How about you remember who the fuck you are??
Nov 10, 2022
How about you remember who the fuck you are??
How about you step back into that place that is the FUCK YES ONLY and that place where you do whatever the fuck you want to do and see how free you can truly be?
That place before you got burnt, shot down, betrayed and closed your heart not only to them - BUT LIFE ITSELF?? Or God forbid - even to your own damn self?!
How about you remember who the fuck you TRULY are??
That place where you are on FIRE
That place where you mojo love life AND some because well - life is for living and you LOVE being here?? Did you forget that!?
That place where you thrive inside because you LIVE
That place where you don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks, because you have that deep a grounding and love for self, they roll off your back, like water off a ducks back?? 🦆 #quack
That place where you love life just because?
How about you reach inside to that place where the magic resides where you come alive and are on FIRE?
There is a time for flowing with your cycles and your flow and then there is a time for riding that baby all the way fucking home and living that LIFE that you are…
The ebs and flows the ups and downs, the deep howling grief then shifting to highest joy in the same day IS who you are - because it cleared - because you know how to ride it - because you know who the fuck you are and know your POWER lays in you feeling of YOU - all of YOU because this is your essence, your magic and your SOUL and that…
Is who runs the show.
There is something your Soul is guiding you to do - that - is the key to all you’ve been asking for, it’s time to take the next step - today - stop putting off what you know your Soul is guiding you to do - today.
Remember - when you step up, you’ll get blocked in everything you do.
No this isn’t your sign to not do it - the only sabotage and ‘demon stopping you’ - the only 'sign stopping you' is your own lack of self belief and willingness to go after that which you truly want. Period.
Nothing stops you - only you do.
The power will go out in the middle of writing a powerful blog and you’ll lose it all…(psst, that is what documents are for and save save save and backing that shit up ten fold #entrepreneur101)
The kids will start screaming and you’ll need to tend to them…
The dog will pee on the rug and you’ll need to clean it up…
The reality of what you ‘can’ do compared to the leap you want to make and have enquired about won’t make logical or practical sense....
But when you play in the realm of I can’t - well then yes where who I stay...
But when you play in the realm of I can and this is what I choose and I just go and do it anyway...
You… lead the way for the Universe to scramble and catch up with YOU 🔥
You are the Universe and the Universe is YOU
You are the one that creates the energy and momentum to do what the fuck you want to do, when you want to do it and some.
You are the creator of limitless possibilities - YOU ARE 🌊
The healing is DONE. Now....
Remember who the fuck you are.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Doors close for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast - next week! If you’re wanting to be deeply guided, deeply stimulated, deeply activated for expansion and get turned on by your LIFE - then the 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast, is for you, click here for all the details, before this closes next week:
P.P.S. To be in your full expansion, to heal from your past and decide to choose your life - not what someone else told you when you were a kid, that you are still waiting around for their approval and you don’t even realise and wonder ten times over why your life isn’t moving forward in the way you want, to come into complete alignment with your Destiny or even understand what that is - Life Purpose Accelerator, my Inner Circle is the place to be.
If you want to deeply attune your intuition, come out of the spiritual closet, stop hiding away that which you know you are born for and ready to shine your Light in the world, then you’re in the right place.
Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions, Life Purpose Accelerator is closing soon: