Adrenaline - Societies Training Ground
Aug 14, 2020
Adrenaline - Societies Training Ground
We have been born into this reality on adrenalin. It serves a purpose. And we are grown into and accustomed to this way of living.
But this is not our natural state.
Adrenalin strains the kidneys as the adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and the kidneys are where the fear lays.
Adrenaline serves us - in alerting us to danger, and being able to run from saber-toothed tigers.
But they aren't around anymore (so they say!)
The point is, is that we are not meant to live on adrenaline 24/7, but we are in a society that enables this.
"The inner glands produce adrenaline. Adrenaline is also known as the “fight-or-flight hormone.” It's released in response to a stressful, exciting, dangerous, or threatening situation. Adrenaline helps your body react more quickly." (from
Foods also exacerbate adrenaline, to name a few:
- coffee
- chocolate
- anything with caffeine
- garlic produces anxiety that can stimulate the adrenals and panic/flight or fight.
When you look at: "It's released in response to a stressful, exciting, dangerous, or threatening situation." - and what we are exposed to with the media, with movies, with sounds?
You can see that we are fed this from a very early age and how through authoritarian parenting, schooling, rules and regulations - this is an accustomed society. This is, one may say, how we are controlled - through fear.
Authoritarian parenting? You could replace that with government, that word - or any rules ultimately. You could also label it narcissism.
Do this or I will.... (threat)
If you don't act this way, you will be loved (threat, that leads to behaviours one wouldn't usually do, but become normal and thus loose themselves)
If you don't do this or follow this system, I will take this away from you (money, fame, whatever it is, threat and drops into fear of loss)
Be here at this time, work for this many hours, go to school for this many hours, line up, be here, do this or you will be a bad person and society will frown upon you. Is the basic undertone of why we are all drones from training from a very young age, that has been passed down for generations.
There are so many more, however, you get the gist.
We are trained, from a very young age, that abuse is normal and accepted, let alone hush hush and the repercussions through threats if you ever opened your mouth about it. (You only need to look at movies and programs with eyes wide open to see this! Let alone our own family systems.)
All of these, contribute and keep us in that fight or flight mode.
The body, is accustomed to it - however, it is in constant go go go mode.
You may not sleep soundly...
You may constantly be burnt out, stressed out, in fear, jumpy or extremely fatigued - for the adrenal glands are not meant to be switched on all the time. They are there to help us run away from danger, from that, saber-toothed tiger.
Our body also can never heal in this state, and so we are constantly sick and in the disease state that leads to the majority constantly at the doctor with the fix me mentality.
This, has also been indoctrinated into us - we can't do anything for ourselves. We need outside sources to be good enough.
- school certificates
- university degrees
- higher eduction
- white picket fence, marriage and happy family
- stay in the lane or you are fill in the blank
- fear fear fear of being good enough, loved enough, accepted enough at it's core
These are all concepts sewn into us from an early age.
However, society is waking up.
We are realising that:
- our body naturally heals when it is given the chance
- that it isn't about what we add to our diet, but what we take away (ie fasting, cutting out crappy foods)
- that there is no magic pill
- that we are the ones who are here to save us
- that trusting our intuition is the most powerful tool we could ever have
- that no body has power over us, no matter how many threats they throw in our face
- that death is not scary and we just reincarnate again to do our job again anyway
Adrenaline can be switched off - the fight or flight can be switched off.
We can do this in many, many ways, but here are some to name a few:
- turn off technology
- connect with nature
- have candle light dinners and baths
- slow down
- breathe deeper, slow down your breath consciously
- yoga
- meditation
- breath work
- choose to be slower
- tell your body you are safe now
- cry
- paint with water colours (releases the emotions and trauma from the astral body) (as do many other art therapies)
- stop the caffeine and other anxiety and adrenaline producing foods and activities (may need to release the trauma from the body to do so easily)
The body holds trauma amongst many other things and when this is sitting in our body, we are constantly on edge and that flight or fight has a breeding ground. We react and project and have a society that is judgemental towards one another and in great separate and divide, not realising, that it begins - with the separation you feel towards your own family system, body and life with the big lumps of trauma energetically keeping you disconnected to self.
We are accustomed to living this way as a society and it has been normalised. It is also addictive.
When we slow down, and switch off the flight or fight, people are not accustomed to 'quiet' and 'calm' and so they create fights and adrenaline producing 'dramas' in their own life, because that is what the brain neural pathways are accustomed to and in that system of.
There is a big chunk of mindset, trauma work and consciously choosing that the peace and calm is normal, okay and training your body and system to be in this vibration, rather than the vibration of adrenaline society we have been raised in.
The more of us that do this, on a mental, spiritual, emotional, physical - all of the bodies sense - we shift our vibration and release ourselves from the dark, heavy, lower vibrational grid that we are born into.
It just depends, if you WANT to.
If you haven't read my blog on 'This is what happens when you cut a toxic relationship' explaining the sensations around accustoming and training yourself to be in peace, not the adrenaline chemical rush of being in an unhealthy situation, whether intimate relationship, work and career, family or drug addiction - click here to read this to get more insight on how to shift this:
If you haven't listened to my free audio on boundaries and what actually happens when you say no to an unhealthy situation no matter what situation that is, click here to listen:
Do you find it challenging to stay out of fight or flight and adrenaline due to our societal training and upbringing? Comment below and let me know if you'd like me to run a free training on how we can shift this together and individually.
You can imagine, if all individuals were looking at shifting themselves out of this addictive adrenaline producing life and society right?
You can imagine, what that would do, if we all shifted into peace and calm, not just thinking it - but FEELING it, with every ounce of our body and life right?
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. If you are needing support getting you through the most unsettling and un-nerving times on this planet and are wondering how on Earth you up-level during such a time, click here for my 30 Day Reality Shifter for all the details: