It's more than likely it will happen

ancient blooded healer follow your heart anyway leaving unhealthy relationships life purpose Nov 20, 2019

It's more than likely it will happen. The question is, are you going to let it stop you?

When you step into your power, own who you are without apology, speak your truth - compassionately and kindly, follow your Heart - it is more than likely that people will leave your life. Either quietly, or loudly. The question is - is your Heart pull to your calling, to your Life Purpose, to your destiny louder and stronger, than the people around you, even those you're closest to?

Some people will call you crazy for having such big ideals.

Some people will tell you it's not a good idea (important: don't take advice from those who haven't done what you're doing or thinking about doing, the thing you cannot not do - like you just HAVE to do the thing).

Some people will bitch about you behind your back (which is just them wishing they had the courage to follow their own dreams, like you are).

Some people will give you ultimatums so that you stay in their life. ('If you do that thing, I can't be friends with you.' #control not #love)

The truth is - you WILL lose friends and family along the way.

The truth is - you can't not do what your Heart is calling you anyway.

So you do the thing anyway. (My Heart feels a massive YAY to this!).

Just - be prepared for it - like expect it. That way, it won't be such a great shock. Doesn't mean it won't hurt, or it won't sting, because especially when the people you thought the most, wouldn't do that do - allow yourself to feel the grief about it. And then continue on.

Those people may come back into your sphere.

Yet, you may have had an amazing experience through this entire thing watching all their behaviours play out.

And this amazing experience has given you the utmost clarity about:

  • Who are the real friends  (the ones who have stood by you the entire time, no matter what was going on - the good times AND the bad when you've needed the most support)
  • Showing you who has the same mindset that you need around you to continue with your big ass dreams that is imperative because you've become acutely aware of your energy field and are manifesting at the highest level that you've ever experienced and THAT becomes more important than their drama that they are STILL carrying on about for some reason. (That's okay, you still love them, you just don't have much time for such anymore. You're vibration and alignment to your Life Purpose is shifting and you are attracting incredibly amazing people into your life now that are aligned to this higher frequency)
  • That people will always come and go in your life, no matter what path you are on
  • That some people come back and some people don't

When you continue along the path that your Heart calls you no matter what, they may turn around and want to come back into your life, that is up to you to choose - of course. You may have shifted so much, you don't resonate anymore, but they feel guilty for not believing in you, or now they've realised, or now they see where you are and want an invite.

You don't have to give it to them, but you also don't need to be mean about it either.

You just continue on your FOCUS and your MINDSET, because that is how you got where you are now. Trust it.

Stepping into your power, starting to speak up in your Life Purpose and follow your true calling, may bring about these changes from the people around you.

  1. Because you are shifting your life/vibration/energy, of course that causes changes and
  2.  No body likes changes, because they can't control it and it is scary. Have compassion for them - and yourself. They don't want you to change. Continue to trust yourself anyway.

You may step up and out into your power, then something happens and you get scared for whatever reason or rhyme, just know that underlying it is always some sort of fear and to go and find that fear and love it to death.

The other factor here is that MOST lightworkers, healers, teachers of spiritual kind, usually, most of the time - when you first step out, is about healing your past life trauma of being burned at the stake or beheaded for being a witch/warlock or someone with 'magic' that is simply our intuition. A past life regression and healing the body trauma will help to shift this at it's core. (You can find my Past Life Integration and Healing right here, that does exactly this without waiting to book in and see someone: )

To start this process, self talk of, 'I know you've/I've been killed in a past life for speaking my truth and being who I am with my spiritual intuitive knowledge, it is not the 16th/17th/18th century, that isn't going to happen right now, so it is safe for us/you/I to be who I am, I'm here, we are safe now.' - along those lines, so you can self talk yourself into your spiritual power and truly own it. Your Heart is calling you to isn't it?

Whether you have to turn your back on some for a time, reason, season or lifetime whilst you make your dreams reality, or whether someone has turned their back on you for a time, reason, season or lifetime, know that you are safe and protected.

If your Heart is calling you to speak about a certain topic, or create a particular item, trust that.

And for a time, just stay away from the people who always have a negative response to your brilliant ideas - because that they are, and they are MEANT to be shared with the world, or your Heart wouldn't be feeling to.

"The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who DO." - Steve Jobs.


Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

P.S. There are only two places left for a space to release your fears and release the blocks that have been weighing you down feeling like they are paralysing you! 

Quick Shift is unlimited questions, unlimited text messages, unlimited support for 4 Days and there are only 2 places left on the introductory offer. Click here for all the details before these go and it increases from $77 to $197:

P.P.S. Reconfiguring Energetic Codes is the Quantum Upgrade to your energetics as we pass through this powerful portal of Galactic Alignment and high frequency pouring through - time to consciously align and shift things, nothing has been able to until now. Click here for all the details, we start on our New Moon next week: