I thought something was wrong with me... but then I realised...
Oct 21, 2020
I thought something was wrong with me... but then I realised...
I am DEEP.
I speak in energy.
I don't speak in labels.
I don't do names.
I am not attached to physical reality or physical signs.
I do energy.
I speak in energy.
I sense energy and I sense it deep.
There is no separation between the veils, between the dimensions.
I thought something was wrong with me... but then I realised...
Another layer of my Gift was surfacing that takes me deeper into honing who I serve.
I thought something was wrong with me... but then I realised...
I don't need to censor or filter who I am - for the language I speak is understood in a split second by those that walk the underground along side me.
We are the Ancient Blooded Healers.
We have been around since the dawning of time.
We know this place like the back of our hands - it is our Lands.
So don't despair when those don't get you.
You are not here to be understood, nor taken care of.
You are here to be taken deeper into the core of who you are.
We are the Ancient Blooded Healers.
We've walked every inch of these lands, they are our Heart, our Blood, our Soul.
So don't despair when you're told you're not the one, or the chosen one or belong here anymore.
This is our time, to roam and fly free, to rise from the darkest depths of the time that once was lost in the memory of a flash of light.
Let me scream let me shout, let me hear your Soul call out in the night, it's Our time, it's Our truth, Ancient Blooded Healer I call to you.
Let me scream let me shout, let me call and awaken you from the darkest, of darkest nights - for my gift is to be here, awaiting you to answer the call - at your ready to guide you into the greatest life mystery is still awaiting to be sown.
It's our time, no more hiding, no more despair when you are seeking that which you thought was lost and gone.
It is you, dear Ancient Blooded Healer you - it is you, that calls you deep into the night.
For in the darkest mists, you true Purpose grows.
Let me guide you, let me rock you, let me shake you to your core, for this call I see you Ancient Blooded Healer - the walls collapsed around you - so that you could be free to spread your wings, that is all, that is all.
Hear me now, here me call - Ancient Blooded Healer return Home...
The darkest of nights, the depths of the underground - is but your subconscious awakening you into the call of the Light, from the night of the darkest depths of the call of your Soul = that has been there.... all along.
You are conscious now dear Lightworker, you are here to raise your call - let your voice be heard, let it scream and shout - let your Soul be free and for Humanity's sake - LET IT OUT!!
You are not a bird in a cage to be gawked at
You are not a dog on a lead being led
It is time Ancient Blooded Healer, it is time to wipe your tears, raise your dear head, stand tall and proud, for you are the Ancient Ones and you have been here since the dawning of time.
About time that you owned that, don't you think?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Calling the Ancient Blooded Healers into deep Life Purpose Service, doors open mid December 2020 click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
P.P.S. If you are stuck and on the treadmill...
If you're tired of not understanding why you can't be set free...
If you're attracting negative situation after negative situation no matter how much work you do...
To elevate your frequency...
To access higher dimensions...
Commences in 10 days click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence