I get so agitated when I hear people saying

breaking the myths of modern day spirituality how to find your life purpose spiritual awakening spiritual bypassing Feb 08, 2021

I get so agitated when I hear people saying 'they're just stuck in victim consciousness' ffs people really?!

What they're really saying is that:

  • their emotions are invalid
  • that they shouldn't be feeling the way they are feeling
  • they should stop with these 'crocodile tears' - when they are simply upset
  • they shouldn't open their mouth about their hard life they've lived through
  • that all the trauma that they have lived through and some how survived, are still carrying and don't know how to heal from it is just 'playing the victim' 
  • that you are judging where that person is at - regardless whether you think they are doing the level of work YOU think they need to be doing to shift their life or not 

What is ACTUALLY going on here when I hear people calling others a 'victim' is that: 

  • they simply don't know how to handle huge, deep, usually very dark, and very traumatic feelings
  • it hits up against their own unfelt tears that are buried deep inside and masked with overinflated joy - you can feel that deep disconnect from someone who is carrying tears that haven't been felt, something feels 'off' and doesn't sit right with their 'joy', it is not grounded in their gut. The gut is where grief is stored. Skin problems, rashes, all stem from deep in the large intestine - where grief is stored. If you were told to stop those tears or stop crying when you were a child, or even today, your body will be 'bursting' to cry... (bursting out through the rashes/pimples/bumps)
  • that person simply doesn't know how to support the 'victim', how to hold space or know what to say to them, and so calls them a victim as a way to wipe their hands with the situation

There are 'victims' that take a long time to change their life yes. 

They are usually carrying the most trauma in their system and have walked the hardest paths of fire and flames. 

They are usually the ones who haven't found the correct person to simply hold them where they are at, to be able to truly acknowledge what they have been through to shift them out of that space. 

Before the victim label rolls of your tongue next time, perhaps take a moment to check in with what level of darkness you are judging them at... and why this is even an issue for you - because that, is what you are turning away from - the level that is buried deep in your gut, that, that person has even brought to your attention in the first place. 

Or it simply wouldn't have come into your reality. 

Isn't that, what the spiritual law of attraction is all about? Only attracting what is within you? 


Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. If you're wanting someone to be there... something to hold you, nurture you and shift you to FLY without being judged - ever - on where you are at... 

Meet Your Dragon Spirit Guide is THE one for you. 

With next level energy clearing that removes entities, demons and those judgy people from your field, Your Dragon will never abandon you and ALWAYS guide you where you're meant to go.  

Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/meet-your-dragon-spirit-guide