“How did you do the $75k month, what did you do differently?”
Nov 22, 2024
“How did you do the $75k month, what did you do differently?”
I was having a cuppa with one of my best friends yesterday and she asked me this questions. I immediately responded with, “I have no idea, but something inside of me has changed.”. That was all I could think of in that moment. I feel different - inside.
Our conversations continued and as we kept talking about all things and everything.. it dawned on me later on.
That was it.
And Gratitude.
I wasn’t attached to hitting $100k months. I wasn’t even concentrating so much on it all. Of course, I have my energetic game plan down pact. I have been doing this energetic mindset game work consciously since 2016 now. I have been to the darkest of depths facing the deepest of core wounds that have been shadow anchors holding me in ‘lower’ paradigms and realities.
I wasn’t even focused on it = detachment. But I was very conscious of it = gratitude.
You see, what I was focused on, was my energy, my life, my self care, cleaning up greatly behind the scenes in so many ways, on so many levels. My deep conscious and diligent connection to my business and every little and big sale that was entering through my payment portals and landing in my bank account.
I wasn’t in gratitude for $75k months - they weren’t even here yet (physically).
But was I was (still am) in deep gratitude for every $47 sale, every $111 Psychic Reading booking, every $222 booking, every $997 3 month booking. Every client that has been with me for years, choosing to stay again and again and renewing their 12 months Life Purpose Accelerator with me. Every client that out of the blue moves to work at higher levels even though they are already working with me. Every client that books in person days because they know the power of proximity. I was in deep gratitude for today, this moment. In deep celebration at waking up to payment notifications over and over and over again before I even climb out of bed.
For everything that has brought me to now. To this very moment. Over. And Over. And Over.
That combined with making choices in my life not based on money. I was already on the island before I crossed $75k in 30 days. I wasn’t ‘waiting until’ the money came in to make choices my Soul was calling me to do.
I have always found a way to do what I am being called to do, no matter the circumstances. Do what you can with what you have = #lifepurposerules.
“Do what your Soul is calling you to do, if you wish to create that what you are asking for.” - Sanaya Roman.
This doesn’t mean throwing all responsibility to the wind.
Quite the opposite.
This is about following Soul and working on your inner and outer reality at the same time.
There is not this step first = this.
But what there is, is a delicate, diligent, conscious and connected balance between the inner (Soul) world and the outer world (reality) that is a divine harmony once reached, but the anchors, shadows, wounds and webs that are entangled in between that divine connection of your Soul and Human Self, that is deeply and purposely built in conscious relationship, is pure bliss once you reach it. Then with a conscious, committed devotion to your Soul’s Path, Miracles Abound.
More than you asked for, but always aligned for.
Miracles on the daily, that you witness and expand deep gratitude for.
Decisions that make no logical sense, but intuitively adhere to.
Opportunities that are magnetised to you, but you held the energy for.
Surrounded by like-minded Souls that celebrate and lift you to higher levels of success, that you consciously made space for.
You see, it isn’t luck.
It is devotion.
It is cultivation.
It is a divine representation of your Soul’s path that you consciously chose and did the work for.
On all levels.
It's a choice, that you choose, over and over and over.
In every moment, in every breath.
Your Purpose is calling you 🌬✨🤍🕊💎
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Black Friday Magic has begun, Manifesting Magic is deep in our Black Friday Magic now on. If you know that your purpose, your passion is meant to bring in deep support, expansion and curating a life you can be proud of online, click here for me to be your mentor through Manifesting Magic - How to Build Your Online Business, step, by step: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
P.P.S. PLATINUM - For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. | Success Frequencies | Light Codes | Goddess Initiations | Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You were born to have it all. The wealth. The success. The love. The purpose. The fulfilment of living a rich, nourishing and fulfilling life. You deserve to become a Multi-Millionaire - doing, what you love. Purpose is about Awakening the Consciousness of Humanity in some way shape or form for every single person on the planet. Your Purpose work, is always highly compensated from God for stepping into your Service Work 100%. If you know PLATINUM is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum
P.P.P.S. If you are ready, but ready for a starting point because your Purpose won’t leave you alone, let alone let you sleep at night, my Life Purpose Activation Kit, is for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit