I didn't come here to fit in

how to find your life purpose Jan 30, 2021

I didn't come here to fit in...

I didn't come here to be liked... or loved... 

But.. somewhere along the lines... I got lost in the midst of taking everyone's words as gospel.... listening to them over myself...

I got lost in trying to understand how something I said so naturally so... doesn't everybody think this way? To... wondering why they spoke to me like that and I must be wrong for them to have said that to me, which was never a conscious thought... more... a feeling that washed over me like the wave to the ocean, lost in the ethers... being taken out with the tide with not even realising how far into the depths I had been sucked out in the current, away from land, away from the ocean shore, away from the solid shore of who I know myself to be... knew myself to be. 

Somewhere along the way I lost my footing, not knowing which way to turn and looking to everyone else for some kind of help... some kind of direction. 

Being on my own since I was 18.. always living, in my own place, sure, people lived with me here and there over time, but I have always had my own place. 

Maybe I needed my space (which isn't a surprise I have ended up on 150 acres!)... my own space to process why I feel so shut down around people.... why I don't even realise the wisdom I voice most of the time that is just normal and, 'isn't this normal for everyone?' 

That somewhere along the line... I lost myself. 

And yet... that entire time... I could hear Her... 

That entire time... I was following Her... 

That entire time... She was right by my side, The. Entire. Time. 

That sound... 

That call... 

That one the Ancient Ones feel in their Bones, in their lineage.. in their blood, in the cells of their very make up... 

People look in and they withdraw... 

But they always come back to look once more.. 

That call, that sound that trickles on the ground...

She is alive, She is awake, but She never misses the beat... 

She was with me The. Entire. Time. 

 When I was lost in the darkness, of the darkest of nights... She was there. 

Whispering, making sure, I knew, that She still... had never left my side. 

When I felt Her, heard Her in those darkest of dark nights, my heart would pierce open and the cries from the deep womb within, would pierce the veil and the journey would begin... once more. 

For I have died a thousand deaths and each time the depths travelled, not many bare to go. 

There is a mist that rattles deep into my bones, as another layer peels back and free's my poor brittle bones. 

As She rises from the Mists, remembering Her Soul, guided by The One, that has never left Her bones. 

Ancient Bones

Ancient Hearth 

Ancient Stones that encircle our Globe

I came here to return the Heart of Humanity that has been ripped out back when Atlantis fell, that sent Humanity into darkness, into the reversed reality of the imploding sense of self... 

That is now being BUST OPEN. 

The halt has begun for the preservation of our dear Planet and all Her inhabitants.

Some people have lost hope for the world.. and yet they haven't found themselves, so all hope is lost. 

Some people feel 'lost' - and yet, they are just DEEPLY recalibrating to RISE from the midst of the depths of their Soul - awakened, changed, like a Dragon, rises from the Earth beneath, spreading it's wing's and SOARING.... CHANGED and SET FREE 🕊

Awakened from the depths... shaking off the dirt that covered the Soul that once shone so bright. 

Listen to the sound of your Soul for it calls you no place other than exactly where you're meant to go. 

Can you feel the midst calling your Soul? 

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. Trust Your Intuition, is opening soon.

Where you find... awaken your Soul calling Home, click here to enter the portal that you've always been hearing from the moment you breathed deep inhaling this Magic Earth Air: https://realityawareness.lpages.co/trustyourintuition