I’ve been having the time of my Life and haven’t been sharing any of it.
Mar 26, 2023
I’ve been having the time of my Life and haven’t been sharing any of it.
This morning, I had a realisation after days of questioning this, that I feel bad for sharing my Joy, I feel like I shouldn’t be sharing it. Which is just ridiculous! I used to be so good at sharing the toxic karma trauma drama - but after years of solid work in healing and deep, deep inner work on myself, this last 6 months has seen the biggest turn around in my entire life. I have stepped into more joy than I ever have before and not sharing any of it? It’s like I feel bad for sharing my joy.. so interesting right?? Well.. I am breaking that now ha!
I have become more clear in what I am doing than ever before. In owning ‘how’ I run my business and thrive in it at the same time, doing what the fuck I LOVE and earning solid income from that. #bliss
I have that I have stepped into more joy and allowing myself to live my life.
I have a full time assistant in Reality Awareness that has given back my time freedom.
I had my first $25k day back in January and Reality Awareness has hit $1M all time revenue in February - these are major milestones that I have been deeply celebrating quietly behind the scenes.
All of this.. .whilst in more joy than I have ever been in.
In more… space than I have ever been in.
I have been consciously creating more space in my life. For… my life. I worked hard these last 7 years to get my company where it is today. And now, I can balance it with living a life I truly want to.
I have been enjoying spending time with my teenage daughter doing things she wants to do.
Enjoying that I have space to do this.
Whilst running a business I love.
Working with clients I love.
Writing books I love.
Enjoying spending time with the animals I love.
I’ve learnt to be in life and my business at the same time. Coming back to a life I love - with so much space, to enjoy it and the revenue keeps increasing - whilst I have more space than ever before, with a life, I love more than before.
I have been celebrating so much behind the scenes. I just haven’t been sharing any of it.
That doesn’t mean I don’t still have challenging moments - definitely not. Tears, feeling tired of all the driving living out in the country when my Soul craves oceanside living, let alone a teenage daughter who wants to socialise more than she ever has in her entire life, there is definitely still challenges, but the shift has come in finding the Joy in what I do… finding the love in my heart for the life I have, the life I have created and the deep stability that I have in my life now - and being so grateful for that.
I am ready to share my joy now, my smile more. I am ready to open up and share this life with someone too. To open my heart again to life, to all that encompasses. I have been living more than I have ever before and enjoying it quietly. I saw someone share the other day, “There are those that know how to share their life on social media, whilst remaining very private.” This rings true.
I have been focusing on what I am good at and doing what I love. I have been thriving and so have my clients turning up doing the work and I fucking love what I do. I love supporting them to thrive, to create the life that they too, love what they do and are fully supported in it.
I’ve found me. I’ve found what I truly do. I have returned to the love for myself and for my life in a way I have not experienced it before now.
Life is meant to be lived, through the hard time sand the good. But there is a point where you reach in your life and in the evolution of yourself, that there is more joy and good than there ever has been before. I have reached that point and I am grateful. The worst is now behind me and I can enjoy my life, in the full hearted self that I am, that I was and have returned to and that… is worth celebrating.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. LIFE - my 6 Week Private Mentoring is open. to come back into your LIFE. To come back into your Joy. To come back into your Heart, like the kind, open hearted you that you’ve always been and lost along the way. To be fully supported, in all ways and truly not just feel, but experience that in your life, in all areas whilst doing what you love, for, what you love. Click here for all the details as LIFE is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
P.P.S. My 12 Month Mentorship - Life Purpose Accelerator is OPEN NOW, send me a message to discuss if Life Purpose Accelerator is right for you 🤍