share about FROM LUXURY TO BUCKET with you and how - when manifesting from Soul alignment - it doesn’t matter what the physical manifestation is - it is all about the FEELING - are you that tuned into your Soul - more to the point - do you allow your Soul to HAVE WHAT IT REALLY WANTS?
Are you choosing the blueberries, my mentor Regan would ask?
Because if you are not letting your Soul have the little things, then how can you expect the Universe to grant you the big things - you - allowing your Soul to have the big things?
It doesn’t matter how big or small you are trying to manifest - it is more about the allowance of having what you really want and most people don’t allow themselves the thing they REALLY want. The mind always steps in and says why they can’t have it and they listen to their mind over their Soul.
Of course, Super Yachts and my Mansion on the Beach, plus multiple properties around the globe - the plan has never changed. But now, this feeling is amplified? That, I am here - with someone - who has crazy big dreams like I? How amazing right? So interesting.. I had even let go of that with someone! It was just what I wanted, and got super comfortable doing it - with ME!
I find it quite amazing that, the Universe led me here, to experience this and continue on from here FIRST. Which, words of gratitude doesn’t even convey the feelings I feel about this. The Universe always knows, your Soul always knows what you want in the best way possible - but most don’t trust themselves or their intuition enough to leave what isn’t working to create SPACE for what CAN work. They hold onto the old like their dear life depends on it, or they put others first because that is what they THINK is best - but inside their Soul is DYING and you can see it from the life they are living - their Soul has shrunk and shrivelled up. Let alone how exhausting that is.
And THAT is the biggest thing - creating SPACE to be able to have your manifestations show up - having space LONG ENOUGH for your manifestations to show up.
So many won’t get comfortable in the space - they will take any relationship that turns up, any thing that shows up in their reality - even if it is not aligned with their SOUL Values and then they wonder why the full manifestation of their dreams hasn’t come true or it didn’t work AGAIN. And yet, if they were super honest with themselves - they wouldn’t let themselves be lonely, they wouldn’t be okay with the space - they have to fill it up with whatever comes along. They… settled. (And some people get mighty triggered and pissed off at me, tell me all sorts of nasty things - because I have hit a sore spot for them and... I am HOLDING YOU! 💜💜💜 #iseeyou)
What is interesting is that I let go of SOOO much. I let go of being healthy, I let go of having all the things I wanted, the organic foods, the expensive products, the crystals, the supplements, the everything - and poured EVERYTHING into my business. Because I knew long term - well, with my business stabilised, then I can have whatever I want. That was why I was doing it. I created space - and got comfortable in that space. There has to be space - to allow the full alignment to come in - if you settle for less than 100% - then what you really want, can’t show up. Quite simple really, but people are too scared of space and can’t stand being alone, so they take whatever is available and wonder why they get hurt again.
And I sacrificed all those things - from organic veggies and products to supermarket brands and veggies - because I wasn’t letting fear of chemicals override my drive to succeed and have the lifestyle 99% of people will not sacrifice ANYTHING to get ahead.
I was reading “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.” By T. Harv Eker, the other night, (whilst Lucas prepared an amazing dinner that the entire experience was just so new to me! To sit by the fire and read whilst an amazing dinner made with love was prepared? Something I am not used to! And the level of receiving I am needing to open/get comfortable of? Gosh, that is a whole other post in itself!) and this paragraph - made me bawl my eyes out like a tap out of nowhere:
“Are you willing to work sixteen hours a day? Rich people are. Are you willing to work seven days a week and give up most of your weekends? Rich people are. Are you willing to sacrifice seeing your family, your friends and give up recreation and hobbies? Rich people are. Are you willing to risk all of your time, energy and start-up capital with no guarantee of returns? Rich people are.”
Sixteen hours a day? I was working 18 hours a day for 18 months solid! Weekend? What is that? I even sacrificed time with my daughter during this time - which - people just wouldn’t do! Family? What is that? Hobbies and recreation? What is that? I even let go of yoga and the gym for a time! Things people just wouldn’t do!
I bawled my eyes out - because it was confirmation for me. Harv gets it. I am not crazy.. just… a person who does what most people won’t and yet, they all dream and wish about a certain lifestyle but won’t sacrifice things to get it. There is no way I could’ve continued buying organic and all the things I really wanted whilst I was building this business. But now? I am well on the way to having what I want - just like my beloved V8 - that allowed me to do these road trips and led me here to Country Victoria.
I questioned getting this car (after I got it! Definitely not in the moments of making it happen!) with people’s sly comments and I could feel people’s judgements about my choices - a smart investment option is not a new car! Any investor knows that - however, it felt right to me and if I look at what is happening in the world now - lucky I trusted my intuition over ‘smart investment’ options right?
My little 2006 Model Hyundai Getz (with over 200,000kms on the clock) wouldn’t have got me 5,000kms in 6 weeks that I have just done with my daughter and all my beloved animals. Lucky I trusted anyway when it didn’t make a ‘smart investment’ option according to ‘how to make money by the logical book way’. My entire business has been built on intuition, I am not about to change that now!
When I even bought this car, on the test drive, on the dash radio was ‘Born To Be Yours’ by Imagine Dragons the song and I stared at it as he was driving us to the destination to change over so I could drive it and I just KNEW with a deep hearted smile that this car was mine, even though I wasn’t certain it was going to be approved at that time technically. And yet, it was. My Dragon, just making His presence known and to continue trusting my Heart, my growing Heart muscle that is super strong, that so many FEEL ❤️
And it is quite amazing, that the Super Yacht image I shared last night without thinking - once I posted it I then realised it was called Dragon! I love Lionheart Super Yacht (even though so many hate it because of who owns that Super Yacht) - I think it is the name, but he design is my Heart too - and Dragon? Ah, I will have both please! #signs
Manifestation - how many times have you tried and done it, to only get what you didn’t want or what you didn’t expect?
Did you focus on the FEELING? And commit and dedicate to this and only this? When you received the thing - was it the same FEELING - even though the outer is different to what you expected?
Feeling is SOUL - are you there? Or trying to create from your mind? Your mind is a servant to your Soul - to your FEELINGS - but most, have it around the other way and hence why nothing seems to work in their lives.
Do you - truly allow enough space in your life to receive, what you are really asking for from Soul?
Or do you continue to settle and get hurt time and time again?
Isn’t it time, to allow your Soul - to have what it really wants and not settle one moment more?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you are needing 1:1 support, are sick and tired of attracting the same shit over and over again and tired of not having what you really want PLUS are ready to actually open to having what you really want, my 30 Day Reality Shifter Program is the key to shifting out the crap, understanding why you are STILL in the same position and then having the golden key shifts to actually having the relationship and life you really want - then this is for you.
30 Days of me personally guiding you through the Darkness and into the Light of your dreams, so you stop going around in circles any longer - click here for all the details as this is only available for a limited time only:
P.P.S. Are you joining us for our live global meditation today? We go live at: