It's okay to say no.
Sep 27, 2021
It's okay to say no.
It's okay to change your mind.
It's okay to be ahead of your time.
It's okay that people don't understand you. Or won't.
It's okay that you realise that living on 250 acres isn't a suitable environment and you'd prefer sharks, dolphins and humans than red belly black snakes, ticks and dust as your friends.
It's okay to realise the truth of who you are and take action accordingly.
It's okay to ask for what you REALLY want and not settle for anything less.
It's okay to lock yourself away, block out the world and get your purpose work done.
It's okay to trust your intuition on how to do business, what choices to make, how to create your content and how to manage your finances.
It's okay to howl your eyes out about the fact you have not been listening to your intuition; let people's ideas get stuck in your head so much you forgot who the fuck you were; realise that everything in your life to date has been created from your subconscious unconscious creation and that's what this last 12 months of recalibration has been about.
A complete restructure of reality, from the inside out, the 'pop' has occurred.
The conscious creation walks forth from the clean slate, from this moment on....
After the howling tears continue to fall, amongst the momental shifts... I am a Queen who holds all the waves, who rides, all the waves, who feels the deepest depths and merging realities beyond time like Magic.
It's okay to take time to heal, to cry, to find your Magic again, to reclaim the lost parts of yourself and come back stronger than ever, with more aliveness, determination, an open Heart, so you can Love Life, once again.
It's okay, to trust yourself on this.
Your intuition, is the one, you can trust.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. These are the final days for INTUITION - For Queens Who Want It All - LET THE MAGIC BEGIN. Send me a message if you know this 1:1 working closely with me, is where you need to be, to create the magic, to re-find yourself, your spark and honour the call of your Heart - Home. Doors close Friday midnight AEST 🌟