Last week’s Full Moon was one of the darkest, heaviest and extremely intense Full Moons
Apr 18, 2020
Last week’s Full Moon was one of the darkest, heaviest and extremely intense Full Moons - but not just that - that was a dark portal that I haven’t felt since December 2018 - who remembers December 2018? It was SUPER dark for SO many of us - do you remember this?
Yesterday I walked into a health food shop and the lady, just happened to be from the Sunshine Coast too #smallworld. I went into get some Sage and she was out - she said that everyone has been coming in from the Full Moon to get some and I was like - argh - that was like the hardest, darkest and heaviest Full Moon, this dark portal - that I haven’t felt for 18 months! She was like - that is what everyone is saying! Ah, was confirmation for me - it wasn’t just me!
You know how I always talk about the 18 month healing cycle? Gosh - THAT. 18 months ago and is where I shared the ‘Why the Witches and Darkness are turning up on in your house’ livestream - that was from then! Well - that was in January, and in December 2018 - remember how much Atlantis Rising Energy was around then too?
The 9 month point and the 18 month point are when the ‘past rises’ - as it releases..
There has been STRONG Triple Goddess, Dark Mother, Lilith Energy around - AND Mary Magdalene and what is interesting about this - with the current world events, Easter, Rebirth - and the 18 month point since ‘Atlantis Rose’ - energy portal - it is like we have ‘locked into’ - the Atlantean energy consciousness now.
The Dark Mother, Triple Goddess and Mary Magdalene - all those that ‘got a bad wrap’ - for being a High Priestess - were told that sexuality is bad - that you are a demon because you are deeply spiritual, that you’re a sex slave and prostitute - because you hold a specific energy.
And here we are - with the same astrological line up as back in the 1600’s that hasn’t occurred since then - and that - was the peak of the witch hunts and now - we are in that same portal right now.
However - we are ‘coming around this round’ - with a different awareness.
The world is falling into calm chaos - people are freaking out and wondering what to do - feeling powerless and starting to wake up to the reality of what lock down actually means and that life - will never be the same again.
More and more people are turning to the alternative way of life - that for people like me - nothing has changed.
I somewhat laugh - people are getting a taste of what my life is like - being at home, homeschooling - and more and more people are turning to online technology businesses. Welcome to my reality!
Last week, was HEAVY asf! You know when I am processing BIG stuff - when I go quiet!
It has been the hugest growth point of my life, not just being out here, but the painful realities I have had to face - the deep uncomfortability that - this time?
I faced it - I WANTED to run away - and that is my old patterns that I shattered this last two weeks.
The Darkness was super present in December 2018 - it was a time when MANY people struggled with SO many facets of their life falling away in ways they could never have imagined before.
Last week? Was a dip into the same energy - OLD REALITIES FALLING AWAY.
What happens when two worlds collide? Things shift out that are NOT needed anymore AND an adjustment phase of how two worlds coming together even works or what it is even about. What births out the other side? Oh the LUSH reality of the beautiful life we live!
I have shifted so much this past few weeks - from leaving QLD because of the Category 4 cyclone that took me out West, that the cyclone never eventuated - this broke old realities for me. It showed me I can road trip with my animals and took me out of stuck, stagnant patterns that I didn’t know how to get out of in my work - that I knew I had to shift, but that road trip MADE me shift.
From being SUPER disciplined for the past 4 years in building my online business that has given me the freedom to be where I am now, without worrying about world events because I am not on any system that I rely on, but the one I have built for myself, that for the past 4 years - I would get up at 4-5am and work for 18 hours a day, being a mum and doing what I do. As I said - people are tasting my reality - working from home and homeschooling! WELCOME! 😉
This - getting up at 4-5am - this has been me solidly committing to creating the freedom reality that you see me live right now. What do I mean? I mean that for the past 4 years - I have been writing my reality into existence - what did I do, getting up at 4-5am everyday? It would always start with my favourite black coffee and journalling, whilst listening to my favourite music.
I RARELY missed a day. If I did - I was up at 2am on a training call with my mentor, Regan Hillyer.
Doing what most people won’t to live a lifestyle, most only dream about.
Why am I sharing all of this?
Because I KNOW the catalysts of the Category 4 Cyclone that didn’t eventuate and the lockdown saga - leading me here to Country Victoria to be out in deep Nature during this time - has come about - from all the journalling of my reality into existence!
There is only so much ‘doing the work’ before action needs to be taken.
There is only so much internal work - before external action must be taken.
You can sit there and visualise until the cows come home - but you MUST put those intuitive thoughts into action - if you want reality to change! It is a two part phase - your Soul/intuition/ideas and then the physical action - creates it. It is the delicate balance of Light (thoughts/ideas) and Dark (physical reality), of Masculine (action/physical reality) and Feminine (intuition/thought).
Not knowing how to break out of the patterns - but knew they needed to shift - I had been sitting there for almost 4 years creating my online business and journalling to my heart’s content about all facets of my life and what I wanted them to look like, from how successful my business is, to the life I live and with who - all of it - that ‘had to burst out’ at some point and dear Spirit - knowing just how to get my ass moving with the Cat 4 Cyclone to break the first mould of patterns - like shifting the way I work.
I would always get up at 4-5am and livestream in my private groups at 7am… being out at Dad’s - the Sunrises out there in the outback - were something else. I would get up, journal and watch the sunrise, spending time with our animals as they all would enjoy the outback freedom lifestyle we were in.
This taught me to change my schedule - and so I did. I shifted my schedule around and began starting work later - because I could, and it felt good. Now - I am here and I am grateful I had already changed this as… it is COLD down here in Country Victoria most of the day, let alone first thing in the morning - and I keep getting gently reminded it isn’t even winter yet 😳 I have lived in the subtropics for the past 16 years and yet, the cold - has been a nice change. I had reached a point where I was over the humidity and for the past 2 years, had felt like I was in a snow winter, even though the seasons changed around me - perhaps, it was preparing me for this. Let alone my draw to Wimhoff recently before I came here too. All this preparation!
Oh, so that’s how I change it 🤣 Might seem like a no brainer - but this showed me how much we get stuck in stagnant patterns at home without even knowing/realising and feeling so blocked at how to change things! I get it now!
And yet, the Universe always had my back - with the ‘forced’ ways I ‘had’ to get out of my house, not once - but two times in a month! #sograteful
Without the first trip, it wouldn’t have led me here and it showed me I can be totally free - meaning, bring our animals with us - didn’t even need to go home! #stilldont #sograteful
Last weeks’ Full Moon portal - I wish I had some heads up with the 18 month cycle! 🤣 But, I know now.. and see - exactly what reality I have shifted out of - to where I am now - on this Earth, surrounded by Gumtrees and this space here, riding these waves, birthing new realities - oh, this is what I have been journalling about for YEARS!!
Can you see what reality you have birthed out of?
What was going on for you in December 2018? Even Oct/Nov/Dec 2018? It was heavy and dark yes? And it feels like the past 2 weeks have been a dip into that - because - that is the 18 month birthing point - so whatever was ‘lost’ or ‘went down’ back in 2018 - whatever you thought you ‘lost’ - is now - birthing into a new space of the reason it didn’t work out - what HAD to let go back then. If you look at the 18 months prior to that - this current past 18 months has been the transition into the space of what you’ve been moving towards for quite some time.
Who else feels this?
Feels like the current energies that is for sure!
The next two months - teething it out until June - then I feel the next reality shift will be apparent then too - which, with current world events… gosh - what a journey right?
It’s kinda interesting to me too, that for the past 3-4 years I have been on self disciplined lockdown, building my business, sacrificed SO MUCH including surfing my local beach to say the least and now - on world lockdown I have travelled more and had more freedom in the past 6 weeks than I have in the past 4 years 🤣 So interesting!
This past two weeks has seen darkness that surfaced in December 2018, rise again - and through that - it was back then - because I chose my Light.
This time?
I also chose my Light.
But 2 days before it all began to unfold two weeks ago - I chose - to step further into my Light (my Life Purpose Mentorship Tribe & my Mentor knows the exact meaning of this!) and then… all this surfaced… every time we rise in our Light - we are challenged - are you sure? Are you REALLY sure you want to do this?
Yes. I am sure. Really Sure.
And so I am.
No matter how dark it gets… I keep going, until.
And then some.
“When you increase the capacity of Light Quotient that you hold, people will get triggered and rip you to shreds. Continue to increase the capacity of Light Quotient you hold anyway.”
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
P.S. Through this dark portal of time - the Archangels have been right by my side! Not long ago they kept tapping me on the shoulder to channel ‘Messages for Humanity’ and how pertinent during this time of huge change’ 🙏🏻
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