I'm starting to understand... I am starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together...
Aug 08, 2020I'm starting to understand... I am starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together...
That why for all these years, in the early days especially when asking about my Life Purpose - it always came back to the 'Children' - 'Your Life Purpose involves helping the Children'....
Now the big realisation of the DEPTH of what that means... is coming to Light 😳😢
I have always felt drawn to the Children - not the elderly.... I always knew, because of the consciousness of the Children - of that the Children are who are going to change the World. (And now I work with adults bringing conscious awareness and deep internal core healing and change, to be able to support the children that need it the most/all children with deep conscious awareness #leadbyexample)
I am starting to understand why I have been living a different life to mainstream for all these years and being shunned for it, now, people turning to me for advice about it.
I am starting to understand why I have unschooled my daughter and continue to do so, let alone being un 'V' all these years from day dot and being shunned for it and now, people turning to me for advice about it.
I am starting to understand, why I have always been drawn to Celebrities and 'thought I would be a Healer to the Celebrities, to the rich and famous' - and now know 'why' and the depth of what that actually means now...
I am starting to understand, why especially in the start of me building solely online, Whitney Huston, Robin Williams and two other 'Healers of the Celebrities' came to me from the Spirit World so strongly and hung around me for months on end showing me different facets of what they went through.
I am starting to understand why for the past 4 years solid, I was frequently drawn to @dutchsinse Earthquake guy on youtube and his constant pointing out of the series of Earthquakes around the globe around military sites and the frequent and consistent same depths of certain Earthquakes at the same time around the globe that he got shut down for and threatened for, for bringing to attention of the general public. That, for these are actually blowing up certain tunnels that have been running 'underground' for decades, centuries even...
I am starting to understand why I was taken to the off grid property being surrounded by the people I was earlier this year, learning in depth about the systems of birth certificates and more and what that means for 'living in such a system' - but also, now, understanding, that there is a whole underground network of people who also live this way without said certificates - but then another group who do so, who are bought and sold without such tracing of said certificates for this very reason of what is coming to light to the public recently 😳😢
I am starting to understand such an intricate network of systems all running 'freely' and interwoven within and without each other... much like a brain firing off all different neural pathways don't ya think? 🤔#foodforthought (are we really just a tiny speck in the Universe that is part of a larger brain firing off - we are but one tiny speck of a brain chemistry part of something way huger than we can comprehend? The microcosm in the macrocosm? 🤔#icouldgoon)
The thing is - this has been going on for YEARS and no one has paid attention... until now. But the subliminal messaging 'normalising' it is where I am holding my hand up asking more questions and this piece right here - of where change needs to occur.
I have been on a road trip for 5 months. And starting to understand why.
I have been moving house. And just before that - drove on the road again for another 4 x 9hr drive days. And I am starting to understand why.
Then two days after moving in I was shown the rabbit hole that many have been talking about and I haven't been shown much until now because of how on the road and moving house I have been.
On Thursday I was shown said rabbit hole and... have felt sick in my solar plexus and stomach since then.
All the whilst, still moving house and more drive time in between processing what I have just been shown.
The revelations have come in thick and strong on this Lion's Gate portal today.
What huge awakenings our planet is having.
But feeling deeply sick at the same time.
THE WORLD IS IN SHOCK and will be for several years.
And in shock, we don't know what to do and act in ways that keep us in our comfort and routine zone until we 'wake up out of the shock' and then start to figure out what to do given the information we have just been shown.
The thing is, for most humans, the realisation of the truth is too much, they simply don't know what to do with it and for people like us that have this deep conscious awareness - our purpose, our duty, is to guide these Souls with tools and awareness of what to do and how to support themselves with the revelations of realisations and the FEELINGS that surface from these truths. Because when they can support themselves and know how to - then they can others - with consciousness, compassion, awareness and deep healing from such. And the ripple in the pond goes out....
Someone in a car accident will act in extra-ordinary ways and not feel the pain until 'reality hits them' of what the conscious comprehension starts to compute of what just happened.
These Celebrities - are they reaching out and trying to show us without 'getting in trouble'?
Those that tell the truth in round about ways - are they being paid to normalise it in our brains? 😳
I have been sitting with all this rabbit hole information, processing how sick I have felt about it and this morning, realising I have ONLY been shown the depth of it now, because I needed this outdoor space to even process what I have been shown.
The biggest part, like I said for me, is - the normalisation of it.
The music videos - yes, they have been and are trying to show us - for YEARS they have through their music videos - but it is normalised.
And it is that that worries me. Concerns me. But I guess that is where the sticking point is.
I have said for YEARS - anyone can get used to anything - we are humans, we are 'trained animals' with authoritarian parenting - which is how society is TRAINED - but we can also untrain ourselves and NO ONE can have power over us - but the key here is that we have to WANT to and have to be around the people that support us in this - or we DON'T! (more on this bit some other day).
The thing is that the normalisation of it through music videos, MSM and more - is that... why are things being taken down off social media - BUT - things like those very revealing music videos - are not taken down? That's where I question...
Is it because they are paid to keep them up there - to subliminal normalise it through such videos? (and other content/subliminal advertising?)
Because even if someone doesn't watch the video visual - the music is the frequency of the - everyone knows the power of sound and light and what makes up the FREQUENCIES right???
ENERGY IS the most powerful thing on our planet and add consciousness to the mix of that well - you have one very powerful 'atomic bomb' right?!
Gosh.... do you guys feel the depth of this/that?
I solemnly believe there are some 'stuck in that world' that are under the thumb of authoritarian people that they cannot escape from, that have a moral compass and it weighs them down, but they go unconscious again to that feeling when they feel at a loss of what to do... but it keep surfacing and I do believe soon, at a tipping point - it will reach critical point...
This isn't a physical war, this is a psychological warfare war... and it's been going since the late 1850's yes, perhaps earlier, but since then I am being shown is where it really began amping up and taking 'flight'...
I also feel that now - the 20th century - it is coming to Light, because it is the '3rd' century, and you can't keep stuff hidden - the truth always surfaces and now... on the 3rd century - it can't be kept down... the 3, 6, 9 healing cycle, I talk about...
Consciousness is becoming conscious of itself... the subconscious is becoming conscious, you can't bury the truth... it is being purged out, it is surfacing...
And it is mighty uncomfortable, makes me feel sick to my core... and the unravelling has begun.
The pieces of the puzzle are all falling into place.
What can you do?
You can heal the terror and fear your Inner Child has of the effects of authoritarian parenting. (Which is how 99% of society has been raised and is still under the control/effects of today) (Authoritarian parenting = silencing your voice, threats, doing as your told, fear inducing activities, conform and control to name a few)
Because when you heal this within yourself?
You have one empowered Being that 'knows how to stand up to authoritarian parents/control systems/governments' - and it isn't with a fight, but quite the opposite. And something that experience comes into play with. The feeling...
If you are being deeply triggered by what is going on in the world and what is coming to Light - the trigger is no different to a 'person in front of you' - the healing protocol is no different to this current world situation.
You heal the terror, the fear, the sickness inside of yourself...
For this, then creates space for more Humans on this Earth to be EMBODYING the GROUNDED LIGHT FREQUENCY which - we all know the power of that GROUNDED LIGHT FREQUENCY and what it does to the environment we touch, look at (hello looking at the dark stuff surfacing in our reality - we transform this with our light, our light from our eyes infiltrates that space and spreads light through what we see - just like the rubbish pile - we transform it by looking at it yes? - IT BEGINS WITH US, WITH THIS).
When you see the spark in the darkness and expand that - they cannot help but awaken.
Are you ready, to heal the terror, the fear, the sickness, the repulsion, the 'no moral compass', the 'no remorse', the way it is making you feel by all of this information - inside of yourself? To shift it out of your body, so you can hold more light in it's replacement - so you can be the beaming Grounded Light frequency and energy embedded onto this Earth you walk on with your bare feet, so more Light is being infiltrated UNDERGROUND (let alone in those tunnels) - where everyone needs it most?
Do you feel the depth of what I am sharing here?
You walk on this Earth and hold a certain frequency.
When you clear out and transform the frequency that is being triggered inside of you right now, the sickness, the heavy and very low satanic vibration that is being brought to your attention that has been sitting there unconscious and dark for CENTURIES - you then replace that with Grounded Light because you have transformed it within you.
That means less dense humans on the planet and more light beings...
When there is enough Grounded Light Conscious Beings, the unconscious dark, cannot feed anymore.
And that... is what transforms what we are seeing PLUS we can hold that Light space for those that need it most as we all shift to this.
Comment below if this resonates, makes sense, if you are willing to REALLY DO THE WORK NOW - because you totally get THIS is how we help?
Comment below, if you need help with this, need more information and want more information about any part of what i have shared on this post.
This unravelling and clarity for me, is only just tipping the iceberg of what I have shared in this post and now I am grounded in my new home, I can get back to the magical flow that I do, to share what I do, to 'Awaken the Consciousness of Humanity'.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you are needing deep 1:1 support through this time that is bringing soooo much unconscious material to the surface to transform through your own family system, your generational lineage and what to do with what you see in the world? In my 30 Day Reality Shifter Program, we dive deeper, than you ever thought you could, to shift what you never thought you could. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/reality-shifter-program