If you can't integrate the darkest aspects of humanity you've missed the game
Sep 25, 2023
If you can't integrate the darkest aspects of humanity - you haven't quite hit the ball with integrating aspects of humanity (shadow work). 🤯💥🎤 This is Advanced Shadow Work at it's finest.
You can be all like 'love and light' all you want - but it is such 🤮 spiritual bypassing when used in the context of 'Oh just love and light it everywhere.' = No.
If you can't integrate the narcissistic people in your life, the narcissistic government, the abusers, the peadophiles, if you can't integrate them on a shadow aspect - you're missing the game.
Does this trigger you? 🔥
If you are all of it - and if you can't integrate the darkest aspects - but you're still yelling at your dog when you're angry or you have road rage when someone cuts you off driving or you eat meat (murdering the animal you're eating) - how are you any different to the abuser or murderer out there?!
If you cannot see, let alone integrate yourself in every ‘dark’ and ‘light’ human, alien or reptile on the planet or inter-dimensional plane - you’re missing a crucial element of advancing your level of conscious evolution in spiritual & psychic development - let alone understanding relationship dynamics - the very basis of human functioning.
When you can integrate the darkest aspects of humanity that I just mentioned (and so much more out there), you shift to a higher vibration and you are not stuck in the 3D if you really want to put a label on it.
You're not 5D loving and lighting everything if you're not integrating those darkest aspects of humanity.
It is very confronting - but if you're reading this - you're ready for the next level of integrating your Shadow.
The ultimate transformation of dark to light and birthing an entirely new consciousness on the planet, comes from True Integration, not segregation and judgement 🤍
This is Advanced Shadow Work that lives in the Throat Chakra Consciousness, which is Advanced Psychic Development - part of my Advanced Chakra Consciousness series and the Advanced Certification for my students.
🤯💥🎤 This is Advanced Shadow Work at it's finest.
How do you feel reading this?
Are you ready for your next evolution in consciousness?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Daily - I am now uploading #micdrop bombs of advanced consciousness to my instagram, but facebook doesn't allow longer reels - so if you want daily psychic tips, advanced consciousness bomb drops of creation and spiritual inspiration then follow me on instagram @realityawareness.
P.S.S. Do you.. resonate with this Advanced Consciousness? I think the world is definitely ready for this 💫
P.S.S.S. Our 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter goes DEEP into the Consciousness of your Subconscious, if you're ready to truly shift that stuck, asleep and dormant parts of your life that is subconsciously running the show, comment QUANTUM below and I'll send you the details to join us.
P.S.S.S.S. This time of year, my calendar fills up FAST. If you're ready to dive deep on a 30min Psychic Reading call with me so you don't have to wait until 2024, comment PSYCHIC below and I'll send you the details.
P.S.S.S.S.S. - yes, a lot of messages - GODDESS CODES closes on Saturday! If you know you're meant for MORE and are ready to dig this deep to advance in all areas that you do, GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED is definitely for you. Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details before this closes!