I thought I was good at asking for help, maybe you need to ask more too?
Jan 26, 2023
I thought I was good at asking for help, but some recent events showed me, how much I still do on my own.
Whilst there is a huge chunk that I still need to do on my own, meaning, that I just do and whilst I could ask for help with these particular tasks, that isn’t what I am talking about.
I am talking about how much I have always done everything on my own and I have just needed to, to survive, to get through, because there was no other way.
Whilst that was a choice, it was also just what I learnt to do and then speaking with people I am like, errr, isn’t that normal?!
Well, for most of society not really, but I am not most of society.
The message here is, that recently I realise that not only are there still places I am not asking for help - what is obvious here, is that - I actually am. I have created, over time a select group of friends, that are genuine friends. This has come through a very deliberate and conscious clearing of what wasn’t working in my life and getting super clear on what a friend actually means, who and what I was and am contributing to the relationship and the sort of people who I can trust - let alone who I am CHOOSING to create soulmate friendships around me. It is a conscious choice.
This has come over years of work, discipline and realising that it is safe to open to certain people. I had to realise:
- there are genuine friends out there like me
- there are ones who I have learnt boundaries with and who are genuinely there for me
- that I don’t have to carry the emotional load on my own, but I am conscious of not dumping and speaking to my mentor when required instead of friends and family who don’t get it
- learning my own needs, meeting them and learning the difference between emotionally dumping, asking for help and enjoying life with friends
- distinguishing what and who I speak what and who with
- feeling safe to open my heart to myself. Without this, I haven’t been able to open to anyone
- healing my past where I have been hurt and made me shut down and became a shadow version of myself
- knowing when to give and when to not give. Knowing when I am coming from my people pleaser or a genuine desire to help and when it is not my responsibility to help or give
- learning to shift from pain to joy
Learning to shift your reality and actually doing so, takes time.
Be okay with the time it takes.
Know there is nothing wrong with taking time - even years - to clear out your past, heal your heart, create space and be lost in that space with not being sure where you are heading, letting it all recalibrate at the same time, knowing that you haven’t done anything wrong and there is nothing wrong with you.
You are you.
You are uniquely you and it’s okay to be in space and in between time whilst your focus, your energy and your circles change.
You’re allowed to.
Especially when deep inside you, you know there is MORE than what has been…
And you’re patiently and diligently doing the work to and for this.
Be okay with space and time. Even with all the yucky thoughts bubbling up in between.
Be okay with who you are.
Know you WILL get through it, you WILL find clarity again and you WILL come out of this a better, healed, open and joyful person.
And you can create friendships and relationships that are supportive, that see you for who you are, love who you are and that is because.. you have come into a place of loving who you are - not what your past made you think you are.
Your heart opens and you can do you again.
You’ve come into your power and into alignment and there is something amazingly amazing about that.
This is for you to know there is light at the end of the tunnel and a whole new life, once you get there.
You can.
And you do.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Your Life Purpose is a journey.
And often requires healing in the beginning to re-discover who you are.
This does not mean you can’t do your Purpose at the same time! No! Far from it!
You will learn to discover that your Purpose actually HEALS YOU and you find direction at the same time!
You don’t need to be perfectly healed before you start your Purpose work! You’ll be long dead before that happens!
There is always stuff at every layer and waiting until you’re ready or perfect is a myth and trap to keep you… not doing the thing!
If you’re ready to do it anyway and step into who you’re really meant to be in this world AND heal your heart at the same time, coming back to and into a joy you’ve never felt before because you’re finally ON PURPOSE, click here for Life Purpose Accelerator, these are the final days before doors close: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
P.P.S. If you're not ready for year long mentorship but know you need to shift some shit - my 21 Day Shifter Program is open, click here for 21 Days of potent power of shifting out so you can get back on track asap: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program