I let so much go, I didn't realise I was carrying so much...
Sep 25, 2019
I let so much go, I didn't realise I was carrying so much - yet, it is always a continually evolving process.
Everything is.
Nature, doesn't just change it seasons once a year. It changes them, four times a year - EVERY year.
There is a continual ebb and flow a continual cycle that is always moving, flowing, shifting and changing - and it is our duty, to come into deep alignment with the ever flowing cycles, rather than thinking it is going to be one way and this way forever.
Some days you are going to feel good, some days you are going to feel bad.
The key is not allowing yourself to bury yourself deeper into either of those.
The good or the bad.
Some people get tripped up - and I used to do this too - that when I felt bad, I would question why, think something is wrong with me and feel worse because we are supposed to 'feel good' yet - that isn't the truth either.
All feelings, all emotions are on a vibrational scale. They all hold a certain 'feeling' and they are all 'vibrating spaces' - some feel dense, some feel light.
Society is 'trained' to believe that we are supposed to feel good all the time - and if you aren't then there is something wrong with you.
This doesn't help when we are trying to better our lives and we start FEELING for the first time. not only do we tend to think something is wrong because we are feeling and usually feeling consciously the things we've never felt for a long time and so that can mean feeling the buried things we have - but also people around us think something is wrong with us because we are feeling.
Life isn't about feeling good. Life isn't neither about feeling bad.
Life is about experiencing all that is.
How do you feel without 'feeling it'? Without dropping into the good or bad of it?
It definitely isn't about detaching from your feelings or avoiding them. No.
To be fully present means you feel all that is, without attaching to them, without allowing the stories that your mind will attach to each feeling and/or pull up more memories from your memory bank account that this feeling reminds your brain of.
Your brain is ALWAYS trying to analyse and figure out what is what, it is ALWAYS trying to analysing the feelings. Your brain is what will pull you out of the feelings and keep you stuck in your head.
This is where the brain training and training yourself to consciously feel - WITHOUT analysing comes in.
When you can feel without judgement, you instantly feel better.
When you can feel without judgement, you release judgements of how other people are living their life.
When you can feel without judgement, the feelings move, change and keep flowing - just like life and nature keeps flowing.
Nature doesn't judge herself for the continually changes she goes through or what Humans are doing to her.
She feels without judgement, and so everything keeps flowing and changing. Just like She was born to do.
She continues to love all that is, no matter how 'bad' things are. She just keeps conscious of what is, and keeps it all moving, by being 100% present with what is.
Are you?
Are you 100% present with all feelings, with, all that is?
Or are you judging it all and spiralling down into the depths of no return?
Are you 100% present with all that is, or are you allowing your mind to attach to the zillion memories stored in your energetic field and pull up that memory and attach to that, instead of allowing the feelings to pass without judgement?
Practise, yes.
Being 100% conscious of what is, yes.
Allowing, noticing, feeling, flowing, yes.
Trusting you are safe in the feeling of sometimes extremely intense feelings? 100% yes.
Practise, practise, practise.
We have a beautiful mentor right beside us right now - it is called Mother Earth. She is the most apt example of change.
Be like Her 🌏
She is leading by example.
She is alive, living and deeply ALWAYS right by your side.
She has never left you, never leaves you and is always right there when you consciously return to Her.
Find solace in Her.
You only need to step outside to let Her show you.
It will, always lead you back to feeling Love. Not judgement of you, or how others are living their life, which ALWAYS leads to feeling separation and more despair. More anger, more 'better than/less than' aka separation.
Return to Her to return to Love 💗
It is, what you are, after all.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you are ready to deeply commit to changing your life, to creating a stable foundation and platform to share you heart and Soul - to release your creativity and message into the world in a big way and support yourself, creating the life of your dreams at the same time, there is only a few hours left to get into Passive Profit Empire which is all your exact tools and steps that you need to create an online business, get super clear on your message and shine your light to your tribe (even if you don't have one yet!). Click here now as there are only a few hours left to get in! https://hannahreality.krtra.com/t/1wqiIrXMl4Yf
P.P.S. Horse - in the Liquid Crystals, is Apophyllite - Astral Travel. Taking you deep into the Astral body of FEELING. Have Horses been present for you recently? I feel this came through strongly today to activate within you a deep, deep clarity and direction of purpose - are you ready for change? I feel deeply this is a sign that mental clarity, energy and LIGHT are about to flood your world - are you ready for this? Love xxx