How to turn your Headaches into your gift and shift it ❤️
Sep 27, 2019
I woke with a headache two days ago and I rarely, rarely get headaches - especially upon waking!
I knew it wasn't normal, I knew it wasn't bad.. I just knew it was something to tell me something....
I've been rapidly shifting and accelerating my growth this past month as you've seen...
And this headache two days ago - I thought, ah, all the 'hows' and trying to figure out and the hugest revelations I had from attending live training at 2:30am that morning.
And I felt off... and still.. I turned up to my morning practice, even though I didn't want to get out of bed... I chose to face it. I chose to hear what it was saying in the vagueness and wanting to disappear all day in bed and sleep...
It wasn't like a normal headache, it felt more like, my brain had expanded in my skull...
Yes, some may freak out at that and run to the doctor... but when this kind of thing, when physical illness is not normal for me - I listen quickly and I listen deeply...
I began my morning ritual as I always do, oil pulling and my specific journal process...
And it hit me, when I went deep into money as I've been taught and as I have many times before...
And there was a tonne of 'greediness' and scavenging - ooooh how much gold does that hold for me! HEAPS when we are talking clearing blocks!
And I asked about my head... and I heard fever... and plague...
And so I googled, "If someone died of fever symptoms what would that be?"
As I read the symptoms I was like yep, yep, yep and then kept reading and how it is transferred from wild rat/vermon flea bites, a specific bacteria that is transferred in this process. And flashes of the dead wild rat that my cat graciously caught and left on my front door step several days ago flashed in my mind as my mind also scurried at how I could have that from that rat, but my mind also reassuring me that I used a plastic bag and didn't actually touch it and more... (crazy how our mind goes off on tangents so darn quickly hey!)
And then starvation came up in the mix too... and then it all hit me at once... the recent netflix series I watched, Victoria and the episode about the Ireland Famine and disease epidemic and as I sat in all this, the black plague actually peaked in the 14th century and I realised, that I've actually now gone further than my current past life, further than what I've recently just processed that I shared last week, deeper, healing deeper core blocks and beliefs that I've carried over... until now...
In my morning ritual Shadow Integration is standard now too, and two days ago, it was specifically on money... money as it's own person... and there was a lot of harshness a lot of rejection a lot of starvation type epidemics and how the Royals were fine in their bountiful (yes, I call myself the Life Purpose Queen, no wonder all this is coming up right?) as the images of the Victoria and that episode that I watched flashed in my mind.... and it all made total sense...and how that's carried over to this lifetime.
When I realised this two days ago, of what was going on for me... and that this past life was surfacing already... I realised the past week why I had resistance (yes even I get resistance too!) or that something was still 'off' - but as always, when you commit to your practice, your answers always, always come.
It is all within you, you just need the tools to be able to unravel it all and the courage to know you can.
As I sat in processing all this, the memories unravelled of the movie I watched 10 months ago on the flight home from New Zealand after dropping Adaya home, about the holocaust I can't remember the name of the movie this second as I write, but all the images flashed in my mind and I realised a deeper level of why it affected me so much when I watched it and the huge soul clearing of the trapped souls on the planet from this that I opened portals and helped them move on on the flight home too. (#standard Lightworker Duties!)
All of this, made total, total sense.
Committing to my morning ritual and what I am working on, moving into BEING..and powerfully at that with what I've chosen... everything is coming up that is in the way of that... and instead of getting stuck in the pity party for months like I used to, blaming everyone, blaming the government, complaining and whining about how hard life is and how bad the world is going, I just recognise that when stuff 'hits' me like this, it has come to free me, to become what I am creating right now... and I clear it. Just. Like. That.
The entire reality of starvation, poverty and more, that is so stricken, still in today's society, if you are going to pull yourself out of the feast or famine threads and just enjoy the Abundance that is so readily available but find it hard to get your hands on (past life memory flashes anyone!?) then, you must delve, dive and clear, to come back up with the truth of what you know to be real - Abundance.
And after I cleared this two days ago? That this naturally dropped into the further back past life trauma and beliefs systems I've carried over many lifetimes until now, and I cleared it, with my morning ritual tools, processes and more - what happened next?
Rapid Ascension Awakening was birthed!
Of course, this had to be cleared before I could birth this!
Of course, all the tools to clear you past life belief systems, lightworker wounds and so, so much more, is all - for how can dear Humanity Ascend, whilst continuing to carry all this pain of our past.
I share my processes, so you can ask your headache what it is saying to you, so you can ask your anxiety what it is trying to tell you, so you can ask your avoidance techniques what is going on - and have the tools on hand to be able to listen, act and move forward - Awakening Your Life Purpose, every single, day.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you want all the details on Rapid Ascension Awakening, click here ❤️