How I handle overwhelm, frustration and more
May 01, 2019
A client asked me, how I handle overwhelm, frustration, disappointment and heavy energy and when I was sharing my answer with her, I felt the need to share it with you here too.
How do I handle it?
My very first answer to her, was that I take time out and go and cry.
I let myself deeply cry. I drop into grief.
There is power in tears, there is power in emotional release.
Some people say, you shouldn't sit in negativity, you shouldn't feel heavy feelings, you shouldn't focus on it.
I say 🖕🏻 to people who tell me what I SHOULD do.
1. They don't know me
2. They don't my feelings or my heart
3. Someone who tells you, you SHOULD do something rather than supporting you where you are at, is to back the fuck away from them and keep going far, far away from them. Energetically, physically, the whole damn lot.
4. We are human and on this Earth to FEEL - ALL of it. When we learn how to FEEL FAST - we SHIFT FAST. #goldenkey
I'm getting sidetracked....
Tears release the stress hormone cortisol from our body, they serve a definite purpose for release for our body, or it wouldn't be there. Just like going to the toilet, it serves a definite purpose for release from our body.
What if I can't cry and I know I need to? I purposely watch a movie that will make me cry, or I will listen to music that makes me cry.
I used to cry a lot and for ages - I had a back log of this lifetime to catch up on. These days, I don't cry for too long, but when I do cry, I drop deep, deep into cries that see me through the veils and back in 'no time'.
A bit like meditating. It used to take me a long time to drop into a deep meditative state, but years of consistent meditating has enabled me to drop into a meditative state very quickly.
How do I deal with overwhelm and frustration and other feelings?
Of course there is the practical side to it as well.
There are certain questions I 'run through' fairly automatically these days, to check where I am at and what is going on:
1. Whose energy am I feeling? Is this even mine?
2. Where I am at in my Moon Flow Cycle?
3. What is going on with the planetary line ups?
Then it is checking the super practical side:
~ How did I even get to this place?
~ What needs to change?
~ What expansion supportive structures need to be put in place?
~ What self care needs to increase?
~ What else is there that needs to be dealt with that I am not?
What else do I do?
I also call upon Archangel Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel of 100% Light - as She helps with the Sacral Chakra which 'feels' just as much as our Heart Chakra.
Our Sacral Chakra, is also where we feel nourished or not and whether we feel content or not.
Grief, is also stored in the intestines and the Sacral Chakra. To feel to heal, to drop into grief, creates a release, from the physical (bowel movements) and also our Sacral - where we shed and release anything that is stagnant, blocked and/or is holding us back, dragging us down or anything other than moving forward.
When I drop into grief, I know it is the fastest way to move forward. When I drop into grief, I know I am FEELING and FEELING is your key to deep manifestation.
Our Sacral Chakra, is where we gestate our projects, it is the Sacred Womb, so it is important to take deep care of this powerful Chakra in manifesting whatever we are wanting in our lives.
If you ignore the FEELINGS of grief - you are ignoring an important key to manifestation, let alone health and well being.
"But aren't you supposed to feel positive emotions to manifest what you want?" And I say,
"Who is the one putting the judgement onto the vibration that is making it a vibration in the first place?"
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
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