I spent 90% of yesterday bawling my eyes out 😭
Mar 21, 2022
I woke up feeling pretty meh this morning after I spent 90% of yesterday bawling my eyes out 😭 It's been a massive week...
Questioning why I haven’t been writing or doing my usual flow of work capacity that I know I am capable of and then remembering WHY because I’m STILL fucking healing a broken finger with now possible infection and possible second surgery from a dog attack that I shouldn’t even be in this fucking position. Fair enough if I had chopped my own finger off but that isn’t the fucking case.
As huge expansion happens in my business, with up levels and jumps of landing goals that have solidified a new level… I still feel like I’m not doing enough.
Not because I’m not enough, but because I’m losing my fucking mind nursing a broken finger and not being able to create and the capacity that is POURING out of me and I can’t put it anywhere yet, let alone go surfing or rollerblading or to the gym.
‘Just wait, it’s fine Hannah.’ Go away with your lack of understanding of how being on the fire of life with your Life Purpose creation works.
I’ve woken up this morning angry - why the fuck haven’t I been sharing my heart and soul?
Yes a broken finger…. I can’t type properly - STILL after 4 fucking months #overit
But this is deeper.
I realised I am still traumatised by a mastermind I was in for 3.5yrs where every idea I had was shut down and told not to do and then stolen and used in their own business. I’m sorry who is coaching who? 🤔 fucking fuming - STILL!
And I didn’t realise it was still sitting there until this morning ffs.
After my Past Life Meditation on this issue, turns out my throat had been cut with wire strangling from behind so I ‘didn’t see it coming right in front of my face’ - the ultimate betrayal… no wonder the shock and ‘wtf how could they do that’ was so present into todays world… today.
That played out in me shutting down my voice for the past 3 years for fear of the same repeating.
Judgements of:
- Don’t use those words it attracts a certain type of person/vibe
- Don’t speak like that, you’re coming from trauma
- Don't swear
- Don't speak like that you're being a 'drama Queen' and nobody wants that (sounds like a narcissistic ex if you ask me)
- Basically - don't be yourself
- No that idea won’t work - proceeds to use it in their own business 😳
Don’t make a post like this, you’re bitching about a past coach and no one wants that vibe in their field. Well fuck off cause I ain’t your people.
Let alone the trauma of the dog attack constantly in my face that makes me shake to my core and fall down in tears almost every second o give it attention and wonder wtf has happened to my life.
Starting to voice my heart no matter what anyone else thinks? Fucking oath.
And if you think posts like these are for sympathy and a cry out for help - you’ve got it all wrong.
This is about me living my God damn life and building my empire the way I choose.
On Fire.
I’m suffocating myself not speaking exactly how I want to anymore.
It’s called EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and understanding core intricacies and how each connects to the other - it’s called my gift and if I can’t share my gift of understanding my core, secondary, deep and pertinent structures that make up my Human and Metaphysical Self - well wtf is the point of life really?
That’s why I was strangled in the first place right? #yep
The depth of understanding that I know your issues before they even surface for you - the subconscious rising - that is a Gift and not many have it….
My gift is feeling beyond depths most don’t have the capacity of… and sharing that. But I haven’t been.
But I just began.
And it’s only just beginning. Again.
You can always pick yourself up and start again.
Because you’re not really starting again…. You’re just starting a wildfire that actually never went out… it just now spreading across the whole damn fucking world.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. This is the seriously last time Trust Your Intuition will be extended…. Only a few hours left, that leap, is waiting for you, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
P.S.S. If you want 1:1 Mentoring, to crack open your heart, share your voice and get your Life Purpose into gear, message me. No more time to waste, the world needs to hear your message, raw and real.