I am here to remind you who you were born to be.
Feb 25, 2024
I am here to remind you who you were born to be.
Inside of you is a blueprint of what you are supposed to do, who you are supposed to be and your entire life mapped out for you. Sure, you can change it, but you can also discover if that is someone you actually dream about becoming - or are.
I am here to help you become a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.
I am here to help you remember who the fuck you are and uncover said blueprint - the one that you’ve forgotten about, the one that has been layered with scars and trauma from birth.
I am here to become the best version of yourself and actually enjoy your life in the process.
I am here to help you tap into your inner wisdom and trust yourself again after all the heartbreak, all the trauma and all the pain you’ve endured over your life.
I am here to help you become more than what you currently are - even though you’re ‘happy’ now - you’ve been feeling there is something else, something more, something MORE you can be doing and WANT to be doing, even though you ‘love what you currently do’ - there is something bubbling up inside of you or feeling a lacking almost, because there is a shift taking place and you can feel your Soul calling you.
You are happy on the outside and do love your life - but… in the quiet moments, it has reached a…. but there is MORE… there is SOMETHING else… and you can feel it.
That is where I am come in.
You have something inside of you that is not only wanting to come out - it is what you are born to do.
It is inherent in you.
It is why you gravitative towards certain people, places, interests and values you have about life.
Because these are showing you what is important to you and what you also know you came here to achieve.
Sure, life isn’t all about achievements.
But for people like us - it is.
So if you’re not one of us, then, this just isn’t the space for you and that’s fine - you can just move right along.
But if you’re one of us, you always want more, know there is more and can be, do and have more - simply because you fucking want to.
Because it drives you.
It makes you come ALIVE and have fire and PASSION and PURPOSE and a REASON TO LIVE.
Whether that is your new favourite hand bag; saving the wildlife; finding homes for the homeless or that new beach house or drinking water where it isn’t drinkable or that you know you SIMPLY WANT TO HELP PEOPLE - it doesn’t matter WHAT it is - what matters is that you have that FEELING.
That FEELING comes from your Soul and your SOUL is showing you.
Fuck other people’s judgement of you because you WANT the new $10k hand bag over picking up trash on the beach.
Fuck other people’s judgement of you because you WANT to make water drinkable where it’s not over the new hand bag.
Fuck other people’s judgement of you because you invest multiple $100k’s into your own personal and business development over the ‘logical’ buying that house.
Fuck other people’s judgement that you WANT a brand new house when people say it isn’t a good investment.
That is the thing that has held you back - until now that is.
Soul desire, Ego desire, Human desire - it’ doesn’t fucking matter desire!
Desire is DESIRE and it gives us not only a reason to live - it is a message from your SOUL and THAT is the guiding light that takes you there.
It is your heart, your soul and it is leading you somewhere and if we all desired the same thing - well we wouldn’t be fucking human, we’d be robots and there is enough of that in the world.
This - is your permission slip.
To invest your money, time and energy into what is important to YOU.
Some say that you shouldn’t buy a new car. Well, to a single mother like me - a new car was the best investment I could’ve made at that time because I needed a car and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.
They are not you. They are not your heart, your Soul and they DEFINITELY DO NOT HAVE YOUR UNIQUE LIFE PURPOSE BLUEPRINT!
If you desire to live your true unique Life Purpose - you MUST grow thick skin, own who the fuck you are, have the confidence to feel good in who you are and trust yourself like no one else matters - because they don’t.
It doesn’t matter if they are your partner, your neighbour or your friend - just because they don’t think it is a good idea, well I guarantee you they won’t be complaining about you paying for that dinner outing or picking up the electricity bill because you can because you chose to follow your ‘strange ass desire of choosing the hand bag or car over the logical thing to do’ (which to them was to stay small because you’re scaring me’) - yeah nah, they won’t be complaining about you picking up the bill - so, ignore them - put your blinkers on - find circles and high flying friends, mentors and people who are also choosing the confident, sassy and on set heart and soul desire life on fire as your chosen path because honey -
You’re the rule breaker, the leader, the entrepreneur, the pioneer, the trailblazer and no one, understands people like this, unlike me - so that is why you need to hire me as your mentor to begin with let alone the fact that there is a certain breed who is here to change the world, to bring new modalities to this planet that certain unique souls hold in their unique blueprint to change the world with what they are born to do.
It is not here yet, it is inside of you and you are here to birth that here.
That is why you are reading this far.
To birth something into the world that is not here yet, requires a deep stability of internal trust, blinkers on and doing it anyway no matter with someone or alone - you HAVE to do this.
You HAVE to live a certain way.
You HAVE certain standards you adhere to.
You HAVE to create in a certain way and you HAVE to do it this way.
This is not controlling - this is FOLLOWING YOUR UNIQUE BLUEPRINT.
Which is not found in books.
Which is not found in schools or tertiary eduction.
THAT is why it is frowned upon.
But not in my world.
Not in Reality Awareness.
Not here.
It is celebrated, encouraged and your crazy ‘illogical’ ideas and passion and purpose projects, desires and what you WANT simply because you WANT it - is pushed forward with fuel to your fire because it is showing you your PATH and I am here to remind you to GO FUCKING GET IT.
So are you?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you know I am the mentor for you, send me a message. $1,111 for 1 hour or $115,555 for 12 months. In Person Healing Immersions available, send me a message for the details. I am shown your Unique Life Purpose Blueprint and Business Strategy to match via my Clairvoyance when we are in session together, for what you need to heal, implement and follow - it is downloaded to me via my Clairvoyance, if you are ready for this higher download to implement in every area of your life, send me a message.
P.P.S. If you need to hear your deep Purposeful Blueprint and be reminded who the fuck you are - Wild Spirit Formula is for you - listen right away and turn your switch back on so you can get back to what the fuck you are born for, click here to listen now: https://www.realityawareness.com/wild-spirit-formula
P.P.P.S. You know you are born for MORE - in every area of your life. You are happy in your life, but you know there are things that you can improve, things to work on to become better than you were yesterday. You love personal and psychic development, you eat this for breakfast, you love understanding intuition and know that you receive intuitive inspiration more often that you’re probably aware of. You know you are here to help people and make your own life and family home life better. You have always wanted to explore the psychic realms in more depth and even perhaps open your own healing business of some sort. The idea of bringing in income from doing what you love truly lights up your Soul alongside living your best life with the income to match it - all from Soul of course. If this sounds like you, the Life Purpose Legacy is your place, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy