I can feel it about to drop in, not consciously aware of what just yet - but it is definitely there.

$100k attraction marketing business development energetic upgrades energy awareness energy frequency how to create online courses how to trust your intuition reality awareness Feb 23, 2020

I can feel it about to drop in - not consciously aware of what just yet - but it is definitely there. This moving to the next level of expansion - has been... huge to say the least - but hey - isn't expansion huge? It's getting bigger? So... this is normal right? 

I can feel this entire trip has been about a shake up in not just routine - but breaking out of all addictions, and the final threads of the co-dependence that I chose to consciously work on back in 2018. Of course, that will always be a work in progress - but it was the end of 2017 when I consciously decided and made a choice to consciously work on it. 

Having been a single mum by choice for the last 11 years, and then 'having' to go back to the hospital I was born at the other day (which my toe is fine and began healing as soon as that piece of mulga was out!) has been the biggest recalibration I have ever received. 

I have been back to my home town many, many times before in my life, yet this time, has been extremely different. 

Maybe because I have been building my online business for this past few years, maybe because I have been consciously working on my mindset and shifting the subconscious at the same time and consciously increasing my income to impact and serve more people world wide so I can be a leader in Awakening the Consciousness of Humanity. 

Maybe because I am about to film the Ear Chakra Consciousness and all of this recalibration is the re-wire of my life - to actually embed and bring my dreams to reality, rather than them being a one day or a 'when this is done then' or still being a dream - which - if this trip has showed me anything - was sooo what I was stuck in and didn't even realise! 

Thank God for this realisation! 

Yes, I have manifested lots of things in my business so far online, coming into six-figure entrepreneurship has been a journey itself, and deeply celebrating this huge milestone, let alone switching from a sole trader to a company, taking myself off government benefits and receiving my 'Last of the Fireflies' the last of the V8 Holdens before they stopped making them (yes, I am a rev head at heart, always have been). 

And you might think - what do you mean you haven't been living your dream yet Hannah?! Ah - there is more! Haha, I ALWAYS want more! Just ask any family or past lovers - nothing has been good enough for me lol! HENCE me - creating a reality that is good enough! 

I have high standards - and creating a life to meet them 🥰

However, my high standards in relationships has been the trip up I feel! And I can deeply say that was due to the co-dependence and the realisations I have had about this link this past 12 hours? 

Going back to the hospital was huge the other day, and I knew more information about 'why' etc would come. The way we birthed into the world, sets up a lot of patterns in itself. I was a forcep baby, out into the world so this belief that 'I can't do it on my own' 'I need help' yet - the irony here... is I have 'always done things on my own'. I have raised my daughter on my own (to an extent, yes she sees her Dad), even though I have been in and out of relationships, I have lived on my own for the past 12 years and even previous to that - I have always liked my own space and always 'done it on my own'. 

It has been this, contradictory energy that has been brought to my attention this past 12 hours. 

Here I am, shifting to my next level, can feel it in my bones, and even though ideas and lots of different thought forms have been and are streaming through about it all - the big 'aha, that's IT!' - is still yet to drop into conscious awareness, but I can feel it there 100% and all the parts to it filtering through. 

People think that their Life Purpose is a straight line... 

People think that 'what they are supposed to do' - stays the same forever.. 

People think that 'it will just drop in and everything will be okay'... 

People think that 'it is easy and why is it so hard for me'.... 

Guys! We didn't come to Earth to be happy! 

We came to Earth to CHOOSE to remember that we have free will, free choice and most of the time - we have to put in the hard yards to make our reality the way we want it. It get's easier but when you start - phew! It's tricky and challenging to say the least! 

People wonder why things are not happening for them and I ask them: 

How long have you been doing it for? Come back in 5 years and tell me it hasn't worked. 

How many times DURING THE DAY have you been doing the thing? Or is it 5 minutes in the morning, then you go back to your usual reality? 

How often are you posting, blogging, live streaming - PUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE??? 

Guys - you have to remember - this isn't a once off, once a day thing, 3 month thing. 

How long have you been alive for? Say it is 35 years. 

There is 35 years of re-wiring to change! 

You can't expect 2 months of 'doing the work' - to shift 35 years of crap! 

Now - yes, miracles and shifting timelines and stepping into different dimensions of reality occur - yes, yes YES they do! 

HOWEVER - that initial changing your life? For the first time ever - oh honey, go easy on yourself! IT IS HARD WORK in the start!! 

THEN when you have shifted a big chunk of the crap AND - most importantly - BE AROUND PEOPLE WHO GET IT AND ARE DOING IT TOO - it gets easier and easier yes! 

But you have to remember that when you step up to change your life - you are USUALLY 99% of the time, surrounded by 'normal mainstream peeps' (yes that may sound judgemental! #owningit) 

And if you are not around those that get it and are doing and living what and where you want to be living - those that don't get it, will continue to make you question what you are doing and it will feel harder. Just don't tell them, don't speak to them about it. Just do you thing. And get support from those that can lead you and keep you on track. 

So what is it that I am working on? Ah, of course you're going to have to watch and SEE!

These realisations of the contradictory holding pattern I have been in - 'I can't do it on my own' = yet at the other end of the scale of that (because everything is ALWAYS in contradiction and on the same continuum on this 3D planet, it is basic Hermetics - Master this and you Master Your Reality 😉👑) and the other end of the scale of that? Is that I don't want to do it on my own! In ALL areas! Business, Life, Relationships - ALL OF IT! Two ends of the scale right?! 


So you can see that 'fighting against' the 'I'll prove to the world that I CAN do it on my own' - because that is the deep ingrained pattern from arriving on this planet - when actually the TRUTH is finding the balance of this.

You can see where the Co-Dependence enters into this right? 

Talk about extremes! 

Yes - can you FEEL what is birthing out of this! 

HUGE right? 🔥

This trip is a deep unfolding of my next level... and after the huge breakdowns and breakthroughs this past week... I can see that this trip needed to happen for me to break out of the holding pattern and systems I had placed myself in and for that, I am grateful - thank you storms! 

Yet, there has been a process to GET to this place of gratitude and realisations! ALL the emotions! Because when we are shifting out of a reality and into a new one - we are in essence leaving a relationship! THAT is the truth! 

We are always relating to everything - we are in relationship to everyone and everything THING - even in relationship to the things that are not tangible - like the relationship with your intuition (do you trust it?!) and angels etc... The truth of the Third Eye Chakra/Your Clairvoyance right there! If there was one word for the Third Eye - it is Relationships! Relating to everything - past, present and future. (What is - the relationship to your future?? Or are you stuck in relating to your past??)

We even relate to the way we have breakdowns/breakthroughs in our reality! #ofcourse You can go down the rabbit hole here with what we are relating to! WOAH! 🧬

And when you know how to roll with and handle that wave of emotions that is a certain cycle of emotions - you know how to move THROUGH it, rather than staying stuck and held into place by questioning yourself, being in anger or worse - holding onto what you know you need to let go of but can't.

(Don't worry! I know this space WELL! And Trust Your Intuition was BORN from what I learnt how to let go and actually Trust Your Intuition - rather than hanging on to a watered down version of what you want!)

Sooo much is streaming through me and I am grateful to come into this clarity after what shifted so far from this trip and being out here in this wide open space, so much so, I am holding a free training on what is deeply firing up within me from what I keep hearing from people! 

If you are:

  • going through a hard time
  • keep trying to apply for jobs and NOTHING is working for you no jobs, no nothing no matter what you do or how many you've applied for for so frigging long! 
  • struggling with money and the thing that 'stops' you is always money
  • say 'I can't afford it' 
  • wondering what on Earth your Life Purpose is
  • not sure how to start
  • sick and tired of hearing potential clients and people say 'I can't afford it' to your business offerings 
  • wondering what it is so hard to get going in your business, motivation or even what is the point 
  • feel like you are pushing, pushing and pushing and getting no where
  • are so over it all being so hard all the time and wondering why it is this way for you
  • hear this positive affirmation/mindset thing all the time and yet it hasn't worked for you but wondering why and what are you missing about it all

I have been called to do a live FREE Training on what this is REALLY about, what is going on under the surface and get this shifting for you FAST! 

You won't want to miss this livestream tomorrow at:  

  • 11am Brisbane AEST ( Mon 17th Feb)
  • 1am London GMT (Mon 17th Feb)
  • 5pm Los Angeles (Sun 16th Feb)
  • 8pm New York (Sun 16th Feb)

 I'll be going LIVE on my Reality Awareness Facebook Page which you can like and turn on notifications so you are notified when I go live right here: https://www.facebook.com/realityawareness/

Sooo fired up about this and sooo keen to share with you this information that IF you put it into practise WILL change your life FINALLY 😉

See you there! 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. This is the FINAL HOURS to get your $49 Psychic Reading! I highly doubt I will be EVER holding these again with what is flowing through and shifting within me from this trip... sooo if you've been on the edge or waiting... I just wouldn't. 

Click here to grab this before it goes: https://www.realityawareness.com/30min-psychic-readings-with-hannah