🌟 I am not from the stars... I AM THE STARS 🌟
Jan 21, 2021
🌟 I am not from the stars... I AM THE STARS 🌟
I am the ethers from the sea in which you pine for...
I am the ocean of the calling from the birth in which you arrived for...
I am the increased frequent heart beat of the one you wish for...
I am the divine sensuality you long for...
We have begun our first day in Activate Your Archangel Frequency... and I have been guided to share my first day with you, which I am nervous to share here!
But here we go, this is my share, from posting in our Activate Your Archangel Frequency group:
"Lots of Red and Blue came through all my meditations this morning...
Soo interesting what Archangel Michael (Day #1) shared with me... the big solid man that I have felt with me for quite some time energetically in spirit, going back to when I was 6yrs old in my bedroom and he scared me and is when I know I shut down my gift because of it.... messages came though - (came through Shadow Meditation before AA Michael and then it continued) that he didn’t incarnate with me this lifetime- which for years I’ve always felt my other half was on the other side, not on this earth plane with me. So this confirmed that.
Whatever he did on the other side, “His entry pass was invalid.”
Which is kinda interesting.
“You left me,” he said.... 😳🙄
Yeah, I sure did. His entry pass was invalid and I came anyway, because I want to change the damn world... I was (and have been) angry at him for making his entry pass invalid and not coming with me to change the world - but it’s almost like he did it on purpose to not help/had courage to do it. Soooo interesting!!
And ‘him’ represents - is identical energy - to every man I’ve been with in this lifetime.
Also interesting!!
“These men have been a reflection of this, but this is not who you are! You’re courageous, will walk through fire, do anything, achieve anything, find a way to make anything happen and your man, your man? Is exactly the same. You guys break world records together and become the worlds top entrepreneurs in less than 5 years together! Sold out events, break the Internet wirh events and have a waiting list that also breaks world records.” Says AA Michael 😳 okay then! 🙌🏻🕊
I didn’t realise I chose relationships (as the intention for this Activate Your Archangel Frequency round) 🤣
But to be honest, I didn’t set an intention, I wanted to see what would come through, but this makes total sense - to release this man from the other side, ‘cut ties’ for the final time, for that karmic cycle has been completed, through the ethers and now time to do what I always knew to do... and why I’ve always been ‘unhappy’ in all past relationships- because deep down I knew all this!
Makes total sense, my resentment towards men this lifetime has always been about not stepping up - but it was ether deep - the man I was with on the other side, didn’t have the balls back then, sabotaged even getting here this lifetime and left me alone here. Resentment runs deep!
NOW - When we look at this as a reflection of my own subconscious....! #huge
My own inner masculine, ‘the other half of me’ - I’ve been resentful to myself this entire time.
Sabotaged my own self worth by entering relationships that I knew would keep me small, not being confident to own the wildly successful entrepreneurial part of me that flies high, has extraordinary fun, jumps at any opportunity, runs wildly free, has booked out events and completely changes the world - BECAUSE I HAVE CHANGED MY OWN LIFE in extraordinary ways, lets myself be seen (by not hiding on the other side/sabotaging not coming into this realm fully or at all!)
You can see, this isn’t about any external relationship at all right?
How deep is that for a Thursday morning?!?! (And yet, welcome to everyday normal reality for me... isn't this normal for everyone?!?! 🤔)
Time to FLY!!! 🕊🦅🕊🦅🕊🦅
Some big shifts have happened for me. Since I held my boundary over Christmas/New Year around the way I do business, the way I show up, the way I work and what I have planned for Reality Awareness this year, this is so huge and makes TOTAL sense and we are only on Day 1 🤣 This stuff blows my own mind at times! I just turn up to it, for it - to flow THROUGH me.
I am just a vessel, open to the ethers that encompasses... it isn't just one galaxy, one star system - but the portal that holds them all - that place - beyond that.
That is who I am. Consciousness. Pure Consciousness.
It is why I am like I am.
It is why I see the depths of your Soul, that no one has ever seen before.
It is why I pick up things, you don't even become conscious of in this lifetime and make me wrong for it, that I hold with grace, knowing the depths of who I am.
And yet, I am not alone.
There are many of us.
We are a different species...
Our Blood runs deep.
We feel the Earthquakes in the country next door, we feel the galactic fights overhead, we feel the entirety of something way deeper, than most ever become conscious of.
We are the Ancient Blooded Healers.
It is in our Blood, it is in our Veins.
We have a collective purpose that is ours alone and whilst some envy it, want to be like us and try to.. they can just never.
This realm is ours and ours alone.
It is why you turn your back and judge us at the darkest of nights...
It's why you turn your back on the deepest underground...
And this, allows us to hold more light... to take it there.
And it is here that the Earth transforms in the darkest night, for the Ancient Blooded Healers naturally hold this luminescent light in our veins and right now it is pulsing with an energy that has never before felt.
Tingling in your extremities this past week....
Extra fire in your belly...
Movement in leaps and bounds like you've never before experienced through your consciousness and are ready to 'pounce' like the panther in the night..
You have within you, all that you have ever needed - and everything is right there in front of you, awaiting you to receive it.
It all exists within you 🌟
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Today is the last day you can join us for Activate Your Archangel Frequency! If you thought that was deep - wait until Shadow of the Archangels is released later in 2021!
Activate Your Archangel Frequency, sets you up for the deep dive in the integration of both the light and dark of the Archangels later on this year...
Are you ready to come and awaken your consciousness through Activate Your Archangel Frequency? Click here for all the details, this is the final day to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/activate-your-archangel-frequency-1