Full of anxiety? Feeling down and blue?
Sep 27, 2019
Full of anxiety? Feeling down and blue?
Few factors to check in with when you're feeling this way!
Anxiety is a fear of the future... so when you feel anxiety, check in:
- first thing is to check in with where you've been. If you've been out and about, you may have picked up someone else's energy and carrying it as your own, so your body is trying to figure it out and causing anxiety, not knowing what the energy is and in your head trying to figure it out.
- With any big changes recently or are about to make. i.e. moving house, changing jobs, starting a new project, managing a new project
- If you have got big changes going on and your home routine isn't normal - then it is quite normal to feel unsettled and anxious and out of sorts! So, be gentle on yourself if you have a lot going on and call in the support and help you need right now. You don't need to do it alone.
Feeling down and blue, check in:
- with coming back from a holiday or trip that you wouldn't usually do. It takes time for your energy to 'arrive' home and catch up, so if you're feeling down and blue, ALLOW yourself to arrive home. Sometimes holidays aren't 'holidays' in a sense of the relaxing trip lazing about on a tropical picturesque island. If you've been on adventures, whilst they are GOLD to your SOUL, give yourself time to 'come back home' and settle back to home routines.
- where you've been placing your time and energy recently. If you have been busy as a bee, moving house, releasing a new project, working non-stop, giving your energy to someone who needs you - you may be worn out! When you 'stop' it can all catch up on you and 'hit' you... so just allow yourself to 'be' with however you are feeling right now. Double up your self-care - has it even been existent in this past few weeks? Make it mandatory and don't let anything come in before it. May need to re-check your self-care levels in the coming weeks and make them priority? Even 'booking it in' with yourself, automatically makes you feel better knowing you can 'handle it' until then.
Check in: Are you grounded? If you are not grounded, chances are you are going to be feeling so much more and not be 'aware' of it as such and so struggling to differentiate between what is yours and what isn't. Hard to make any decisions, let alone any sense of anything when you are feeling this way. So, do what you need to get grounded. Exercise, nature, cleaning your home/work space, allows you to 'come down' and focus on your current reality. Take a sea salt bath, paint your toe nails red or wear red socks. Get IN your body so you can RECEIVE.
When was the last time you got outside in nature?
If you are struggling to manifest what you want, chances are you are too focused on 'out there' and not enough 'in here'. There is always an inflow and outflow with EVERYTHING, including YOU! Make YOU a priority and the Universe will too.
Unsure where to start? Take the thing that is agitating you the most and do that.
Still feeling unsettled? What is it that you are putting off until another day? Go do that.
Yes there is anxiety in the collective, yes there is a big theme going on right now to get on purpose NOW, stop putting off today what your SOUL is crying out for you to do right now, not in 30 minutes but NOW...
Things STILL not going right? What manifestation activities are you doing DAILY????? Not just when things get bad - like DAILY? Journalling, meditating, visualising, - what and where is your brain focusing on MOST OF THE TIME???? If it isn't on what you want, then don't be surprised to have showing up in your world what you don't want. Comprende?
What are you NOT doing DAILY that you know you SHOULD be doing that will benefit your SOUL and your LIFE right now? (remember, not just when things are bad or good - but mandatory - like you would brush your teeth and shower everyday, well, if you do that! But you know what I mean right?) Make it mandatory. Start now. Not tomorrow.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you want your daily alignment tracked out for you, we can map out a daily routine that can get you back on track in no time, get life flowing for you again in YOUR way and what works best for you, manageable so you STICK TO IT and the key tips and tricks that stop you from sabotaging your goals and priorities so you can stop going around and around. You don't want to feel this way anymore do you? Click here to for all the information on how you can shift this now: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program