I do not need to fight the spiritual community on money beliefs

how to find your life purpose Jan 12, 2024

I do not need to fight the spiritual community on money beliefs. But is it fighting when I am just sharing my heart? No. It is just speaking my truth. There is a level of consciousness where 'you don't need to defend your truth/speak it - just go live it', whilst... this is true to an extent, not speaking my truth where my truth is called - has been to the detriment of my own health/thyroid/throat chakra! Talk about the dark side of the Throat Chakra Consciousness!

Speaking what my heart calls me to speak on... is what I am born for! My Heart is my logo for Reality Awareness - came to me in meditation in 2005 and I am Lapis Lazuli. I am the Realisation of the Truth. 

If I am not sharing what my heart desires me to speak on - how can I 'Awaken the Consciousness of Humanity' - the purpose I am born for - if I am not speaking on the hard, confronting truths that are keeping people asleep and stuck in their levels of consciousness?!

I will not force someone to wake up, but I will sure say what is on my mind now and just share... on my page! 

How can I shake up the world if I am not living and speaking my heart and soul's truth?! 

Throat Chakra Consciousness in action baby! This is called LIFE PURPOSE - living in alignment with my heart and soul - that means, speaking what I am living and realising myself... my entire purpose ffs. 

They say that your Purpose is to find your Gift and then give it away - well, that is sharing my realisations, my hard won wisdom and what I am here to do - Awaken the Consciousness of Humanity. 

If I see truths to unpick. I will. I am. 

I see that this double bind wound - was hugely stuck in my Throat Chakra...

Trying to mould my truth so it didn't upset anyone or that I 'need to be more professional with how I speak and share my heart and soul' has stifled and suffocated me and I've been dying... literally. 


To share my realisations is my purpose and that... allows me to LIVE. 

There are leaders that are rising to change the world and then there are leaders who are staying where they are and that’s okay - I stayed there for years and it was because I lacked my own personal power and belief in myself, let alone that wound... I guess because I hit the Throat Chakra and the sneaky wound has been sitting there in the unconscious and now I have become conscious of it and 'been in it' - and now.. moving through it! #huge. 

And yet, I still make $20k months as a standard point and yet… I was stuck at this for years. And yet... $20k months is something to CELEBRATE! How many would LOVE to be making $20k months?! I needed to shift my own judgements of self around... massively! 

I also know I was afraid to break out of the mould of my family conditioning and patternings, that the subconscious lock of not going higher than what any family member had earnt, would somehow mend the trauma, hurt and pain I felt between the family system and I. 

And yet, all it did was - was give my power away to… the ones I didn’t want to be like in the first place 🙄 

The subconscious ties to the ones we love are so strong.. until we are ready to let go of that and live our own lives... which is usually completely different to how 'our family does it' and the little gilr (or boy) inside of us, stays stuck here because they don't want to lose the only connection they have that gives them the love they received as a child.. which is usually fuck all and based in trauma bonding which we re-create as we grow up and phewwww! The cycle is huge... until we break it. 

And we do. And it is hard. And full on. And lonely most of the time. Go easy on yourself! Breaking generational trauma bonds are MASSIVE. And those that walk the entrepreneurs path, who KNOW it is in their Destiny to live a multi-millionaire lifestyle and follow this because it IS who they are, how they are supposed to live and do whatever they need to do to create it - WILL face this double bind wounding, this deep generational trauma bond ties that commence from unhealthy family patternings... and then we free ourselves, create waves of forgiveness and live the life we know we are born for, without hte guilt holding us to that which we are trying to break out of! Phew again! 

Or is it just the timing of the awareness, the willingness to look at the wound, the depth of the double bind wound that is so sneaky and dark that, the level of consciousness to travel the double bind unconscious wounding is… a lot of light to shine down in that double bind wounding! 

I know I just needed to be at this level of conscious awareness to face such a wound with the capacity to hold the level of light required to face such an intricate wound and disintegrate it… the initiation journey I’ve been on this last 3.5yrs out of society in this land has been second to none. 

My friend made me cry the other day when she WhatsApped me and said she had just listened to my podcast and said she ‘saw me’ and how much I m holding right now. For the first time, I didn’t reply to her (not like me!) and left the message there as I cried driving home. 

I forget when I sink down into black holes of depression and darkness, just how much I’m holding and have been out here on this land… 

This was the first time I didn’t reply to her.. and it hit me differently. 

I didn’t know what to say. I got home and did all the household things required as I do as a mumma and animal lover for our night time routine… and just left.. the message. 

I got on with things the next day and didn’t have space for the message… but something happened.

“I see you. I see how much you’re holding.” 

She’s said it to me before… but… the biggest dawning realisation happened.

I hold a lot - wwaaayyyy more than almost anyone I know. Many people have said it to me over the years, that they’re not sure how I do it all or live where I do with snakes and spiders and driving and single mumming and running my company… 

And I don’t really think about it. Because I’ve just always done it, I don’t know any other way to be.

But that black hole that I travelled in December, was the first time my body, I… couldn’t hold it anymore. My body literally felt like it did in the dog attack - complete surrender. No control. No movement. No… nothing.

In December… I just let all the feelings drop and be there…. Because well, I couldn’t do anything else! 

When I left her message.. there.

I realised… 💡 

I have been holding ‘all this’ - but the capacity I hold is because of the levels I travel and this ‘holding all this’ is busting through to a new level. I am literally moving through the spheres - I am training muscles to expand to the next levels.....!

Typing this doesn’t seem so groundbreaking and shattering…

I guess it was more of a feeling that broke through as I realised it! 

But when you understand the energetics of shifting spheres and the Matryoshka Dolls… it makes total sense.

And… up until this point ‘holding all this’ has felt a burden, a drain, a heaviness that brings on exhaustion, lethargy and tiredness…

And yet - that is far from what this feels like. I feel energised.

All from a ‘simple conscious realisation’… a thought.

It gets to a point when you shift heavy trauma woundings out, that you are healed and the shifts that happen from there - are fast and all it takes is a conscious understanding and realisation to shift everything.

However, I know I feel this now… because of that double bind wound I cleared travelling that dark hole in December.

The work works… but you have to work it.

And know what you’re travelling and dealing with. 

That, this ‘holding this much’ - for all the times these waves (tsunami’s!) have come - has been muscle training and I didn’t even know it! 🙄

Now I’m conscious what this feeling is - like I always knew it was a capacity limit so to speak, of ‘how much I hold’ but with that double bind wound I feel like it’s held me at a certain level and that feeling of never being able to break through…. Has gone. The shift, the breakthrough has happened... 

I’ll share more in my next podcast episode of the ‘fallout’ of the double bind wound - the pieces that fell and unraveled have been massive 💡‘s but now I don’t feel ‘trapped’ with ‘how much I hold’ - but free… to move to the next frequency level.. and into the spheres we go! 🫧 It feels like FREEDOM - the 'cap' is not there, the 'glass ceiling is not there' and I guess that is why the potency of the downloads that are streaming through ten-fold are also there and what dropped IN, is a culmination of my ENTIRE Life's Work... that just landed. Just. Like. That. 

So huge.

This next phase 🤯 Go time baby!

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑 

P.S. These are the final hours to be mentored by me in Life Purpose Accelerator for 2024, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

P.P.S..... what is coming... 🤯🤯🤯