It's not about what you're walking away from
Oct 04, 2021
It's not about what you're walking away from, but what you're walking towards.
Sometimes, you don't even realise how much something has been holding you back, until you LET GO.
Until the last threads snap and you drop what you were clinging onto out of fear, because you never knew any other option... until now.
You knew there were things you wanted, can see and have always known true to be in your vision, and yet, you stayed.. because... who knows why you stayed.
At the end, you look back now and think 'Wah, what on EARTH was I staying for??'
Maybe you thought it was the right thing.
Maybe you weren't ready.
Maybe you didn't even know you were holding onto something that disintegrated years ago.
But you kept trying.
And yet...
It isn't about what you're walking away from.
Or trying to fix. Or were trying to fix.
It is simply that you turning your focus to where you are going, where your HEART is guiding you, where your INTUITION is guiding you - everything else becomes irrelevant.
A bit like removing your energy and focus on things you don't want, or cutting all contact for a narcissists supply - you just INSTANTLY FEEL BETTER and wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
And yet, it is just time. Now.
And you're not even worried about all the what if's but's, when's, why's because you realise how amazing it feels to just... be where you are being guided to be now - the place that is in ALIGNMENT with your Soul and no more malignant mis-alignment - ever 🥴 Cause that? That lesson - taught you what mis-alignment feels like and you'll stay away from that with a ten-foot barge pole from now on.
Over here, in ALIGNMENT, just feels better.
So does the focus.
And THAT is also where the magic lays.
And you feel it, glistening like the crystalline structure of our Divine Earth Grids and you choose, to stay here, from here on in.
Where is your ALIGNMENT today? And everyday from this moment forth?
Life lays, on the other side of fear - do it anyway.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. I am soooo excited to be releasing MINDSET RESET!!!
In our Two Week Immersion I will be guiding you to change your mind, change your life.
Without Mindset, I would not be where I am today.
I would not have the house or car I have, the business I have - the life I have without this crucial factor alongside my healing work.
Everything I have done in my business, ideas, clients, all the pieces - have come through meditation AND journalling sessions. I have literally written my life into existence and I feel so excited to be diving into a Two Week Immersion with you for ALL the pieces related to journalling, mindset, uncovering the blocks and obliterating them and stepping into your reality - with whatever it is that you WANT.
Are you ready to write your reality into existence? Click here for all the details:
P.P.S. Goal Reacher Program - never stays open for long! I notice every time I open it, it is a short window to jump in with me on this one, I feel that is because it is a fast approach to shifting the deepest stuff you didn't even think was possible. It is common for me to hear -
- I've never told a Soul this stuff before - cue massive shifts in their life.
- Counsellors don't work - cue - changes that have been stuck for lifetimes unravelling in minutes.
It's the space I hold as I see who you really are and ignite what you have inside of you... doors close Friday Midnight AEST, click here for all the details:
P.P.P.S. 3D to 5D - HOLDS you in the frequency you wish to become, that you ARE, that is your Divine Birthright - without getting pulled into the drama of the crumbling world that you see at your feet. Click here, for all the details, the Triple Goddess Bundle is about to DROP: