I seem to go through these phases, where I shut down my voice.
Dec 27, 2022
I seem to go through these phases, where I shut down my voice. I shut down my heart. I tend to go through phases, where I listen to coaches and mentors who tell you to succeed in your next level in business you need to follow this strategy, don’t talk like that, don’t write like that, don’t communicate like that and do this 1, 2, 3 step - dress like this, don’t share personal information like that because it attracts the wrong client and if you’re not speaking to this level of person, you won’t get the high end clients or business opportunities to take your business to the next level 🤢😮💨
Whenever I listen to any of that… I shut down. I stop speaking my heart. I lose myself in the midst of my emotions (oh hang on, I can’t be emotional either, I need to zip it up, shut it up and don’t speak what I really think, because you need to be a certain persona online and for your business to work with high end clients).
Omg. Over it.
Whenever I listen to ANYONE but myself and just do whatever the fuck I want to do, say whatever the fuck I want to say, speak how I want to speak, dress how I want to dress and run my business the way I want to run it - it costs me my life, my business, my lifestyle and all my dreams.
Speaking my truth has cost me relationships, family connections, friendships and other work related relationships over the years and yet - it has been worth it, because I will not be told how to be in this world, other than my full whole hearted self.
Some would say stop doing that. Look at yourself. You’re embarrassing yourself. Aren’t you learning from your mistakes?!
I share things and then think that people think I am too immature, too emotional and that I shouldn’t share so much.
And yet, this is who I am.
I am very emotional. I cry at the drop of a hat. I take people’s words to heart. Communication is everything to me. And I get affected by things very easily.
Some say that I won’t make it in this world, because of it.
That I need to learn to stop being like that. Stop worrying what others think, that I have low self esteem and need to get a life.
Maybe they are right.
Maybe I am me.
Maybe this is my God damn gift to feel so deeply - about EVERYTHING.
And you know what?
It is.
I understand energy like you would not believe - and that comes from FEELING and understanding FEELINGS like no other. I am the 1% within the 1% within the 1% who understands this level of energetics and THAT is what scares people about me. That, has been something I have had to comprehend and understand about myself.
People laugh when I say I am here to change the world.
I have even doubted that over the years, because look where it got me. I do tarot readings and speak my truth and how is that going to change the world?
I don’t know. But I do know.
Because our world is going to look VERY different in the next 10-20 years and I KNOW I am here to change it.
What I do know is that I am tired of holding it all in, holding it all back and not voicing what my heart and soul want to speak to you every single day about everything, anything and nothing all at the same time. Because this is what I do.
I help everyone and can do anything I set my heart onto.
I don’t have a niche, I am the mother fucking niche.
When you are here to break down systems and build a new one, when you are here to change the world - no one else’s strategy is going to help you.
That… is the ONLY thing you need to listen to and the FASTEST way to any success in this world that the world has ever seen.
To feel so fucking deeply about EVERYTHING is a gift, not a curse and I will not change who I am, how I speak or show up in this world, no matter who I trigger, no matter if someone thinks I am immature or oversharing of whatever the fuck.
Because I am me.
I speak raw fucking truth about everything and anything and I will not change that for the world - or anyone.
Because this is what makes me me.
This is my uniqueness.
This is my gift - to feel so fucking deeply about everything it scares people.
Because the truth is scary.
But I am the truth.
And if you’re not living your full whole hearted truth - what the fuck is even the point?
That is the Purpose of Life right?
To live, your whole God damn truth.
That is, what God made you for, right?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. The truth will ALWAYS surface - no matter how much you try and turn a blind eye to it. You can only live like that for so long before you get sick, covered with rashes and feel like you don’t have a purpose, a voice or what is the point of even living anymore?!
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